Iblis #conspiracy blackpill.club
My thoughts on Ukraine
Our elites increase their control over us through psy-ops. Their way of ruling mimics the Hegelian Dialectic, which goes as follows: the elites want to increase their control over us but can't do that without angering the masses. They create a problem, which instills intense fear in the masses, which creates a desire for more government control. Because to them, the government functions as their 'protectors', rather than as a parasitic entity. Then, the government can increase their control over the masses by portraying it as a solution to the problem they themselves created. Example: welcome millions of young, high-T men with nothing to lose to your state. When they inevitably start rapping and killling everyone around them, increase surveillance and police presence.
After WWII, the first psy-op was the Red Scare and the so-called Cold 'War' (which wasn't really a war because both sides knew they couldn't attack one another). Then came Islamic terrorism, the wars in the Middle-East and the wave of rapefugees that came along with it. Then came 'global warming'. The weird thing about this one was that they kept trying to create deadlines, like 'the world will end in 20XX if we don't stop eating meat now'. A common year given was 2030. But this meant that the hoax had a limited timespan. So then Covid happened. Now, that psy-op can no longer be milked out anymore either. Too much information has been leaked out about the corruption involved in this scheme and everyone who was willing to be vaccinated, has now been vaccinated. The masses are getting angry and Canada has shown the elites that westerners are not yet meek enough to push them this much.
The Ukraine-Russia conflict is the latest psy-op and will give the elites another chance to implement the WEF sustainable development goals, which they tried implementing through Covid. Things that they themselves have announced they would do like shutting down the internet, power shortages and food shortages can all happen, with the excuse of it being a result of war. Western leaders are intentionally trying to fuel the fire by imposing sanctions, even though Europe is completely dependent on Russia for gas and is thus shooting itself in the foot. [...]