Alrighty then, since you want to bring up video games, let’s look to the Fallout series and their SPECIALs.
S- Strength: In game this would be a measure of physical strength. In RL, a ‘strong’ person is someone who keeps his/her head up when faced with adversity and refuses to give in.
In other words: Not you.
P- Perception: In game this is the ability to know what is going on around you in order to avoid danger. In RL, a ‘perceptive’ individual would not only be able to spot bullshit, but be aware when he/she was reeking of it themselves.
In other words: Not you.
E- Endurance: In game, the ability to take more damage and keep going, a measure of health. In RL, much the same; a person who takes physical care of him/herself, not likely to prematurely and unexpectedly finish before his partner, leaving him/her unsatisfied.
In other words: Not you.
C- Charisma: In game, charm. The ability to speak successfully with companions and NPCs, and get discounts with merchants. In RL, much the same. This skill affects relationships, both personal and professional. A person with high Charisma is capable of influencing others.
In other words: Not you.
I- Intelligence: In game, this affects many of the other skills and it’s generally a good idea to put as many points into this one during character building. Perception, Charisma and Luck all get buffs from intelligent decisions you make in-game. It’s the ability to know when to shoot off your gun vs. shooting off your mouth. In RL, it’s the smarts required to know that success with anyone (regardless of sex) relies on your ability to not act like a fucking dipshit during a simple conversation; avoiding braggadocio, threats and not acting like you hate the person with whom you are speaking.
In other words: Not you.
A- Agility: In game, the ability to act quickly on the decisions you make. Think of it as athletics. In RL, this is both mental and physical. Physical agility prevents you from using your face to block an incoming punch. Mental agility prevents you from saying something that will trigger said punch.
In other words: Not you.
L- Luck: In game, this affects many of your other stats and abilities. High luck can mean the difference between finding a ton of caps or staying broke most of the time (also ties in with Intelligence, as you need to decide when you level up how many points to add to your various stats). It can mean the difference between successfully hiding from a passing family of Deathclaws and failing to do so, resulting in a long, merciless woopin’. In RL: this is largely governed by the knowledge that there are times in our lives in which we must make our own luck; successful speech check with a member of the opposite sex, for example. It’s gaining a person’s attention then holding it long enough to gain their interest. Not being an entitled fucking asshole helps.
In other words: Not you.
I do hope this helps. If nothing else, perhaps you’ll be able to do video game comparisons competently. Because the crap you posted is well…bullshit.