
Nikito #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

i have one question. How is one to compete or try to reach out to people in all places especially school when all they feed us is huxley's " Brave New World" or Oscar Wilde's " Picture of Dorian Grey" . how is one to show the irrationality of those books and the message they potrary, to pinpoint the flaws and errors in thier secular philosophies? When the bible is not even mentioned or even thought of. We must have to battle intellectually just for the very existance of god! my point is thinking critically, or LOGICALLY in away that makes sense and point toward the CROSS

HolyMoses! #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Is Command and Conquer3 anti christian?


like i was researching thois game and i read up on it and they were gonna call a unit the mammoth. I'm really sick of how atheists are everywhere in EDIT and pushing there stuff on about how god isn't real

mammoths are fake and were made up by darwin to promote atheistism and go against the teaching of god

god is real, mammoths are fake and evolution is fake. darwin was a bigot who hated africans and said that europeans could rule over them. i hate him. this game EDIT

StElsewhere #racist christiandiscussionforums.org

Look...Men screwing men ...and women doing whatever they do to other women ...is..was...and will forever be an abomination before the True and Living God...and it is the god of this world who wants everyone to accept that damnable life style as NORMAL...is isn't and it will never be right before the True and Living God! Never! I don't know what a unrepentant homosexual even wants to do with anything that has to do with Jesus anyway! Knowing how He feels about what they are doing!

Simple_Mind #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Because everything you say is spoken from a non-Christian theory of knowledge, it -- in theory -- is wrong because knowledge would not be possible at all if atheism were true, thus you are wrong about everything. The only reason you can do mathematics, science, etc. is because you really (though you won't acknowledge it) presuppose a Christian view of life, i.e. common grace.

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I see being gay as being just as wrong and unnatural as bestiality. In neither case is the correct hardware being used for the job.

In fact it makes more sense for a man to have sex with a female dog than with another man. At least he would get the gender correct.

Metacrock #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

there are not more christians in jail than atheists. I've proven time and time again that stat came the atheist probelms with reading comprehension.

Those who checked the box "atheist" under the category "religion" are listed as "atheist." But there's another category for "non religious and other" that has a huge percentrage in it. Atheits are only looking at the category that says "religious" and people who put atheist for their religion, either as a joke or because they feel it is their religion. that group is only 2%. This was the study from England.

Chan #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Is the Virginia Tech shooting tragic? Certainly. Are the families and friends of the victims hurting? Absolutely. But we need to look at the bigger picture as Jesus presented it and see that the real tragedy is not the physical loss of life but the eternity in the lake of fire facing anyone who has not repented of his sins and put his trust in Christ and the gospel. We certainly cannot presume that all of the victims at Virginia Tech were Christians and the perpetrator who killed himself was certainly not a Christian. Without Christ, humans are without hope and that is the real tragedy!

catholicwifeandmom #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The first thing to keep in mind is that pro-lifers don’t do abortions. If abortion were outlawed today and illegal abortionists started springing up next week, every one of them would be someone who is pro-choice. In fact, every woman who was ever killed or maimed during an abortion – whether it was legal or illegal – was killed or maimed by someone who was pro-choice. In other words, when the abortion lobby says, “If abortion is made illegal, women will die,” what they’re actually saying is, “If you stop us from killing babies, we’re going to start killing women.”

[emphasis original]

jesusfreak2 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I have my opinions and you will not change them. I used to be a pro-abort non-believin' hedonistic agnostic. I know exactly how atheists think. I certainly have known enough of them. I was NOT raised in Church and was not influenced to believe in God at all by my parents.

I also said that atheists who WRITE CHECKS TO THE ACLU are supporting an organization that supports and defends child rapists and murderers using sophistical arguments about what "free speech" is. As an atheist, you should denounce the ACLUE for that ALONE. Instead, we have endless pontificating on this board, IN THIS THREAD about the virtuous ACLU. What a bunch of bunk. The truth is ugly and it hurts, but debating with you or getting into some kind of gutter argument debate about what atheists believe will NOT change my opinion of atheists or their belief system that is built on sinking sand.

Have a nice weekend.

Chan #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There is no such thing as separation of church and state in the Constitution or any of its amendments. The first amendment prohibits only two things with regard to religion: 1) the establishment of an official national or (since the 14th amendment) state religion and; 2) any law that prohibits the free exercise of religion. In other words, government may not establish an official religion and may not, in any way, put restrictions on the free exercise of religion.

Topaz #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think the US needs to separate itself from the ACLU

[They are separate.]

Well they don't act like it...they gotta stick their nose in so many things and create MORE problems than necessary.
They are not for the American people, it is a lie that they are the "American Civil Liberties Union

[This implies that black people are not Americans.]

Now how in the world did you get that out of what I said.....do you work for the ACLU? Trying to stir up more trouble?

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

We are free to worship and proselytize as we see fit per the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF".

This has always been the rule of the land until the 60's when people like you began to interject your religious beliefs of atheism and evolutionism into our society. You have been successful in tricking people about the meaning of our laws and our history while penetrating and brainwashing people's minds with your brand of naturalistic religion and hatred of other's "supernaturalistic" religion.

The Bible and our Bible-based belief system has now been replaced with Origins of the Species and naturalism, both part of YOUR religion.

Richbee #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

300 "global warming" Spartans, Al Gore, Liberals and Islamist Extremism


Discuss this dramatic contrast:

* Liberals believe that anthropogenic global warming is real and Islamist extremism is a hoax.

* Conservatives believe that Islamist extremism is real and anthropogenic global warming is a hoax.

When the next post-9/11 attack of Islamist extremism occurs, as it surely will, who would you rather be standing behind: Al Gore, with his carbon offset certificate-shield raised high in one hand and his florescent-tube spear in the other, or a member of the United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, or Air Force?

Personally, I would feel safer protected by one genuine G.I. Joe than 300 Al Gores.

jesusfreak2 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think that the atheist god is more the god of REASON. That is why they are so naive about real evil. They truly believe in their hearts that you can REASON with terrorists.

They will write checks to the ACLU all day long and make fun of hukster preachers for being money grubbers.

Well, at least preachers don't spend money supporting child rapists/murderers.

George Yurich #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Atheists are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking. If they were capable of logical and analytical thinking then they would accept that there is a Supreme Intelligence(God) governing the universe. I believe in God and Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that God exists and that Christianity is totally logical to believe in.

StElsewhere #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The gays took something that was God-Given and twisted it into something that should be despised in every quarter...the Rainbow...What was the rainbow given for and by whom? ...And now look ...Those whom God despises the actions of the most...to the point that He has from the beginning...called it an "abomination"...have God's Rainbow... taken it a twisted it into something representing the most vilest thing in the LORD'S sight...The emblem of their solidarity...Is not the Rainbow the tie that binds all lesbians and gays together? You can call me a homophobe or intolerant...it matters not...the one thing I can't be called is... a LIAR! Each time I see a Gay Pride Parade...awash in God's heavenly Rainbow...it sickens me...I can only imagine what it does to our LORD...These are my views...What are yours?

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

No "Christian" has ever "slaughtered" anyone. If they did, then they were not Christians.

I have never met a Christian who believed in violence as means to promoting their religion. It is obvious that some Muslims treat violence as means of promotion as a part of their religion, and I have met many that would not take part in the violence but believe it to be an integral part of their religion.

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

America's history is more white than any other color imaginable. That is unless you wished to be scalped and roasted.

Obviously slavery was an issue. I dont think anybody can deny that. But dont forget to look at the big picture. Only in such a great country could such a sin be abolished.

mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

America's government has always been correlated with its religion, and our governments religion has been that of a Bible-based Judeo-Christian mindset.

The liberals, Bible-haters, including the evolutionists, move to wipe out such a record as they dislike such a precedence

George Yurich #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Public schools do not teach the Ten Commandments. Public schools teach situational ethics which is amorality. And public schools teach the religion of Secular Humanism. And Christianity is totally logical. I accept Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that Christianity is totally logical.

coadie #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

Worshipping homosexuals worship a different god

My God never changes. He asks me to repent and change. Having shared these thoughts from the bible, when I pray and read the bible it denounces homosexuality as an abomination and sin. It will keep two participants from heaven.

The Gay claims to pray and get endorsement. There are not two correct answers. Therefore we must conclude it is prayer to a different god that causes the answers to be different than Jesus (the Word that became flses and dwelt among us) tells us.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, root and offspring of David and you will get the same answers every time. Pray to a pagan humanist deity and he will tell you what will give you pleasure.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(Supersport's take on nationalized medicine and charity)

I'm not against helping people who truly need help. The problem is there is no such thing as a "free" anything. I don't know about your country but THIS country promises its citizens JUSTICE. Justice means you get out of life what you put into it....in otherwords no free lunches.

I don't believe in free lunches unless you are starving. If you are starving you should not look to the government. There are thousands churches in this country that will feed you directly or point you to the food banks they stock. Then after you get some food in your stomach you can GO GET A *******G JOB!!!

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(Supersport explains how animals in the wild never get sick. From three different comments in the thread)

Darwin, why do you think animals in the wild don't get diabetes? Why do they not get alzheimers? Why do they not get MS or or lupus or Depression? Why do they not get cancer? Why is it that dogs and cats start coming down with diseases such as cancer and diabetes only after they are in captivity....only after humans care for them and vaccinate them and give them all kinds of drugs, and processed food?

why is that?

[Mind-boggingly stupid statement. Animals in the wild do get various illnesses, but they don't usually survive long enough for us to find them while they are convalescing in a den or a nest, because they either starve or get eaten. In the wild getting sick is close to a death sentence.]

No they don't. Please show me where animals in the wild get diabetes, for example.

Billi #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

If I pray to God to kill you, naturally He's not going to listen to my prayer!

If I don't pray in accordance to His will, of course He's not going to answer my prayers!

If your kids ask for stupid things, will you give them what they want?

If your kids ask for things that are good for them, wouldn't you always try to give what's good to them?

Do you understand now, how God is like a parent or you still wish to see God as a Genie in the Bottle?

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Scientists are on a search for the truth . They don't have the truth or they wouldn't keep searching for the truth and changing their minds all the time.

Therefore they can no more be trusted than those who are in the dark about the truth. So again, when scientists agree with God, they will always be right. When they disagree with God, they will always be wrong. So ultimately, all we need is God.

awediot #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[So Christians, what exactly is your idea of what awaits us Atheists in hell?]

To many look forward to the gnashing and the wailing and the endless sweating and leathery straps and chains and gargoyle babes with whips... I suspect hell just leaves you literally alone, nothing but proud of not kneeling, a little chilly or too warm, hungry, achy, annoyed, lonely but sick of everybody, sleepy, anxious and constantly needing to pee though you can go forever and it just makes it a hair worse everytime... Hell is bleak, not even offering the thrill of torture...

coadie #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

Why do you just rail against those that oppose Homosexuality? Why not reail against those that fire pharmicists for not prescribing baby killer drugs. Rail against those that destroy forrests by not allowing roads to be built for fire fighters. Rail against those that destroy the business of pig and chicken farmers.

Do you just rail full time against those that are Christians and don't want homosexuality to rule our world? How closed minded.

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The next trick that a charlatan evolutionist, cosmologist, atheist or agnostic (as apposed to a regenerated one), being intellectually dishonest with themselves, tries to pull over your eyes (as well as their own in the might of their flesh) is through the question, "why can't God have a creator?" Because, by definition that no longer makes God uncreated, now does it? The subject matter, God of the Bible, of the 4 Step Proof then changes. By definition, God IS the Great I AM and is uncreated (as proven in Step 1 and Step 2). The subject is God uncreated, not as a god able to be created. Do not speak of God, then redefine Him, while remaining calling Him God or calling him a god. You would then be trying to disprove something else, which is misreading the 3rd Step. Not only is this disrespectful, but cunning, unethical and coy. Be "not

The goal of the evolutionist starts with the desired conclusion. They want erotic liscence and therefore they must inductively arive at the conclusion there is no God nor judgement.

kristenlouise #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

People who commit witchcraft, for example, invite generational curses upon their children and their children's children. People who kill invite the spirit of murder. People who commit sexual sin invite generational curses on their children and their children's children. You can see patterns of sin running through families (alcoholism, for example---I often go back to this one because it runs in my family) and that is often because of generational sin.

gamnot #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Atheist Group/Cult.]

There has been a cult operating in Georgia for a while now, and I can't find anyone to talk to about it. It seems to be a secret atheist Anti-Christian cult associated with the pornography industry. The cult has used violence to try to get people under it's control. The reason that I had encounters with them, I believe, is because there were rumors that I had organized crime links in my family history and there were also "Holy Warrior" local political activities in my family for certain. In one case years ago, someone was caught planting a snake bomb in my home, and the law-enforcement agents that I talked to about it said that the perpetrater was a drug addict who was involved because of the money he would receive, but he could not identify the source and the trail went cold. But I am sure it was the atheist cult. I am interested in finding out if anyone here knows anything about this cult. I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old. I am sixty now. God Bless You.

wiseones2cents #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I have noticed, the anti-Christs [Atheists] have really stepped up thier campaign to smear and discredit Christianity.

It was bad enough they attacked Christ in the schools, in the streets, in plays, displays,ect...

Then they started with Davinci's code which is completly garbage.

Though this week alone. There is an article on the denying of Jesus's crucifiction. They are implying that Jesus was crucified upside down...

There is the article that was perfectly timed to come out now that discredits the Bible in regards to judas.

There was an article that claimed Jesus did not walk on water but on Ice...

I believe they know their end is growing near and they are desperately trying to weaken Christian faith.

Richard Lamb #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[I got to marry the person I love, and I don't see why someone else should be denied that right just because they have different taste in sexual relationships than I have.]

I love my computer, I could even use it as a sexual object given all the porn out there. I am not marrying it though.

Glorybound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

atheistic faith herein never told that there are credible scientists who harbor significant skepticism towards Darwinism and even doubt that Darwinism creates a reasonable foundation for atheism?

Can the so-called intellectuals not see the deadly poisonous viper in the grass, the lawn of knowledge? Science is an ever changing field of expertise. Scripture is NEVER CHANGING, yet much of what was once considered absurd in scripture, has since been proven scientifically factual.

armoredyak #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

phelps seems to be bad....what is the good for our society?

universal homo supremacy? lets not forget, not just abortion on demand, but retroactive abortion on demand.

to put 'christian morals' in a pot, and label it 'evil' what are we going to label good?

satanic morals?


George Yurich #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Well if you are not an atheist then you should agree that logical and analytical thinking dictate that there is a Supreme Intelligence governing the universe.

[Your original argument was a tautology. You claim that atheists don't think logically when they reject premise X, then you present their rejection of premise X as evidence for your claim that they lack logical thought.]

I accept God and Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that God and Christianity are totally logical to believe in.

joseph47parker #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There is a double standard here on these boards and I cannot believe it. You guys cry “foul” when Christian parents send their OWN children to bible camps, but when other “indoctrinate” their children with atheistic ideas you say it is fine. You guys cry out, “let the children make up their own minds” when it come to homosexuality camps, and then turn right around and condemn parent when the take their kids to church. Here is the case in point.

[I was raised to believe, 'there's no such thing as god, that's a load of bull crap, there's no heaven and no hell and you die and that's it'. Cool. Got on with my merry little childhood. ...]

Then, there a thunderous applause from the atheists in approval. Where is the out cry that this is indoctrination? Where is the out cry to “let the kid make up his own mind”? There is none. Just applause and approval. Then later he writes this—..

[Fast forward to the present. I am now highly aware of and passionate about the effects of forcing religion on young children, teenagers, or in fact anyone who is not interested. ...]

But were his parent’s not forcing their atheist beliefs on this kid when they say there is no god? I remind you he state, “I was raised to believe” NOT after much reflection on the subject I have become and atheist! Where is the out cry? Silence from the atheist, because it reflects their own desires. Double standard!!!!

[I took home the catholic workbook, with no idea of what it was even about. My parents hit the roof! (This was in the 70's) I was pulled out of that scripture quick smart, and when everyone else went to scripture, I would go to the principal's office and read. I was already good at reading, and with this extra practice, I just got better. Win/win, I'd say. ...]

The father pulled the kid outta a class at the CATHOLIC school that HE sent him to? If I posted the same thing and said I pulled my kid outta science class out the public school that I sent him to during the time they were teaching evolution, there would be a huge uproar. You guys would say that I’m limiting my child’s education or I’m an extremist or something along those lines. But, when the shoe is on the other foot, well—..it is okay by the atheist.

George Yurich #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

Homosexuality is totally illogical and totally evil because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And the New Testament clearly states that homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom Of God. And thus logical and analytical thinking dictates that if homosexuals are not gaining entrance into Heaven then logically homosexual activity should be totally outlawed.

Metacrock #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

God exists becasue I say he does

(1) the senese of the relaity of God is unqiue and intautve. if you don't have it you just dont' have it. But the verfication of it is the working out of sueprnatural effects in the life of the believer.

(2) God is the Transendental signfiider, there will always have to be a thing at the top of the metaphysical hierarchy and that thing is God.

the atheist is stuck, there cannot not be a God, and that is borne out by the reilgius a prori in the live of the believer.

Thorny #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There is a case going through the federal courts about a high school student who was barred from wearing a tee-shirt expressing his religious point of view on homosexual behavior at school. The interesting thing here is that this happened the day after other students were allowed to wear t-shirts supporting homosexual behavior.

I keep seeing Christians called bigots on this board for expressing our Christian viewpoint, but where is all this righteous indignation when we are the ones being discriminated against. Isn’t it amazing how some people only complain against bigoted discrimination when they want to have there own way, but when an obvious case of unreasonable discrimination comes along not one word is said word is said by the same people and groups.

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