James Rink #conspiracy #ufo #magick supersoldiertalk.com

The German Space Program

The origins of the German space program go back to 1918, when members of the Thule Society started to receive communications from extraterrestrials through medium Maria Orsic These communications contained instructions on how to build antigravity devices, temporal displacement technology and portal technology. In the early 1920s, Thule member Dietrich Eckart invited Adolf Hitler to attend a session with Orsic, as Hitler had already been chosen by the Illuminati to be Germany’s leader. With help from extraterrestrials, the Nazis had by 1936 developed a fleet of flying saucers that included the Rundflugzeug, Vril, Haunebu and Andromedagerat models.

It isn’t clear whether the ETs who contacted Orsic are the same as the Aryan ETs who supported the Third Reich. According to Rink, the Aryan ETs are tall blond-haired, blue-eyed humanoids who are very racist.

Base 211 – Neuschwabenland

During the 1930s, the Nazis began construction of a base in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, which was known as Base 211. In 1938 the first inhabitants settled there, and Germany invaded Poland four months later.

By 1940 the Antarctic base had 300,000 inhabitants, called Neuschwabenlanders, who were provisioned by U-boats. They used geothermal energy to power their facilities and, later, free-energy technology.

Operation Highjump

In 1946-1947, President Truman ordered Rear Admiral Richard Byrd to organize a military assault on Base 211. It was officially called an exploratory expedition, and it included 4,700 men, 13 ships and multiple aircraft. The fleet was met by flying saucers, probably piloted by ETs, which shot up out of the ocean and destroyed several aircraft and at least one ship. Allegedly, the greys offered technology that would help the U.S. defend itself against the Nazis. In reality, however, the Illuminati ruling class of the U.S. were Nazi sympathizers. Furthermore, the greys, like the Illuminati, were acting on behalf of the Draco Empire.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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