
Miguel Mendonça #conspiracy #ufo express.co.uk

Author Miguel Mendonça, 42, now claims the so-called alien-hybrid community is expanding on Earth and vital to the future of the human race because of how they are helping us "evolve into higher beings".

Mr Mendonça, who suffers with MS, the illness that leaves suffers with neurological symptoms, muscle pain and severe physical and mental exhaustion, even feels better with increased energy levels for having regular contact with the hybrids, although he stressed it could not cure his condition.He said: "It's made no difference to my condition, but I do feel better on some levels."

Mr Mendonça, from Bristol, was formerly research manager for the World Future Council, which promotes best policy renewable power sources, and has written extensively on green energy policy.

However, for his latest publication, Meet The Hybrids: The Lives And Missions of ET Ambassadors On Earth published by Amazon and co-authored with Barbara Lamb, he spent time interviewing eight people who claim they have grown up with implanted alien DNA in their bodies and are part of a mission to improve mankind. Ms Lamb has held great interest in the claims since she first heard them and has been an alien abduction researcher since the 1980s.

Mr Mendonça said he began the project with an open mind, but after finishing the research was convinced they were telling the truth and thinks he has now solved the mystery of why UFOs allegedly visit the Earth. He said: "I try to keep my feet on the ground as much as possible.

"My background is in renewable energy policy gained as an academic, so I have to be sure of my facts. "These hybrids are raising the vibration and awakening people. I have begun to go through this process and to me it is undeniable. "Whenever someone with a strong ET aspect talks to me I feel my energy shift - it just goes through the roof. "I find myself seeing energy with my third eye.

"I am a writer, and just wanted to share their stories, and had no clue I would be affected, it's changed my life. "I will try to use what has been revealed. For one thing, it has solved some of the mystery of the UFO subject. "We know why they are coming here and who they are."

In researching the book, each 'hybrid' was given the same set of questions to answer, including how they discovered they were a hybrid, what their genetic make-up was, and why they were here on Earth. Mr Mendonça told Express.co.uk: "What became clear was how similar each of their accounts were. These were hybrids independent of each other who were describing the same experiences."

Among the interviewees was Robert Frost-Fullington, 36, from California, in the US. He claimed to have DNA from four alien species known as reptilians, Sirians, Tall Whites and those which appear like a praying mantis. He claimed in the book to have had implants inserted under his tongue at the age of five, before experiencing several encounters with aliens. After periods of "conscious recall", in 2011, he said he realised he was a hybrid.

Asked how he was created, he said: "When the human woman becomes pregnant, she's taken up onto a craft and the beings will take the embryo and create a genetic overlay." But far from seeing this non-consensual kidnap and interference as sinister, Mr Frost-Fullington and other hydbrids, including women, claim it is being done in the interest of humanity. The people interviewed claimed their mission on Earth was to "raise" what they believe is a "frequency" on Earth by increasing an energy they refer to as "vibrations."

They all suggested this was triggering an ascension to take place, whereby humans will evolve from the third to an alleged fifth dimension, and lead more spiritual rather than physical lives.

Things such as war and violence are likely to end, it is claimed. Tatiana Amore, 34, from southern England, was also interviewed, and said she was predominately of the "Pleiadian" race. She said: "I understand the Earth is now changing to a new frequency which is meant to be lighter and better for humans."

However, although the hybrid were described as independent, one of them was Cynthia Crawford, 67, from Arizona.

It became clear in the book she had counselled and met several of the other interviewees before the research began. Mrs Crawford and Mrs Lamb also both spoke at the 2011 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) annual convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Irvine, California, according to skepticblog.com.

Express.co.uk asked Mr Mendonça why he had not extended the research to interviewing the alleged hybrid's parents, or more scientific tests, such as putting the subjects through DNA and lie detector testing, and locating their alleged implants for further examination. Mr Mendonça said: "Some said their parents were freaked out or did not want to know because they were old-school Christians."

He did not believe DNA screening would show anything unusual, because: "All it would find is their normal code and it would ignore anything else." He added that they were reluctant to give up their DNA samples amid fears "secret military projects would use it to create human super soldiers." But he added: "Robert is apparently warming to the idea of doing DNA testing, but we did not ask people to submit to DNA tests as much as anything because we did not have funding for that." He added he had not considered the use of lie detectors or scans for implants, but that there had been an "independent verification" of interviewee Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch, a 28-year-old woman from southern England, having a "possible implant".

Russian Propaganda #crackpot #psycho express.co.uk

Russia propaganda claims UK on 'brink of cannibalism' as Brits brace for ‘starvation'

A Russian journalist said the UK population are "preparing for starvation” due to the cost of living crisis the country is experiencing as a consequence of the support the UK is providing to Ukraine. Among the claims, the Russian article also described Russia and Belarus as the world’s “largest suppliers of food and fertilisers”.

The propagandistic article showed the image of two cavemen standing next to the Union Flag and read the title “Cold, Hunger, Cannibalism: London fell into its own Ukrainian pit”.

The article was posted on Tsargrad TV, a Russian television channel owned by Putin-supporter businessman Konstantin Malofeev.

Below the top picture, it stated: “Things are not going well in the UK.

“While politicians are playing into the Ukrainian crisis, their own population is preparing for starvation. “Europe is seeing an explosion in prices, and politicians are talking about the threat of mass starvation. “In some cities of Britain, a state of emergency is introduced due to food shortages”.

Jason Hunter, Scott C. Waring #conspiracy #ufo express.co.uk

MONSTER MAMMAL on MARS: Shock as UFO hunters find 'huge alien mouse on Red Planet'

IF you thought the recent 'bear found on Mars' was the pinnacle of Red Planet investigation, then think again.


Alien chasers are claiming another coup after "conclusive evidence" of a mutant monster 3-metre mouse was "found" prowling the Martian surface, presumably sniffing out space cheese.

The milestone discovery was made by YouTube video maker Jason Hunter, who is known for scouring pictures of Mars placed online by NASA after its Curiosity rover droid has beamed them back to Earth.

The spot, as the researchers call them, has impressed UFO supremo Scott C Waring, who posted the video to his blog UFO Sightings Daily.


Mr Waring said: "Jason Hunter has a skill for finding the unusual and a giant rodent on Mars is just that.

"It's impossible, and yet here it is, in plain view of the rover.

"Yet, this strangely-shaped mouse rock has not been investigated by the rover, or if it has, we the public, won't know about it.


energizer #conspiracy express.co.uk

Of course he will.
If they keep pressing and helping Ukraine.
Specially after Finland joining NATO, which means the US now have nuclear weapons pointed at Moscow from the Arctic to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
And most of them have been there for decades.
This can only lead to a Nuclear War, unless there is some sort of appeasement.
Zelensky is an actor that is being carried away by his role, the man is extremely dangerous because he is a master of propaganda and manipulation.
His will to recapture Crimea (which has always been Russian) is totally irresponsible. He's willing to sacrifice his people and a number of other nations in a war with no winners that can take civilization back 50 years or more.

Maria Zakharova #crackpot #wingnut #racist express.co.uk

Russian Director of the Information and Press explains why Putin was justified in invading Ukraine

“Well, everything that was connected with ethnicity and culture in the first place. Even cookbooks were banned. Why? Because it was impossible to share borscht, well, it is impossible. It was supposed to belong to only one. Some one nation, one nationality it is impossible that it should be shared and that every housewife in every region could cook it in her own way - no! They didn't want to compromise. So this is what we're talking about. Xenophobia, naz1sm, extremism in all it's forms.”

Sean Martin #conspiracy express.co.uk

Nibiru FOUND? Scientists locate Earth-sized planet Ross 128b just 11 light-years away
ASTRONOMERS have discovered an Earth-like planet called Ross 128b with similar temperatures which could harbour alien life – the very thing Nibiru conspiracy theorists have alleged is real.

The planet, which has been called Ross 128b due to it orbiting the star Ross 128, is the second closest exoplanet – a planet outside of our solar system – which has been found to Earth after Proxima b, which could also be habitable.

The team of scientists behind the discovery believe that Ross 128b could have similar conditions and surface temperatures to Earth which makes it a candidate for an alien finding mission.

The new world was discovered by a team using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument at the La Silla Observatory in Chile.

Nicola Astudillo-Defru of the University of Geneva, who co-authored the paper, said: “This discovery is based on more than a decade of HARPS intensive monitoring together with state-of-the-art data reduction and analysis techniques.

“Only HARPS has demonstrated such a precision, and it remains the best planet hunter of its kind, 15 years after it began operations.”

The planet is 11 light-years from Earth – one light-year is around 5.88 trillion miles – but it is moving towards us very slowly.

Experts predict that in around 79,000 years it will be closer to us that Proxima b is, which is 4.22 light-years away.

Ross 128 is also a red dwarf star which are typically smaller and cooler than our sun, which is a yellow dwarf, and emits much less radiation.

Proxima centauri, the host star of Proxima b, is also a red dwarf star, but Ross 128 is much calmer, making it a great alternative in the search for alien life.

Lead author Xavier Bonfils of Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble told Futurism: “Proxima Centauri is particularly active, with frequent, powerful flares that may sterilize (if not stripped out) its atmosphere.

“Ross 128 is one of the quietest stars of our sample, and although it is a little further away from us, it makes for an excellent alternative target.”

The fact that the planet is approaching Earth draws comparisons to the mythical planet of Nibiru.

Nibiru, or Planet X, is an alleged planetary object that is supposedly heading towards our solar system and will cause the apocalypse on Earth which will wipe out most of the population.“Ross 128 is one of the quietest stars of our sample, and although it is a little further away from us, it makes for an excellent alternative target.”

The fact that the planet is approaching Earth draws comparisons to the mythical planet of Nibiru.

Nibiru, or Planet X, is an alleged planetary object that is supposedly heading towards our solar system and will cause the apocalypse on Earth which will wipe out most of the population.

The most prominent claims have been attributed to Revelation 12:1 in the Bible, which says: “A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head.

“And being with child, she cried out in her travail and was in anguish of delivery.”

US space agency NASA denies Planet X's existence.

Unknown women #conspiracy express.co.uk

A group of women who say Sir Edward Heath abused them as children have also accused their parents of being involved in up to 16 murders.
The farce came as police probe incredible claims that the former prime minister was linked to a paedophile ring that killed as many as 16 children – which would make them the worst child murderers in British history.

The seemingly far-fetched allegations have been made by a family who allege that the politician was part of a satanic sex cult run by their own parents. They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in churches and forests around southern England and also participated in similar ceremonies in Africa.

They claim their mother and father – who is said to have known the former Conservative leader – were responsible for slaughtering children ranging from babies to teenagers – yet they evaded justice.
The paedophile ring – which they say Sir Edward was part of – stabbed, tortured and maimed youngsters in churches and burnt babies in satanic orgies before men, women and children gorged themselves on blood and body parts, police have been told.

If the bizarre allegations were to be proved, the parents who allegedly led the killings would be responsible for murdering more children than Fred and Rose West. They would also be on a par with Thomas Hamilton, who shot dead 16 children in the 1996 Dunblane school massacre.

The women’s lurid claims were dismissed by police in 1989 when they came forward. Sir Edward’s name was never mentioned to police at the time. It was only last year that he was named for the first time after one of the claimants said she had ‘remembered’ a man called ‘Ed’ was a prime mover in a network of paedophile abusers.

But there is no suggestion that Sir Edward killed any children himself in the women’s accounts. Wiltshire Police have spent more than a year investigating the allegations as part of an inquiry that has cost taxpayers over £883,431 and irretrievably tarnished the reputation of the unmarried politician, who died in 2005, aged 89.

Last night Sir Edward’s godson, Lincoln Seligman, said: ‘I understand that these claims from the 1980s were at the time dismissed as complete fantasy by police. It is disappointing that these wild allegations have been reheated and randomly attached to Edward Heath’s name.’

A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: ‘We are not prepared to discuss this as this is an on-going investigation.’

Kate Short and Joseph Lumbasi #conspiracy express.co.uk

CHILDREN in Scotland have been the victims of evil ritual abuse including rape, murder and even the production of so-called ‘snuff films’, two leading charities claimed last night.

One veteran campaigner said he had even heard of babies being born and never registered, so the innocent youngsters would not be missed when they were eventually killed by secret paedophile networks.

The existence of such terrifying ‘cults’ practising the ritual abuse of children is said to have gone unchecked in Scotland for decades, with those victims who do come forward facing scepticism and outright disbelief.

Although many of the vile incidents are said to have taken place some years ago, experts are sure that an unknown number of ritual abuse rings are still in operation today.

Last night, Police Scotland said they were taking the allegations “incredibly seriously” and would investigate any complaints made to them.

The claims are certain to put the Scottish Government under intense pressure to finally announce a public inquiry into historic child sexual abuse – with Scotland now the only part of the UK without such a review.

Education Secretary Michael Russell is due to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday in response to growing calls from survivors, charities, lawyers, politicians and human rights groups.

The disturbing claims of ‘snuff films’ and widespread ritual abuse came to light during a lengthy investigation by this newspaper and were made independently of each other by two charities operating in different parts of Scotland.

Break the Silence is an award-winning charity based in Kilmarnock which has helped some 2,800 childhood abuse victims in North and East Ayrshire alone over the past decade, working with the two councils and NHS Ayrshire and Arran.

Founder Kate Short, who sits on the Holyrood committee on adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, said the level of depravity experienced by some of their clients – most of whom are now aged 30 to 55 – was “unbelievable”.

She said: “We hear of ritual abuse, it’s not common but we have had quite a lot of people that have been abused as part of a cult or a paedophile ring.

“In the worst cases they have been forced to watch the making of snuff movies.

"It’s the extreme, barbaric type of terror that can lead to serious personal disorder.

“Often it is siblings who are forced to have sex with one another in front of the paedophiles or on the ceremonial altar.

"There are animals involved, it is vile.

“Sadly many of these victims lack the confidence to engage the authorities because they think no-one will believe them.

"They are controlled by fear.

“The cults and rituals involve all sorts of people and many are often upstanding members of society or possibly in positions of authority or power.

“Their victims are so brainwashed they don’t dare to speak against them which makes it near impossible to see any prosecutions let alone convictions.

“And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"We are contacted almost on a weekly basis. This is something that’s been going on forever and I can’t see it ever stopping.

“I don’t think the authorities that could stop it really believe the extent of it or even that it does exist.”

Ms Short said survivors often suppressed their memories of such harrowing childhood events and therefore the specific details are vague, meaning they can be written off as suffering from of ‘False Memory Syndrome’ or mental illness.

Many abuse survivors also lead chaotic adult lives involving problems with drink, drugs or crime, making them even less likely to be believed.

However, the astonishing claims were supported by another reputable charity, Izzy’s Promise, based in Dundee.

Project co-ordinator Joseph Lumbasi said that while ritual abuse did occur in immigrant communities, the overwhelming majority of cases involved white Scottish perpetrators and victims.

He said: “Actually 80 per cent of those who contact us are born and brought up right here in Scotland.

“We’ve dealt with people who have been involved in gang rape ceremonies, animal slaughters and all sorts of things in secret places.

“People who talk to us are relating us their experiences from when they were maybe just eight, nine or ten – kids really.

“There are stories of girls being forced to conceive and then their babies are aborted for sacrifices. Children are born that are never registered. It is not impossible, they never come up. There is pornography, sick films. Horrific things are happening and nobody is getting caught.

“But all these incidents are so well orchestrated it is near impossible to find anyone to corroborate with your story or to find evidence.

“The leaders are very clever and very powerful. The victims are moved from place to place at such rate they lose track of where they are. They may be drugged or controlled by fear. Their recollections of what has taken place, when and where are muddled.

“But it is happening here, in Scotland, as we speak and must be exposed.”

Mr Lumbasi also said that few victims reported their claims to the police because they lived in such fear of their abusers, even many years later, and also because they were concerned at being named as accomplices.

He added: “In most cases, we can’t blame the police for not taking action. If they have no actual evidence such as names, times or places to go with, what can they do?”

Many of the crimes reported to Izzy’s Promise are said to have taken place within families or religious groups, where any attempt to expose the abuse was portrayed as “disloyalty”.

Mr Lumbasi continued: “I recently spoke with a lady from near here who couldn’t stop crying. She had been through it all and said she couldn’t live with the things she’d done.

“She was telling about everything that had happened to her, drugs, abuse, watching others being abused, sacrifices, animal sacrifices, being raped, being forced to conceive and then abort the child for sacrifice.

“At one point she says she may have killed a young child because she was forced to strangle the child. She doesn’t know if it is a real memory or a planted one.

“That’s the sort of power the perpetrators have on their victims.”

There has never been a proven example of a snuff film – where a person is murdered on camera – being made in Britain, although there have been an isolated number of cases where perverts have been caught with such footage made abroad.

Over the years there have been a number of high profile ritual abuse cases in Scotland, including a major police investigation in Ayrshire into an alleged Satanic sex ring involving 70 adults and children.

It began after eight siblings were taken into care in 1990 with a sheriff saying there was evidence of "sinister elements of sadism, ritualism and torture".

The youngsters were reunited with their parents five years later after the allegations were proved to be unfounded, following a pattern set by similar cases in Orkney, Cleveland and Rochdale where social workers were said to have been over-zealous.

In 2002, a young woman named Laurie Matthew wrote a book called Where Angels Fear which claimed to identify areas across Dundee, Angus and Perthshire where ritual abuse of children was said to have taken place.

Scottish Labour's justice spokesman, Graeme Pearson MSP, who has been campaigning for the government inquiry into historic abuse, said: "Theresa May has apologised this week to survivors for resignations relating to her Public Inquiry into historical child abuse.

“Meanwhile the Scottish Government continues duck and weave on the issue, refusing our demands to hold a public inquiry to enable us all to know what is the situation here in Scotland, and how can we protect vulnerable young people in our care today.

“Survivors have bravely fought for years to be heard and Scottish Labour has supported their calls for an inquiry. The SNP declare they stand for social justice in Scotland – if so why don’t they initiate a public inquiry now into historical child abuse?

“The buck has been repeatedly passed in Scotland between Mr Macaskill, Mr Russell and Ms Cunningham in the Scottish government. The time for justice is now. It is time someone in government acted in this matter.”

A spokeswoman for the Scottish Government said they worked continuously with law enforcement, local government and children’s charities to ensure those to prey on children are targeted.

She added they also supported those who had “fallen victim to what is a despicable crime” and continued: “The Education Secretary will update Parliament on this extensive and wide-reaching work and will also provide an update on the Scottish Government’s recent response to the InterAction process to ensure we properly acknowledge and support the survivors of historic abuse in care institutions. Of course, if anyone has any evidence of abuse, or any other criminal behaviour, they should report this to the police to make appropriate investigations.”

Valerie Sinason #conspiracy express.co.uk

JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.

The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrified victim in a candle-lit basement.

He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.

Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47.

The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason.

Dr Sinason told the Sunday Express she first spoke to the victim in 1992. “She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor.

“She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask.

“She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.

“She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”

Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there.

Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another black mass ceremony held at a house in a wealthy London street.

The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.

Dr Sinason, director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in London, said: “A second victim approached me in 1993. She said she had been ‘lent out’ as a supposedly consenting prostituted woman at a party in a London house in 1980.

“The first part of the evening started off with an orgy but half-way through some of the participants left.

“Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia. Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.”

Both victims contacted Dr Sinason, who is president of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, while she was involved in a Department of Health-funded study into sexual abuse committed during rituals and religious ceremonies. She said: “Both these witnesses did speak to police at the time but were vulnerable witnesses and on encountering any surprise or shock did not dare to give all the details.”

The police took no action.

Dr Sinason added: “Savile was still a huge celebrity in the early Nineties, let’s not forget, and there was never any action taken against him or any of the others involved.

“Neither girl knew one another, they lived in different parts of the country and contacted me a year apart yet their experiences are very similar. Whether Savile was a practising Satanist or merely enjoyed dressing up to scare his victims even more will perhaps never be known but he left those two girls mentally scarred.”

Dr Sinason has passed details of the abuse to officers from the Savile inquiry, Operation Yewtree.

A joint report published on ­Friday by the Metropolitan Police and the NSPCC uncovered at least 30 claims of abuse at Stoke Mandeville.

The hospital said it was unable to discuss individual cases while its own “Speaking Out” investigation was ongoing.

Anne Eden, chief executive of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “As the investigation’s name suggests, it is very keen to hear from anybody with any knowledge that they feel could help its work or anybody that needs support because of Jimmy Savile’s alleged behaviour.”

The ungagged #conspiracy express.co.uk

Global Warming WAS a scam as proven by leaked emails from the Uni of East Anglia revealing that the earths core was actually getting cooler whilst CO2 emissions were getting higher in opposition of what they were telling us. I think you will find they use the term 'climate change' nowadays which is a lot more VAGUE and can mean anything as it always changes anyway.

LaurenceMorton #conspiracy express.co.uk

There is NOT one scrap of evidence that would stand up in a court of law that 9/11 was carried out by a man (on dialysis) living in a cave with a laptop - Osama Bin Laden AKA Tim Osman, CIA agent and stooge for 25 years - and 19 Arabs, 7 of whom called the BBC on the following day to say that they were alive and kicking LOL! However. . . . . . .there is a mountain of evidence that it was a MIHOP False Flag event, not only to start the eternal 'War on Terror' and create a new 'Bogie Man'

Oooooohhhh be afraid, be very afraid of the new Bogie Man .....Muslims, (Communism no longer valid since Glasnost) but to demolish the WTC, which was redundant because of asbestos. The article omits to mention that WTC7 was NOT hit by a plane and fell at freefall acceleration for 2.5 seconds. This is NOT possible by office fires as we heard from disinfo agents NIST, if steel framed buildings fell down because of office fires, why would we need demolition companies? Start researching now without cognitive dissonance controlling your mind but beware of 9/11 shills and disinfo. Follow your heart to the real truth - if you have got the balls!

KyleDiamond48 #conspiracy express.co.uk

(This lunatic thinks the moon landings were faked)

Jobs are sectioned off or prioritized to private. In government no one knows what the other one is doing.Conpartmentalization allows only the highest of highest to be the only ones whom know what's going on to the whole. If that. Everyone has their job. No one knows what the other is doing. And information is kept to the individual. It's certainly plausible that it could have been faked.

If you've ever actually saw or touched the lunar landing module. It's made from a substance that resembles tin. How's that gonna protect you from the Van Allen radiation belt. Earth pics are also faked over the years. Showing the continents shrinking & enlarging over the years. Read the flat Earth stuff with an open mind. It will astound you. Especially the jet flight refueling paths.

Paul Cook #conspiracy express.co.uk

You really need to understand your occult symbolism better. Blair is photographed doing his Luciferian '666' as are many others; these secret societies tie in with the Khazarian mafia corruption and their paedophile control over corrupt politicians. It's time all this was out in the open and laundered; these are the people we are manoeuvring the world towards a third world war in the name of their own greed and criminality and the insanity of Apocalyptic prophecies. Understand the implications of UN Agenda 21 and the 'New World Order' agenda; then all the dystopian politics will make more sense to you. Time for change.

illuminatiRex, Posidon, Sunday Express #conspiracy express.co.uk

Speculation is mounting that there is a secret society within the EU after senior figures were snapped making the same masonic-style hand signal.

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker was the latest EU bigwig to be photographed "giving the code" after he was snapped with his hands in the rhombus shape - known as a Merkel diamond - while talking to Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium during the Te Deum mass at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Brussels, Belgium, yesterday.

It comes after new British Prime Minister Theresa May was pictured separately making the same hand gesture earlier this month.

German chancellor Angela Merkel has been snapped so many times making the shape, which involves pressing the thumbs and index fingers together to create a diamond, that her name was added to its official description.

Mrs May was snapped imitating the 'Merkel diamond' while giving a speech outside the Palace of Westminster on July 11.

Conspiracy theory website illuminatiRex lists the diamond sign as number one out of a top-ten of illuminati signs, with Mrs Merkel given her own section for doing it in reverse, in what it describes as the Merkel Raute.

And on the conspiracy theory forum run by David Icke, the significance of the Merkel Diamond, which has been used in political poster campaigns, has been discussed.

A senior forum member with the user name Posidon posted: "I don't know if any one even noticed the Angela Merkel famous hand sign?

"I found today a new picture of it in my local newspaper, and I found curious that they use her hand signal in a political campaign.

"They call it the famous 'diamond'.

"Diamond they say? So I ask, is everyone asleep these days?

"Just the first time I saw the image, I noticed it is not a diamond at all, plus the way she placed her fingers (which is not even easy) unless you really want them to be that way does not resemble a diamond at all, but a Masonic symbol of the compass and square.

"Is everyone asleep? No one sees and talks about these things, is it not evident enough?"

When Mrs May used the symbol this month, Twitter users immediately drew comparisons between May and Merkel and questioned the significance of the "code".

kisur #fundie express.co.uk

Violence in inherent in Islam. Inviting adherents to a backwards, barbaric, Eastern ideology to come 'co-exist' with modern, democratic, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikkh or Hindu people in modern, progressive Western civilizations is a very evil thing to do as they will always refuse to co-exist with us as they are told to do by their 'Holy' book. The verse of the sword is what these people live by. Sadly, we will probably end up having to fight them in the streets one day.

ImranAli #racist express.co.uk

[The quote is from a speech made by British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn launching a report about antisemitism in his own party]

"Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organisations".

How can he compare Israel/JEWS to the Islamic State? Isreael/JEWS are a hundred times more evil and dangerous.

Projective Objectivism Award

Like you would actually give away free energy for free

noelw1969 #conspiracy express.co.uk

This should be of no surprise to anyone. When it comes to giving something away free of charge or offering something at a cost, people will always do the latter. We have water powered cars and even a liquid that, if used, will mean nobody never has to visit a dentist again. There is likely all sorts of stuff that would benefit the masses but is destroyed to benefit the few.

Paula #conspiracy express.co.uk

A VICTIM of Jimmy Savile’s satanic abuse told yesterday of her sheer terror as she was tied to an altar and raped by the depraved star during a black mass.
The girl, who we will call Paula to protect her true identity, was just 13 at the time of the ­sickening attack in 1975.

Now aged 50, Paula still suffers horrific flashbacks and cannot sleep properly. She decided to come forward after we revealed last week how Savile raped two women ­during satanic ceremonies in the Seventies and Eighties.

Recalling her torment, Paula described how Savile was sitting on a throne wearing a mask and robes, clutching a trademark cigar.

As he raped her, she described smelling stale smoke on his breath. During her horrific ordeal, one of the devil worshippers sneered: “You definitely fixed this one, Jim!”

Speaking at an address in North London, Paula said: “I was brought in to a dark cellar and made to stand in front of three men in a ­circle, with the man in the middle sitting on a throne-like chair in a bright gown with a cigar in his mouth. A man stood on either side in blue cloaks and masks.

“I was made to stand in front of this chair dressed in only a white gown with nothing underneath and to just stand there while this man looked over me blowing cigar smoke into my face making me feel very sick and terrified.

“Around this slightly raised circle were men and women dressed in black cloaks wearing masks and various costumes.

“I was then taken by the man smoking the cigar, who I recognised as Jimmy Savile, to an altar table where I was stripped of my gown and tied to the altar.

“Savile then climbed on to the table and raped me. Others around him called out Satan’s name and laughed hysterically and were worked up into a frenzy.”

Paula said she was taken blindfolded to the ritual at a secret venue so she could not identify where she was attacked. She went with the consent of her family, who she said were well-known satanists.

Paula said: “I just felt bile in my throat from this man kissing and touching me and, worse, raping me. I was too terrified to speak. I was told never to speak of this to anyone.”

Paula was too traumatised to tell the police. However, she spoke to the Sunday Express after we revealed how Savile raped a 12-year-old girl at a satanic ceremony at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire, in 1975 and a 21-year-old woman at a house in central London five years later.

She also took comfort from and praised the courage of the 450 ­victims who came forward as part of the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Yewtree to say they too were abused by Savile.

Paula said: “To speak of it after all those years feels like a great weight has been lifted off me at long last. There are many people all around the world who know exactly what men like Savile are capable of and the time has come to bring these atrocities of sheer evil and depravation to light.”

KaylinMinx #racist express.co.uk

There were 200 murders a year during apartheid, that includes blacks. blacks aren't capable of prospering even when left alone, just look at africa. god created blacks to mow lawns & clean dishes, this is not racism speaking its factual truth.

jeffjones #racist express.co.uk

The safest places on earth are traditional American communities, where every family has a gun. Guns keep the peace. The Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims stay in their ghettoes because they know they will face the bullets of God if they stalk traditional American neighborhoods.

HenryFrazer #conspiracy express.co.uk

I've always said if Climate Change was a real emergency, households would be allowed to install their own method of generating energy. However, governments would lose taxes, energy related agencies would be shut down and the whole wealth transference scheme would go down the drain.

agent0060 #fundie express.co.uk

If there is anything that should unite every Christian and every intelligent person, it is the need to destroy the Islamic hate cult.

The Christian, Western world is threatened by these animals. See how they act. See what they do. Are these human beings? Could you act as they do? Screaming hatred at anybody not like them? They are animals. What do we do with dangerous animals? We kill them.

Anybody think it's a good idea to have lions, tigers, leopards, panthers or, most especially, hyenas, wandering around free to do as they like? Watch muslim actions in a pack. When they think they cannot be identified. Hyenas. No more.

And on what basis do they deserve to survive. The majority of this world''s religions promote peace, harmony, love, forgiveness. and what does Islam promote? The exact opposite. Satan's cult. Perhaps some can be saved or rehabilitated. BUT if you are living close to a fanatic, mindless, jihadi committed to the destruction of you and all you hold dear? Do you feel safe?

Brien Foerster, Scott C Waring #conspiracy express.co.uk

Proof of aliens? Researchers claim 'giant hand from cave' could be extra terrestrial
ALIEN investigators claim this giant hand is REAL and could have come from a dead extra terrestrial being.

rien Foerster, of Hidden Inca Tours, and his team claim to have been given the three-fingered specimen by a group of cagers who were exploring desert tunnels in southeastern Peru.

The explorers said it was found near a strange elongated humanoid skull that was also given over.

There have been instant claims that the items are hoaxed, particularly as the group would not give exact details about the location of the finds.

But, Mr Foerster, who obtains an unusually high amount of mysterious specimens, which it is claimed could originate from aliens, believes it is a genuine sample.

Mr Foerster said he examined the hand in Cusco, Peru, and that he thought it came from a real creature.

He says X-rays were taken of the objects, which showed the fingers on the hand each had six bones, instead of the three in a human finger.

Unnamed physicians said the hand and skull were "biological objects", with "real animal bone and skin tissues", he claimed.

They also concluded the hand was not human or from any known animal on Earth, it is alleged.

He said: "It was X-rayed and examined by physicians here in Cusco who stated that it clearly was not a human, but was a life form of some kind.”

Mr Foerster's group said radiocarbon and DNA testing of the objects are now planned.

Scott C Waring, an unconnected alien hunter based in Taiwan, discussed the allegations on his website ufosightingsdaily.com.

He said: "DNA results will only say the DNA doesn’t match any known species.

The 'alien hand' allegedly found in Peru compared to a human's.

"We have no aliens to compare it to.

“Sure there is a skull, but it looks to be the size of an infant, if it is the same species as the hand.”

He believes aliens exist on Earth and speculated over the finds.

He added: “Several different kinds of aliens may have been working together and died in the Cusco cave tunnel where it was found.”

But there have been mixed reactions to the suggestions.

One YouTube viewer said: ““Truly amazing. It makes you question the whole idea of life and how it evolved.”

Others called "hoax."

Another viewer of a video about the claims said: “Maybe someone attached human fingers on top of a fin.”

Some ridiculed the claims of real scientists being involved.

The small skull also allegedly found in the cave in Peru.

One posted: “Yeah, lets examine this interesting piece of alien evidence in the middle of my kitchen without any kind of environmental contamination measures or proper tools, just bare handed.

“But, oh, but don’t forget the gloves and coat, we are scientists.”

In November, Mr Foerster said in a video on his website tests were being carried out on the bizarre skull-like object, but this is the first mention of the hand.

At the time the skull was said to be found with a small allegedly mummified humanoid-like body and sent for DNA tests - but so far no results have been released.

Mr Foerster has come under much scrutiny from sceptics in the past.

He was involved in DNA tests, which allegedly confirmed the 3,000-year old Paracas elongated skulls did not have human DNA.

But, he has been reluctant to release details of who carried out the tests.

The Paracas skulls have long been held up by UFO hunters as evidence of ancient alien visitations due to their extraordinarily huge foreheads.

They were discovered on the desert peninsula of Paracas, on the southern coast of Peru, by native archaeologist Julio Tello in 1928.

Scientists say it was the most extreme example of skull elongation, a deformation practice carried out by several ancient cultures by binding infants heads through pieces of wood, ever found.

Sceptics were not convinced by the "genetic research" news of which was released via social media rather than through a scientific journal as is the norm.

Some even concluded the research findings were just an elaborate hoax.

Suspicions were also raised when the identities of the scientists involved were not released.

Research by sceptics later uncovered that those involved had a history of involvement and belief in research into paranormal subjects such as the Yeti and so-called alien hybrids, an alleged cross breed between humans and aliens.

They also questioned Mr Foerster's impartiality in commissioning the research as the museum is a private, not state venture, he runs tours specialising in pseudo-archaeology and has released a pseudo science book about the skulls.

Earlier last year, Mr Foerster claimed to have found an unusual winged small humanoid corpse in a specimen jar in an office in Mexico.

Claims were made in a video clip online that X-rays carried out on the "dead body" have shown a skeletal structure inside, leading to calls for further analysis, including DNA tests.

But there have been arguments the clip entitled "What is this weird creature with wings in this jar?" could be an online money spinner, because the clip promotes a website where viewers have to pay to see the full documentary.

Paul Hellyer #conspiracy express.co.uk

The ex-minister of National Defence for Canada said at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for decades and claimed top authorities are constantly in discussions with extraterrestrial beings. Paul Hellyer, who was the Canadian Minister of National Defence in the 1960's during the Cold War, claims to have inside information that top governments are in cahoots with aliens. Mr Hellyer first spoke about his belief that aliens were on Earth in 1995, and since then has become an authoritative figure in the UFO community.

Speaking to RT, Mr Hellyer said: “In one of the cases during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. “The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. “They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years.”

Mr Hellyer alleged the alien species travelled to Earth from different star systems. There are apparently four types of aliens here on Earth. He said: “Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies. “There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s. “There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited.”

And in a dire threat, Mr Hellyer said the alien visitors have tried to warn the human race about the way civilisation is heading and alleged the United States has spent billions of dollars on so-called "black projects". Mr Hellyer said: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.

“It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both Congress and the Commander-in-Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”

Leading Brexit supporters #conspiracy express.co.uk

Professor Patrick Minford, the chairman of Economists for Free Trade who hosted the event, said: "John Redwood's points on how the Government has slowed growth down were very interesting.

“A suspicious mind might think this was the deliberate act of a Remainer Chancellor to undermine Brexit and reduce confidence in a World Trade Deal.

"It is really time that the Chancellor both realises and acts on the economic benefits of Brexit, instead of following his officials’ gloomy views which condemn him to endless damaging austerity."

One former cabinet member at the dinner added: “It is almost as if they wanted to prove Project Fear right by slowing down growth. It’s amazing that we managed to get any growth at all.”

Another senior Tory Brexiteer said: “This certainly looks like the economy has been deliberately slowed down to undermine confidence in Brexit and going for a world trade deal instead.”

Proper Ganda #conspiracy express.co.uk

Stalin never believed that Hitler shot himself in the bunker. There is rather too much circumstantial evidence out there pointing to Hitler and Eva Braun having lived out the rest of their lives in Argentina, to be dismissed as just a daft fantasy. I've read quite a bit on the subject over the years. Hitler escaped to Argentina I now believe. How he got there is open to speculation. I suspect that if Monty had had his way and spearheaded his advance to Berlin, and liberated that city before the Red Army had got there I reckon Hitler, and some of his staff would have thrown themselves on the mercy of 'The English' like Napoleon had done over a century earlier. These people were living in a dream world of unreality that we could ever understand today with the benefit of hind sight. If General Patton had beaten Monty to Berlin, Hitler might have done the just same except for they contempt the Nazis had for Roosevelt and his dew ish cronies. Imagine what the Russians would have done with great beast himself if they had captured him alive? So for Hitler it was a stark choice between either an ignominious death in a cave, or a new life somewhere out of reach of the allies. The Fuhrer chose Argentina.

Teddy Bear #conspiracy express.co.uk

Also Alien false flag attack the final card. This is why so much alien nonsense from the Media and Scientists even Hawking. They want us oo believe in Aliens so they can carry out a flase flag alien attack from space and use of drones. It is the ultimate false flag. Leaders will stand on television saying we must stand togeteer the world united against the "aliens" brings in new world order and world united together against one common enemy and agenda 21 depopulation plan all rolled into one.

Simon Parkes #conspiracy express.co.uk

Simon Parkes, who until April was a Labour town councillor for Whitby in North Yorkshire, claimed "psychopathic" members of a group of world leaders, known as the Illuminati by conspiracy theorists, were hellbent on using the huge atom colliding machine to open a vortex that would allow them complete control over all of us.

The LHC, run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) at Geneva on the French-Swiss border, is the world’s largest and most powerful machine and used to collide particles at close to the speed of light in a bid to discover more about physics and the possibility of parallel universes.

The curious machine developed across a 16-mile ring of superconducting magnets has had critics before amid claims it could inadvertently create a black hole that may swallow up the world, but Mr Parkes' story is one of the strangest to date.

Mr Parkes, who has previously been a borough councillor in London and lectured at the Natural History Museum, made the extraordinary claims before hundreds of people during a paranoia-inducing speech at a UFO convention in a country manor house.

Conspiracy theorists claim the Illuminati is a worldwide secret organisation which really runs the world above the global leaders we see in office.

He claimed to have foiled a sinister plot by the "elite group" just weeks ago in August to use the LHC to open an evil portal that would allow them to become more powerful.

Mr Parkes, who has earlier made national headlines after saying his mother was alien, and he lost his virginity to one, was the key speaker of the event organised by the UFO Academy at High Elms Manor in Watford, Hertfordshire.

So many people turned out to see him there were people seated in a corridor outside the main hall and others watching it on a live stream in another room.

He even said the LHC was developed using alien technology from another planet by evil Illuminate scientists to "interfere with time, open portals to other dimensions and severe the link between good humans and the spiritual plane and divine consciousness."

He claimed an attempt was made to severe "the link" on August 15.

He said: "It became very obvious the LHC was going to be used for a pivotal roll on August 15 this year."

This was a month after the announcement that the LHC had discovered a new particle known as a pentaquark.

Mr Parkes said: "I have not said the LHC can break the divine link between all good humans on this plane and divine consciousness, but that was their plan."

But Mr Parkes claimed to have sources who made him aware of what was about to unfold, so he set about arranging a global "mind warp" to defeat the plan.

He said: "We couldn't just do nothing. There is much you could do without sticking your head above the parapet.

I have not said the LHC can break the divine link between all good humans on this plane and divine consciousness, but that was their plan.

The LHC came back on, but they thwarted it again, he claimed.

He said: "All over the globe good people started to meditate for five to six minutes, after the meditation it failed again, but we did take some damage. One person lost hearing in an ear for three weeks and others had ringing in ears because there was an attack by those psychically protecting it."

He claims the mass meditation caused a thunderstorm over Switzerland, meaning the LHC was forced onto a back-up power system which only gave a thirds of its full capacity.

He said: "Gaia came to our rescue and a thunderstorm took out the power."

According to New Age philosophies Gaia is an all powerful force govering the universe.

He said: "With just a third of the power it created a 0.8mm hole between the third and fourth frequency, but that was not enough to bring anything through."

There is, of course, no evidence that the LCH was used in any such attempt or that Mr Parkes and his group stopped it in its tracks.

However, his conspiracist claims did disturb some audience members.

One woman, aged in her 50s, who would not be named, told Express.co.uk: "I was expecting to come and learn about UFO sightings, but all the speakers were pretty out there even by UFO standards. I found Simon's talk quite disturbing and it makes you wonder where on Earth this is all coming from?"

But a man, in his 20s, said he trusted the advice.

He said: "Simon is spot on with all this. If he says it happened, it happened."

Express.co.uk has contacted CERN, which runs the LCH, to see if it wishes to respond to the extraordinary allegations, and awaits a response.

Mr Parkes also said the failure of the LCH plan meant the cruel Illuminati leaders needed a new plot as there were just 200 of them left on Earth, after some of them had fled the planet.

He said: "For 25 years it has been known the psychopaths want to kill half to a third of the population.

"But now they may not need to kill so many because of what they are planning next."

DavidKane #fundie express.co.uk

I'd rather Trump was nuking Iran before they start WW3 in 6 years time after Obama and Phillip Hammond betrayed the West with a bigger appeasement than Chamberlain's surrender to Hitler in 1938. Read what happens to Britain in David Vincent's book "2030: Your Children's Future in Islamic Britain" (Amazon and Kindle)

no name given #fundie express.co.uk

Nostradamus predictions for 2017: Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed
Nostradamus prophecies have baffled experts down the ages with their astonishing accuracy - and as n 2017 dawns we look at what the fabled sooth sayer has in store for us this year.

Michel de Nostredame was a 16th century French philosopher who, according to followers, has predicted many historical events including 9/11, the rise of Hitler and Donald Trump’s presidential victory.

After a year full of surprises and political upsets, believers have looked once again to Nostradamus’ writings to try to predict what the new year will bring.

Look through the photo gallery at the top of this story to find out what Nostradamus’ followers believe could happen around the world in 2017.

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers.

Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.

The country looks set to experience economic turmoil and a deepening banking crisis in the wake the Italian referendum result and Matteo Renzi’s decision to resign.

The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.

Another prophecy is said to predict a new truce between Russia and Ukraine, which will be opposed by the US but embraced by the EU.

In Latin America, Governments are forecast to move away from left-wing policies, which will help set the stage for potential civil unrest.

The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.

In terms of technology, Nostradamus predicted that cloud computing would simply become known as computing, solar power would become more widespread, and commercial space travel would take off with orbital flights around the Earth.

Erhan Kolbasi #conspiracy express.co.uk

Shadowy US secret agents, known as "Men in Black," exist, and ARE covering up the existence of aliens on Earth, a university lecturer has shockingly claimed.

The startling allegation that the long-running conspiracy theory is true will be made in a course offered by the Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey.

Lecturer Erhan Kolbasi, who will lead the course about future alien encounters, is convinced the mythical Majestic 12 (MJ-12) group exists to cover up intelligent alien life, Dailystar.co.uk reports.

The organisation was allegedly created by US President Harry Truman to hide knowledge of aliens away from the public following the alleged Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

The thinking behind the conspiracy theory is that the government is convinced general knowledge of intelligent aliens would undermine belief in religion and the rule of law and lead to anarchy.

The MJ-12 myth became the basis of the popular Men in Black franchise staring Will Smith.

Semir Osmanagić #crackpot #ufo #magick express.co.uk

Pseudoscientist Semir Osmanagić claims a series of triangular-shaped hills in his native Bosnia, are artificial pyramids that are bigger and older than those in Egypt.

Despite mainstream archaeologists saying they are just natural rock formations, Mr Osmanagic has made another bold claim that he has found Nikola Tesla’s so-called "torison fields of standing energy" at the Bosnian Pyramids site, which means we could now "communicate with aliens".
Mr Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, physicist, and futurist, who contributed to the design of the AC electricity supply system in 1888.

His ideas became more left-field and experimental towards the end of the 1800s, and he devised the theory of "standing waves" of energy coming from Earth that meant electricity could be transmitted wirelessly over long distances.

Mr Osmanagić has claimed the alleged discovery at one of the "34,000 year old" pyramids he calls the Pyramid of the Sun "changes the history of planet" and could lead to intergalactic communication.

He wrote: "The discovery of Tesla’s standing waves at the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun— which are believed to travel faster than the speed of light, while not losing strength as they pass through cosmic bodies—prove the existence of something referred to as a cosmic web or cosmic internet which allow for a immediate intergalactic communication throughout the universe.