Ghost #conspiracy
I knew there was NO WAY that the "Honduran Caravan" was getting by without being assisted by someone.
I'm no anti-Semite, but I find this image very interesting.
#WTF #Ghost
I knew there was NO WAY that the "Honduran Caravan" was getting by without being assisted by someone.
I'm no anti-Semite, but I find this image very interesting.
#WTF #Ghost
Autists are pussy pampered wastes of life that are a burden on their families and American society in general. Hence, you and your proud obsession with a cartoon intended for little girls. People like you are a defect and should be put on a list so civil society can avoid you all.
Communist China increasing video game restrictions to prevent the "grass-eaters" generation of Japan.
Grass-Eaters - late 30's men who play video games all night, sleep all day, with limited sexual desire and no friends; who Japan are now calling "parasites."
Kind of sounds like the American "Millennials..."
Remember the "Eagles of Death Metal?"
They were on stage playing during the Bataclan shooting in Paris in 2015.
That same band had a song singing about San Bernardino; the location of the next "mass shooting" after Bataclan.
Just saying...
Military technology displaces alpha shitlords from service. The more advanced and remote the killing tech, the less need for high T men to wield the weaponry. A black ops room or navy ship decked out with precision targeting systems can be manned by homos and pregnant 90 pound women. Sad!
Canada is finding itself ALL ALONE on the world stage in its international dispute with Saudi Arabia.
This is a consequence of Justin Trudeau's disingenuous virtue signaling now coming back to haunt him.
I predict a 9-11 style terrorist attack inside Canada within several months, for Trudeau willingly allowed the enemy inside his country.
Single White women want male attention, despite their protestations to the contrary. That will never change. White men therefore have leverage over the political views of single White women. Men can shun libshit women. But it will take courage and ZFG, something in short supply among White men.
The mark of a good parent has changed. Then, a good parent exposed his kids to his culture's offerings. Now, a good parent shields his kids from the influence of his own nation's culture. That speaks volumes about where America was, and where she's heading.
Women who support gay rights but refuse to have anal sex are the weakest race.What do you think your gay besties are doing behind closed doors, honey? Holding hands while humming "It's Raining Men?"
Here are my proposals for how a sane nation should treat homosexuality:
1. Reintroduce laws banning sodomy. Send police to raid and shut down all gay/LGBT bars on the grounds of public health. Known homosexuals are banned from working as teachers or other jobs that allow them access to children.
2. Public displays of homosexuality are made illegal, with punishments to fit the severity of the crime. For example, two dudes making out on a street corner will be fined, while if they're caught cruising in public bathrooms, they get jail time.
3. Anyone who transmits HIV to another person gets life in prison, without parole, no exceptions. This is to quarantine them from the general population and ensure that the disease dies out within a generation.
Are my proposals on countering open homosexuality unreasonable? Because they're how the U.S. and all other white nations operated prior to the 1960's.
Weird how this is the one aspect of pre-leftist revolution life that right-wingers DON'T want to bring back.
Here goes @Microchip attention whoring like the Leftist Léon Walras following Socialist faggot that he really is.
But lets say Microchip is "#QAnon," does that mean he's indirectly responsible for the #QAnon follower who started the Holy Fires in California?
Moreover, the fact that he was coercing Right-Wing boomers, shows the extent of his true Leftist intentions.
lol, "freedom of religion" in the U.S. means allowing Muslims to drive trucks into crowds in the name of Allah and Jews to hijack our government
freedom of religion only works if it's applied to Christians and no one else
[Forney-senpai noticed us!]
If Gab is irrelevant, why are lefties scouring my account for things to get offended by?
These dweebs literally follow us around like dogs, waiting on our next utterance.
#MAGA #Trump #PresidentTrump #DrainTheSwamp #Gab #GabFam #SpeakFreely #AltRight
Educating women is a waste of time.
We need them to be wives and mothers.
(Via @rooshv.)
Milo should also hammer on about how the left's promotion of "gay acceptance" has normalized pederasty in Western societies.
Instead of being given the help they need, molested boys are left to adopt the "gay lifestyle," with its life-destroying psychological and health problems.
I must say that the anti-white Christian cultural marxist crypto-Jew Jesuits are behind the pedophilia and destruction of the white patrons of Catholicism and Protestantism through their commie Latin/African/Feminist liberation theology.
is he [Stephen King] a kike? because that "depravity lurking in the hearts of small town goys" theme is about as kikey as it gets.
What did I always say about the Alt-Right & White Nationalists?
They're ALL Leftist agents!
Here's Chris "Crying Nazi" Cantwell (@Cantwell?) admitting he talked to the Huffington Post to "ruin @Ricky_Vaughn99?'s life."
This is worse than Black on Black crime!
#LULZ #Ghost
A good way to measure the worth of an economy is to ask, "Would my life be better or worse without industry [X]?"
If assembly line construction of heavy manufactured goods never existed? Worse.
If smartphones, Google, Faceborg, and Twatter never existed? On balance, better.
Roy Moore needs to sue the state of Alabama and uncover the blatant election fraud that happened tonight.
If possible, he can force another election. It's a long shot, but it has precedent: New Hampshire had a Senate re-vote in 1975 due to the election in 1974 being razor-thin.
Don't let 'em win.
Moore is not conceding. Good.
I hope he sues for recount after recount. Keep Jones from being seated for months. Uncover all the fake Dem votes that materialized out of nowhere in Jefferson County.
[Consider this in the context of Matt's remarks about brownshirts as a defense against leftist thugs]
Why, oh fucking why, do leftists always paint themselves as victims?
Whether it was Puritans in Massachusetts fearing the Vatican or East German communists claiming the Berlin Wall was to defend against "fascists," they ALWAYS wrap themselves in the cloak of victimhood.
[To protect freedom, we must destroy it]
White women are against freedom of speech.
White Sharia now.
Net neutrality is one of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated on the public.
It should be repealed, burned to a crisp, pissed on, and buried in an unmarked grave.
[Link to a weev video against net neutrality]
Given that most pot smokers are probably Democrats or Libertarians, I don't have a problem with Sessions throwing them in jail and depriving them of voting rights.
Plenty of reasons to hate Sessions, but his physical removal of left-wing voting demographics isn't one of them.
Its been a year since hurricane Maria, why are "displaced" Puerto Ricans still in "temporary" housing?
IMO, this underscores that Puerto Ricans are pure unappreciative, lazy trash who feel America owes them something.
This pissing ground of a island and its people are an unnecessary economic, political and social burden on our country.
[Another entry in the illustrious "western civilization is destroying western civilization" genre]
For the record, I don't subscribe to the notion that jews played a *necessary* role in the rise of Globohomoism. The Albion's seed of our current year Clown World goes way back, to the moral crusaders of Yankeedom, & further back than that in Euro antiquity. But jews did greatly AMPLIFY and HASTEN the scourge of Globohomoism, punching well above their weight.
Leftists hate and fear Russia because Russians are God-fearing, upright people who don't tolerate poz.
The Devil always fears the righteous.
Even if President Trump had lost, they'd still be agitating for war with Russia because they despise everything good in the world.
This will become the "new normal" in America if we allow the Democrats to win in 2018!
This is NOT "propaganda," this is a FACT!
Time to put an end to this madness!
#MAGA #Ghost
It is a continuation of the liberal project of modernity which started in the 18th century but got trapped inside the national state because of nationalism. The goal is universal individualism and contractual only relations between individuals- no non-commercial (not chosen) community ties&bonds which would limit the individual.
This spike in autism is the result of several decades of drugging the majority of young American males for the false conditions of ADD, then for ADHD.
There is also a direct connection between these mass druggings and when mass shootings became a thing
[Individual links provided for each part]
With the revelation that the CIA was engaging in "meme warfare," I'm wondering how deeply the alt-right and alt-media has been subverted by government spooks.
What percentage of the alt-right are feds? What percentage of them are pushing ideas created by the feds?
Ever notice how anime Nazis and TRS-types never get permanently banned from Twitter no matter what they do?
Meanwhile, me, Pax Dickinson, Vox Day, Andrew Torba, Ricky Vaughn, Chuck Johnson and other actual journalists/publishers get banned for nothing.
Also, to what degree has the deep state already molded opinion in the alt-media to produce their desired outcome?
For example, was the anti-Christian, pro-homo "kike on a stick" strand of alt-right thought created by the CIA to deflect from certain issues?
I can say with certainty that there are already deep state moles in the alt-media, and they're not who you think they are.
They are going to be unmasked in the coming year.
Only question is how much damage these revelations will cause.
Consider this: Europe never fully recovered from the collapse of the Roman Empire. There are scientific marvels they had that we have never been able to replicate.
For example, the concrete we use today is inferior to what the Romans used, which is why roads they built are still standing today.
Similarly, the early Romans had silphium, a plant that function as natural birth control. The later Romans were such filthy reprobates that they farmed it to extinction.
Sound familiar? Like how we invented antibiotics a century ago and are now overusing them to the point of ineffectiveness?
Even at their heights, the British, French, and Germans were inferior to the Romans and ancient Greeks.
Whatever replaces Western civilization will be inferior to it.
Humanity is stuck in a cycle of devolution, each orbit bringing us closer to the dirt.
Women: How dare you use MakeApp to expose our efforts to manipulate you men into loving us!
Same women: How dare you men use Game to manipulate us women into loving you!
Suffrage has been one epic *facepalm*.
history is rife with contemporary observations of a declining nation's men becoming feminized (and women masculinized and "empowered"). it's as if gelding a nation's men and handing the reins of power over to women are prerequisites to destroying the nation.
A Revolutionary loyalty crib sheet:
Do Not Trust:
recent converts
low T uptalking vegetable lasagnas
Do Trust:
White Men
A man who can bench his weight
Hope this helps.
The Sex Gap will be yuge in the midterm elections. I predict yuger than any previous election. And we can finally have that national conversation about repealing the 19th.
Russia has recognized that pornography is a socially destructive evil and is banning it.
Frankly, I wouldn't mind if the U.S. banned or restricted porn as well.
Folks, this is pretty simple. The #TwitterLockout happened because crushed the MSM so bad with the crisis actor story reality that they nuked a good portion of Trump supporters, and it gets even worse.
Now they are banning Conservatives from CPAC for Tweeting about the kid who was coached by CNN. The entire deep state is in panic mode.
[On the teenage gun control activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting]
Oooooooooooooo. They're going to come for us - the ones who make all the money around this joint, feed them, put a roof over their heads, create jobs, build their cars, teach them in school...and allllllllllll the rest of that good stuff that the sheltered, ungrateful, entitled, narcissistic, snotty little fuckers enjoy?
If that's who he was talking about, I'd suggest that he and his ilk just bring it already so that we can get this shit over with. After all, we do have to work tomorrow.
One of the things I love about President Trump is the fact that Melania Trump is quiet, keeps to herself and isn't trying to force her way into making public policy.
It's a refreshing change from eight years of Michael Obama (not a typo).
Quiet, submissive wives for the win.
Now if President Trump can just tell his thot daughter Ivanka and her Jewboy husband to go pound sand, things would be perfect.
The two of them are squishes who want to compromise with the cucks and the lefties. They gotta go.
[Apologies for sending in so many related Gab posts as separate entries, but Gab doesn't seem to do threading like Twitter does]
Annnnnnd Milo just blew it.
He lied and claimed that there's no connection between homosexuality and pedophilia.
Massive opportunity lost.
God bless Chechnya.
[Link to Daily Mail piece on Chechen concentration camp for homosexuals]
Shudderthought of the Day: What if Big Pharma has created this androgyne self-annihilating estrogenically virtue shrieking society we currently inhabit because the Pill causes women to prefer limp beta males and ibuprofen feminizes men to prefer manjaws, so that the two find each other compatible and work together to bring the End of the West?
Jews without power: deferential, contributory
Jews gaining power: subversive
Jews with too much power: tyrannical
Pattern recognition is your friend!
A woman's life is the hierarchy it is what guides her on nearly every decision, "do I move up, do I stay in my same position or lord help me do I fall in the herd's hierarchy." But our genius conservative intellectuals treat women like individuals open to abstract blah, blah, blah.
Soon, Western libs will have to get comfortable with the live-streamed sight of mass African die-offs.
Will they have the stones to deny their pathologically altruist compulsion?
Or will they take that final suicidal plunge into the abyss printing up 5 billion "welcome africans" signs?
Stay tuned!
I'm not being glib, really, when I say that when a civilization's executive decision-making positions and institutional bureaucracies are overrun by women, it's not long for this world.
A few token female doctors? Sure. 60% female college enrollment and an endless stream of agitation for equal representation in all facets of the economy and culture? GOODBYE AMERICA.
Essential problem: women nurture and virtue preen. That means their mothering instinct gets ejaculated all over rapefugees, CACAs, ghetto trash, scab peasant labor, and generally the worst and most incompetent of society. All this is incompatible with sustaining civilization.
Men = hierarchy
Women = equalism
Civilization = striving for greatness
Anti-civilization = languishing in malaise
Male hierarchy enlivens the spirit.
Female equalism comforts the ego and body.
Too little of the former and too much of the latter marks the decline of every civilization in history.
Jewish deconstructivist antiracism polemic was a hack of the female id, opening it wide to pour in a sewer of feelz and spiritually bankrupt universalism. Once the women were..uh, smitten...their domesticated men quickly fell in line, and now trannies tell naptime stories to schoolchildren.
The entire semitic-gynarchic process is accelerated -- past feminization straight to androgynization -- as the men who would normally be the ballwark against female predation on civilization, themselves succumb to soyboyism. Once the men-on-pause happens, it's an estrus spiral into self-abnegation.
"The result of @Heartiste's analysis is that women, as a group, must be mothers, or shut away from society."
No. My analysis suggests that women, as a group, should not be falsely dissuaded from motherhood by careerism and gogrrl fanaticism, and that while there will always be a place in manly pursuits for unfortunate manjaws, the cultural message should extol male ambition and female familism.
[When you inadvertently stumble on leftist critiques of private power but extend it to nationalizing women]
if the phone company don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if the electric company don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if food distribution companies don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if hospitals don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if women don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
i am a libertarian, i am an island.
so alone.
Raping a virgin or married person who has never committed adultery should be a death penalty offense.
Raping a cock carousel rider should be a minor misdemeanor or perhaps merely a civil tort. $100 fine for first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth offenses. $105 fine for tenth offenses and beyond.
The Democrat plan for America is to open the borders, neuter the police, take money from those who work and give it to those who don't, wage war eternally without goals, borrow without limit, disarm the law abiding, criminalize self defense, glorify homosexuality, sterilize women, and murder the unborn. It's not a policy disagreement, it's literally a plan to destroy the country, and anyone who isn't fighting that as a literal threat to our survival, is an accomplice to our demise.
I told the #LGBTQ on True Capitalist Radio (many times) that if they keep up with their sexualization of children, #POTUS was going to begin laying the law down on these unappreciative POZ-HOLES!
America is the ONLY country where #LGBTQ are safe and "open;" but they have bitten the hand that feeds once too many!
#MAGA #Ghost