various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
A Jew promoting the idea of people being put on a government list.

Imagine my shock...

Never ever trust a Jew. This is what their blood compels them to do. Even partial Jews.

Many of the people commenting on this post belong on a list.

( @Scootsy_Dubs )
@Nature_and_Race the #1 rule of life that I teach my children, and soon to be grandchildren, is and always will be: never trust a jew

( @SaraBellun )
@Nature_and_Race I agree. Even half-breeds are far more jew than gentile.

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race What’s the cutoff for partial Jews, you think? 1/24th may still be too sneaky, oy vey!

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Albzi -- According to ancient Vedic science, they said admixture has to be below 1/128th to eliminate all harmful aspects of non-white blood. I would hold the same standard for Jewish admixture. Personally, I believe that any detectible Jewish DNA is too much. 1%, 2%, too much.

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race you know that Jews tainted the Spanish race for eternity? The Jews of Spain opened the Gates of Toledo in 711 for the Islamic invasion which lasted 900 years. And today, Spaniards have Arabic and Black African DNA. You look at some photos of Spaniards and they are just dark. And like you said, these Spaniards may have 2% Black/Moorish/Arab DNA, but you can see it in them.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )
@Nature_and_Race @Albzi

What's your opinion on partial Jews that served in the Wehrmacht?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Nicholas_Scholl -- They weren't White. They shouldn't have been allowed to serve the German fatherland in any capacity. And their presence amongst the German people was a constant danger.


( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race @Nicholas_Scholl I agree, people think too naively about partial Jews. Just because they seem good doesn’t mean their Jewishness is gone. Who’s to say what’s going through those people’s minds? It’s like the Neanderthal DNA. We’re 2% Neanderthal, and thousands of years later, their degenerate DNA affects most people negatively.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )
@Nature_and_Race @Albzi

Pretty much my attitude as well.

It was an odd policy allowing them to serve.



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