Sheth J. Rebbell #fundie
My question is why, back even 20 years ago, gay marraige or even homosexuality wasn't even heard of? Why is it all of a sudden an 'new' thing? Because you choose to be gay.
My question is why, back even 20 years ago, gay marraige or even homosexuality wasn't even heard of? Why is it all of a sudden an 'new' thing? Because you choose to be gay.
Yes, I would [kill an infant if God asked]. I'm not saying it would be easy, but I would. Everybody is unholy. Even the infants.
Science the very heart and sole of athiests beliefs is the very thing that proves them wrong. Evolution cannot exist because at one time or another they would have had to evolve from a starting point, so where did the organic material come from, big bang, physics says you cannot destroy or create anything only transfer it from something else, so if the big bang theory were true and all the atoms, and material in the entire universe started as a huge dense ball of well everything, then where did that huge dense ball come from, the material had to come from somewhere but physics says you cant create something from nothing, so for this to work their would have had to be nothing ever, no universe, no stars no atoms at all, nothing. and i think we all know that we exist so the only real explanation is a supreme being. aka god! you guys always try to make us prove our religion well lets see you prove yours. keep in mind you cannot use darwins works because thats the same as using the bible to prove the bible.
Question for athiens... In the apocolipce, who will you join? God, or Santan? You must chose one, God can give you eternal life in paradice. On the other hand, join The Beast, and you will be killed by The Beast itself...
I'm a beliver. I feel him to. I dreamed once, that I was talking to God himself. It was cool.
There was no Lillith [Adam's first wife according to medieval folklore]. It is said that Eve was taken from Adam's hip. Man has ONE less hip than a woman. So, there could have only been ONE wife of Adam.
... why is your screen name Dragon of Earth? The name in which the Bible gave to Satan, or did you think it was your own ingenius idea? Either way, if you don't belive then you're then one who will have eternal damnation with the real Dragon. HAVE FUN!!!!
Its kinds cool all the things scientist have found that point to God and his existance. God created everything and everyone and I think DarkPrimus [a sarcastic atheist] said it best when he said 1.) I exist... 2.) You exsist... 3.) therefore God exist
It depends what the circumstances are. I wouldn't just kill a nonbeliever for the heck of it.
No duh! I just got finished saying that I thought you made a good point and wanted to quote you therefore I had to give you the credit.
we arn't idoits, thats way we are christans
The only reason God said that [to kill babies] is because people weren't obeying Him. Whatever isn't holy isn't any use to Him so He basically wants it taken out.
Yes, the Ten Commandments are in the Ark of the Covenent, and no it is not just something in Indiana Jones. God took the Ark of the Conenet away, 'lest someone abuse it's power.
... the reason gays want to get married is so they can have equal rights such as insurance. With insurance provided for gay couples, and gays will have a lorger number of STD's and AID's. With this fact our insurance rates with go up, all for a thing that should is wrong, such as gay marriages.
Anyway, You say you 'demonstrated' why that analogy was wrong, but you only demonstrated it throught rational common sense, and a highly analytical point of view. What you need to do is look at it creatively. See, there's this other way of thinking, besides 'rationaly'-it's called faith, and why you cannot understand that I don't know.
... the reason that God told his people to kill women and childern was so that the whole race would be off the earth and then we wouldn't have problems we have today.
Just like the lady who took prayer out of schools, some group of people with 255,000 signatures is scheduled to meet with the FCC to get not music, but the reading of the gosple of all airways. This is a proven fact.
Sorry you're offended...but it's not about seperation of church and state, it's about the 1st Amendment.
there is supstachale evidence that there is a greater being maybe not him but the things he has done so nessisaraly he does exsist
The Dead Sea Scrolls [containing the Old Testament] corroborate with the Bible on all core facts. However, being that they are not included in the Bible, this can be considered a secular source.
He told them to kill those who would if left alive would give them trouble later. Look what Iseral is dealing with now. The Palistines are the same guys that God told Saul to kill every last one of but Saul saved the women and babies and now there desendence are now plaguing Iseral.
By the way zion the Ten Commandments are in the Ark of the Covenment and yes they do exist.
I know he was just making fun of christians but he made a very good piont and it would be wrong for me to restate it without giving him the credit... ( FYI... zues was disproven over two thousand years ago. He and the other gods and goddess were just fairy tales like Cinderella or Snow White.)
Ok, I'm having this problem. I am having a lot of trouble telling my friends that we aren't going to be here for much longer, because of the Rapture. They keep on saying that the world won't end but we will. A little help please!!
They do have morals... God's morals. The only reason why God told those people to kill the other people is because they were unholy. So technically it is moral to eliminate unholy people from your life.
I guess you won't take 'it says it in the Bible'... I'm afraid I can't give you an eye witness account but that's what faith is.
Well, you must have a different bible than I do, because in mine, the King James Versian, God does not kill people for swearing, being raped, or any other thing... When the world-wide flood happend, and Noah was called to build the ark, that was because there were too many people on the Earth...
T-rex's did not start out big. If you follow evolution then they had to come from smaller creatures. So at a point in the evolution process it may have needed weapons. And its best not rely on common knowledge when making ideas cause in 100 years everything is going to be different.
Okay, the Ten Commandments where on stone, right. After thousands of years, that stone breaks down into sediment.
[Replying to 'dreams are random things']Hey, God sometimes gives me visions of the future.
NO NOT LIES.......i have a list of famous satanist....J.R.R. Tolkien, Ben Franklin, Edward Crowley... i know what the hell i'm tlaking about this time....i read up on this.
The answer is that God is also a vengful God... Therefore he would sometimes instruct his people to kill their enimies ( including women and childern) and there was good reason for this...
[Responding to "You mean to say that non-Christians aren't American?"]They AREN'T. This country was founded on Christianity and Christian morals. When they even THINK about removing 'under God' from the Pledge they are anti-American. And Massachusetts should be booted from the Union for its unholy crimes.
Circular logic is stil logic.
there are too many babies in this world that are put in danger because of the fact that the parents are not even double the age of the child.
Science has also proven that there is a god
Unlike you peolpe we don't need facts to back us up. It's something called faith. I don't have to prove to you anything. I believe he's real, I know he's real, as long as I know it, I don't have to prove it to you!
Abortion is MURDER! Even before the zygote forms (when the [sperm] and egg meet), the cells are living, which makes it MURDER when you perform abortion!
Are you sure it ? Because I knows [medieval] knights didn't practice any religion, at least as webster defines it. You might have a different definition. Get your facts straight.
yeah ok if he doesnt exist then how was this whole earth created??? if you read Genisis then you will see that you are completely wrong!
But from what the bible says is Eve was created from Adam's rib.It is a fact,Men do have one less rib the women do.
And, scientists HAVE found evedence to back the Bible up. It's on Discover channel, it's on History channel! Please don't go make me find it. I hate douing reasearch out side of school!
your asking everyone else for proof so where is yours?how r a couple of scientists suppose to know what went on millions of years ago on a different Earth?WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?