Lara Adams-Miller #dunning-kruger #transphobia

I think I finally put my finger on a recurring theme in how mtf TRAs use the struggles of actual marginalized people as a lever to coerce support from social progressives.

The inherent message is, “You owe us.” Their smug “gotcha” demeanor is that of white men who’ve spent decades feeling obligated to and resentful of the marginalized groups protected from discrimination. They see what gays & lesbians have won, how we’ve clawed our way up from a hated taboo to a legitimate identity. They’ve had to observe non-discrimination policies of Black people and other racial and ethnic minorities in their businesses. In the military, they’ve sat through training after training on cultural competency and what’s required when serving alongside or commanding POC.

And now it’s, “You owe us.”

The subtext in their speech is- If the gross homosexuals get to have equality, then THEY ought to get all that and then some. If people who are a WHOLE DIFFERENT COLOR than them must be accepted, then no one has any right to categorize them by sex. Their racism and homophobia shows every time they draw these comparisons. If women get to have body positivity, then everyone should be required to pretend TW don’t look like men. They want the protections other vulnerable groups receive, and also a great deal more. They entered the world of “the oppressed” with expectations informed by their experiences as privileged white men.

They perceive women, minorities, the disabled, etc., as being coddled and catered to. This has given way to irrational expectations. Listen to them speak, hear the “gotcha!” in their message when they use these poor equivalencies as proof that social justice demands they get whatever they want. They believe other marginalized groups are being given whatever they want. They’ve declared themselves women, demonstrating their ideas about how women speak & behave. They’ve declared themselves oppressed. Now they’re demonstrating how they perceive other marginalized groups’ fight for equality.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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