Nowadays, in case you hadn't noticed, you are an adult, and you see a lot of life that was there in 1960, but "in the closet", at least as far as children were concerned. Gays and bisexuals existed but had to pretend otherwise, transsexuals would have existed if the appropriate surgery and hormone therapy had been available, druggies and alcoholics existed, atheists existed but had to keep quiet about it (and none of them cared what flavor of bible you used) because society was almost exclusively for those who toed the party line. Hell, in the small town I lived in during the late 40s and most of the 50s, there were no Jews and only one catholic, and we all knew the girl who got pregnant by her brother, and the girl from the Pentecostalist church who came to school in long opaque stockings because her legs were covered in bruises, but nobody talked about either of those things, nosirree-bob. Your ignorance of the history of all those things was understandable for a very young child, but is downright embarrassing for an adult.