Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Today, Chattooga County Sole Commissioner Blake Elsberry signed a Resolution for Life. By doing so, he affirms the county’s advocacy for life and that it will support life from conception.

Post Roe v. Wade, the Left is ramping up for radical change on abortion policy in America. Local municipalities, like Chattooga County, are at the forefront of this battle and should take a stand for life. I urge all counties, especially ones in NW Georgia to do the same as Chattooga.

@repmtg Focusing on everything except the brown invasion, demographic replacement and white genocide. You are fucking worthless.

@MCharlton @repmtg Someone didn't get to beat his wife today.

@rubrumlobortis @MCharlton @repmtg White genocide is happening.

@MCharlton @repmtg No, she is PROMOTING White genocide, because majority of the babies born today are non-White.

@repmtg only 6 % think that this abortion-shit is important ... but it will give you 40 Mio new negroes, unwanted, low class, highly criminal and aggressive, within the next 2 decades -- you get what you deserve you superstitios morons !

@repmtg Many countries around the world are much more stringently against abortion than we are, and yet, the liars in the media mafia preach the exact opposite. It's time to arrest the entire mainstream media apparatus and charge them with high crimes and treason!



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