This is disgusting. As several people have said above, this is a stupid mythos – why is it that the aliens in these UFO narratives (which often seem to be a stand in for just pop culture ideas of “angels” and “demons” in Christianity) are always divided into two factions: “positive” and “negative”? It reminds me of the obligatory “good and evil” factions in any sort of toyetic 80s action sci-fi/fantasy cartoon (for one example, the Autobots vs. Decepticons in Transformers)*. And, of course, the “negative” aliens are always based on creatures that mainstream culture is constantly brainwashing us into thinking are “bad” or “ugly” from a very young age, such as insects and spiders, reptiles, amphibians, and all kinds of other creatures that people want you to think are “ugly” or “mean”, like hyenas, vultures, or leeches. The “good” aliens always very boring and milquetoast, and are either immaterial creatures or racist white supremacist ideas of “idealized humanity” (i.e. the “Nordics”, and “Pleiadians” that are a staple in mainstream UFO lore). If we’re lucky, we get something where the classic Greys and/or their similarly shaped kin are on the “good” side. Also, of course, Humans are ALWAYS THE BEST, and EVERYONE’S JEALOUS OF THEM. This is a very humanocentric, bigoted and biased view of the universe. I don’t like this stuff, despite the intriguing concepts that occasionally come up with it, like certain ideas of “densities” and “dimensions” in some interpretations of them.
*Basically, in kid’s-show black and white morality, there’s always two sides: The (bland) Good Side, which tries to appeal to Morality Guardians by being as dumb and uncontroversial as possible, and the Evil Side, where all the *interesting* characters are, generally. Or more interesting, sometimes. This is because anything too “different” (i.e. aliens based on creatures other than humans, or other mammals, anything that looks overtly “monstrous” or strange, bugs and worms, mutants, etc. the list could go on) and in general just people having personalities and flaws like normal human people (or monsters, or aliens, or w/e), is too controversial for the Morality Guardians(tm). This extends, in a form that disguises itself as being “more sophisticated”, to things like Pathfinder and D&D, as well as video games like World of Warcraft, with everything superficially “ugly” or strange being “evil”. That’s why I only read quality, but more “niche” speculative fiction and such as opposed to the pop-trash.