
Jeffrey Guhin #fundie newscientist.com

"Scientism” is the belief that all we need to solve the world’s problems is – you guessed it – science. People sometimes use the phrase “rational thinking”, but it amounts to the same thing. If only people would drop religion and all their other prejudices, we could use logic to fix everything.

Last week, US astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson offered up the perfect example of scientism when he proposed the country of Rationalia, in which “all policy shall be based on the weight of evidence”.

Tyson is a very smart man, but this is not a smart idea. It is even, we might say, unreasonable and without sufficient evidence. Of course, imagining a society in which everyone behaves logically sounds appealing. But employing logic to consider the concept reveals that there could be no such thing.

There has always been a hope, especially as elites became less religious, that science would do more than simply provide a means for learning about the world around us. Science should also teach us how to live, pointing us towards the salvation that religion once promised. You can see this in any of the secular utopianisms of the 20th century, whether it’s the Third Reich, scientific Marxism, or the “modernisation thesis” of Western capitalism.


First, experts usually don’t know nearly as much as they think they do. They often get it wrong, thanks to their inherently irrational brains that – through overconfidence, bubbles of like-minded thinkers, or just wanting to believe their vision of the world can be true – mislead us and misinterpret information.

Rationality is subjective. All humans experience such biases; the real problem is when we forget that scientists and experts are human too, and approach evidence and reasoned deliberation with the same prior commitments and unspoken assumptions as anyone else. Scientists: they’re just like us.

And second, science has no business telling people how to live. It’s striking how easily we forget the evil that following “science” can do. So many times throughout history, humans have thought they were behaving in logical and rational ways, only to realise that such acts have yielded morally heinous policies that were only enacted because reasonable people were swayed by “evidence”.

Phrenology – the determination of someone’s character through the shape and size of their cranium – was cutting-edge science. (Unsurprisingly, the upper class had great head ratios.) Eugenics was science, as was social Darwinism and the worst justifications of the Soviet and Nazi regimes.

Scientific racism was data-driven too, and incredibly well-respected. Scientists in the 19th century felt quite justified in claiming that “the weight of evidence” supported African slavery, white supremacy and the concerted effort to limit the reproduction of the “lesser” races.

It wasn’t so long ago that psychiatrists considered homosexuality unhealthy and abhorrent. There is at least one prominent, eminently rational psychiatrist who hasn’t come around on transgenders. And many scientists decided that women were biologically incapable of the same kind of rationality you find in men, a scientific sexism reborn in contemporary evolutionary psychology.


In fact, creationism has a lot more in common with scientism than people such as Tyson or Richard Dawkins would ever admit. Like Tyson, creationists begin with certain prior commitments (“evolution cannot be true”, for example, substitutes for “science cannot be wrong”) and build an impressively consistent argument upon them. Just about everyone is guilty of some form of “motivated reasoning”: we begin with certain priors, and then find a way to get the evidence to do what we want.

The past mistakes of science should make us sceptical that it could be used to build a utopia. But, the scientists might say, science is most important for its ability to self-correct. Psychiatry has come around on homosexuality, for example. This may be true, yet it presents the precise reason why attempting to act only accounting for the “weight of evidence” is so flawed.

Hugh #conspiracy newscientist.com

Exactly. They can take their facts and stick them where the sun don't shine. I'm with you and the Heartland Institute.

(I love the Heartland Institute, especially the way they haven't been bullied into believing the lies about tobacco causing cancer)

Emmanuel #fundie newscientist.com

So what you are saying is that out of disorder came order. And then order recognized that it came out of disorder. Instead of recognizing itself as a disordered-order; conveniently forgetting its origins and establishing a new foundation. If you've not redefined the laws of logic, at least you've redefined the second law of thermodynamics! Interesting :)

Karl Priest #fundie newscientist.com

I am a recently retired public middle school mathematics teacher, in West Virginia, with over 30 years experience as an educator including administration.

For the last five years of my full-time career, with the full knowledge (and dismay) of State, County, and ACLU officials, I demonstrated to my students that mathematics proves beyond the shadow of doubt that evolutionism is nonsense. The students saw that the evidence clearly shows that every item associated with humans, animals and plants are Intelligent Designs and Intelligent Design is science because it is observable by billions of people trillions of times, always has been, always will be. I always let them figure it out for themselves and allowed them to believe what they chose, but at least they were exposed to the scientific facts that extremists want to censor from the minds of public school students. After the lesson a student from an atheist family said, "Evolution is silly."

Evolutionists are bluffing when they say their beliefs are scientific. Be sure to look at the list of evolutionists who refuse the debate challenge from Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo. See the list at http://www.lifescienceprize.org/

Polemos #fundie newscientist.com

The universe = a single hologram = God.

We are sub-holograms of the God-hologram. The sub-holograms' alienation from the God-hologram (this alienation manifests itself as "objectivity" and atheism) is derivative from the Planckian pixellation of vacuum. The universe is expanding; as a result, the Planckian pixels become blurred and ovelap. Very soon, the gap between the subjective and the objective worlds will disappear. We are entering the era of psychokinesis.

Darwin Was Wrong #fundie newscientist.com

All the monkey to man evolution theories of our "ancestors" of: Piltdown,Nebraska,Peking,Cro-Magnon,Java,Heidelberg and Australopithecus Man..ALL HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED, but are still being taught as REALITY in our schools of "higher education".....They teach THEORIES OF'EVOLUTION'... NOT FACT...it is an ASSUMTION.. They take a single fragment of bone, and create whole genomes of cave men.... There is NO fossil record to prove we EVOLVED.... MICROevolution is is not evolution either - it is VARIETY of KIND(like humankind)....... DONT FALL FOR THIS TRIPE about now they can make a caveman talk... Maybe I need to get some stupid idiot in the Government sponsor me and to throw money my way, so I can prove that my car can talk if given time to EVOLVE......

Tim of Angle #fundie newscientist.com

On a recent apology by the British Government for Alan Turing's treatment (and other homosexual men of the time) who were either imprisoned or given oestrogen injections because of their sexual oreintation:

"1. Turing knowingly engages in criminal behavior.

2. He's caught.

3. He's punished.

4. He doesn't like being punished so he kills himself.

5. The British government owes him an apology.

It's the jump to (5) that I don't follow"

John The Creationist #fundie newscientist.com

Amazing, they say without hesitation that complex life showed up 500 million years ago. And they know how? That is totally historical science, not observational. There is no way to know that number, they admit they cannot be sure of their own theory but we are to believe 500 million years? Layers of rock and mud formed with deposits of thousands of dead things all over the planet...hmmm..sounds like a global flood. God's Word is quite clear on this, He is the creator, evolution is a false religion trying to explain away God.

Ynot #fundie newscientist.com

On the British Government's apology for the treatment of people like Alan Turing:

"Rightly or wrongly,the man was guilty of transgressing the law of the land at that time.Whether or not he was a giant in his field is totally immaterial.

Had he been a paedophile,I wonder how many people would be looking for an apology?"

Joseph #fundie newscientist.com

What does creation science teach?

The Bible tells us:

Genesis 7

10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth. . . .

23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

Q. "If there really was a world-wide flood, what would the evidence be?

A. Billions of dead things,buried in rock layers, laid down by water,

all over the earth."

From: Billions of Dead Things - Buddy Davis

Q. What does scientific evidence show?

A. "billions of dead plants and animals buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the world."

See: The World's a Graveyard (Conclusions)


The Bible, creationism, and scientific evidence are in agreement.

Let's teach the truth.

chris #conspiracy newscientist.com

Is it possible that the events in the Catholic Bible is really the History of our Ancestors? of course, the Bible have been told through generations of people, so the true history would have changed. But if you read between the lines, it is so much a possibility that the events had happened.

... And we might as well came from Venus.

I thought of this idea because i believe that our solar system is being pulled by the sun's gravity so every day, we are getting closer to the sun. That's why right now, we have this greenhouse effect (just like Venus). And isn't it a coincidence that the GOVERNMENT is looking into Mars? ... Coz that's the only place habitable in our solar system.

We just move from one planet to another.

And have you wondered why we have discovered Advance Civilizations in our archealogical diggings? where did these Advanced Civilizations came from?

Protective daddy #conspiracy newscientist.com

[NASA considers pulling an asteroid into orbit around the Moon.]

So I assume this is an admission by NASA that the moon landing are fake.

Why would we need to practice landing etc and why are nasa planning a trip around the moon. All of this asteroid talk is more pap. No doubt nasa will say they have done it and a new super element will be found.....probably created in secret at cambridge much like graphene but with an increased value, maybe even be the next "energy source".

Man will never leave this planet and has never left this planet or its atmosphere, the apparent space station is simply in the outer reaches of our atmosphere due to the high levels of radiative exposure beyond. Mans knowledge is limited and is reaching the end point of limitations, what is left.............we are just entering the digital age, the next step is man will not exist in a biological sense but his brain will be removed at birth and implanting in a robotically enhanced being, this will be due to the diminishing environment parameters of our world and our bodies inability to sustain the impending radiation we are about to be exposed to.

Herald the age of what will be known as digital surrogacism., only then will robotised beings be able to venture beyond our planets environmental shield. What will be the point

Paul Dowdy #fundie newscientist.com

science confirms that life cannot arise from non-life SO= where did humans, animals,plant life come from? And science says there has to be a cause and effect so whats the cause. If a scientist could tell me that he knows where everything came from then i would believe that the bible is fake. but science will never be able to make sence think about it you keep coming back to how did it get started and science has no starting prosess for life. you cant take nothing and nothing and a little bit of nothing and put it togeter in a lab and creat anything. science dont even know how a cubit foot of space is created you know that stuff you walk threw ,air is in it ,your house is in it ,the earth is in it. you cant tell me space is just free theres no formula no math to figure it out. If you use worldly logic it just dont make sence you know science. the only logical answer is the unlogical one to use that something magical created everything wich would be god. Oh yeah i belive in the bible but i belive that it is older than alot of people do. The bible does say that the world is round spear mean round. and the the bible saying things like i will go to the end of the world doesnt mean they thought is was flat we still say that phrase today. and the bible knew that befor we did. the bible knew that there were spings in the bottom of the ocean and we didnt discover it until like 1970. Even if im wrong why would anyone want to live knowing that they are just going to die in that case i dont mean anything life is all for nothing. or you can beleve and get saved and you still dont have to live a sin free life thats why jesus died on the cross. you have nothing to lose if you beleve. and if you dont beleve you have nothing to gain even if the bible and god was not ture.

Jim Smith #fundie newscientist.com

[Comment on an article about a new study that shows that people attribute their own opinions to god]

Wow . . . Idolatry Exists . . . Never Knew

Wow ... this confirms what Christians and Jews have known for ... say ... ABOUT 3000 years!!! LOL.

Idolatry is humanly constructing gods to serve your own purposes. Christians worship a crucified God, something which defies idolatry and this study.

Anonymous #fundie newscientist.com

If you are so sure that evolution is the only THEORY that has any scientific merit, then why are you so concerned about teaching an alternative and letting people decide for themselves? Moreover, how extensive have you researched creationism? I would encourage everyone to learn about as many scientific theories as possible and decide which they believe.