
Glorybound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

How many herein have been told by intellectual yet spiritually dim witted professors, that “no science minded person could ever believe what scripture states concerning Jesus Christ”? How many atheist and, agnostics, other skeptics, scoffers and doubters alike have opened their eyes to the fact that the media is biased, politically and otherwise? How many atheists, agnostics, other skeptics, scoffers and doubters have taken the time to do some serious research since they originally made up their mind not to believe?
Don’t those who rely so heavily on man’s finite wisdom and understanding realize that that understanding evolves?

No, the Christian cannot currently prove to the nonbeliever that God exists, no more than a person can prove the beauty of a sunset, or a rainbow to a blind person. One can personally enjoy that beauty though. They can also bask in the warmth and beauty with another who sees. Does the blind person deny that beauty and warmth? Though they can feel the warmth, do they deny the existence of the beauty?

Metacrock #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

God exists becasue I say he does

(1) the senese of the relaity of God is unqiue and intautve. if you don't have it you just dont' have it. But the verfication of it is the working out of sueprnatural effects in the life of the believer.

(2) God is the Transendental signfiider, there will always have to be a thing at the top of the metaphysical hierarchy and that thing is God.

the atheist is stuck, there cannot not be a God, and that is borne out by the reilgius a prori in the live of the believer.

George Yurich #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

Homosexuality is totally illogical and totally evil because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And the New Testament clearly states that homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom Of God. And thus logical and analytical thinking dictates that if homosexuals are not gaining entrance into Heaven then logically homosexual activity should be totally outlawed.

scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Those talented and clever Egyptians... all kinds of theories have been put forward as to how they could build such marvellous pyramids and be so clever with their astronomy, physics and so on.

How could human beings be hunting apes for 100,000 years then suddenly build pyramids? Many doubt that we could build the pyramids with such precision with today's technology.

From a creationist point of view, it is entirely reasonable that the Egyptians were so clever. They were closer relations to Adam than we are. God did not create a stupid man, he created a genetically superior man who had great intellect. His descendents also were very clever and skillful- Noah etc.

The extraordinary skill and know-how of the Egyptians cannot be explained by "evolution" i.e. from 100,000 years man/ape hunting, then building pyramids.

GloryBound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Sorry, the stench of the fools vile, and down right morbid ignorance and utter stupidity, has become so overcoming that I have decided to climb out of the slime pit and give the fools therein, yourself included a break for a while.

Besides, cross examining the fool will prove nothing other than his/her/your foolishness, and should you have any takers and they fail to represent their assertions correctly, what will you have proven? That you are better at lawyering, than they? Perhaps, but nothing else.

Like a fungus, fools have come and gone. Many have attempted to disprove, or even destroy it, but God’s living word remains. Though the fools have, and are continuing to influence the “Powder Puff” and so called New Age Churches, God’s word has not changed; not even one single letter therein, nor will it do so.

I don’t know if you have read many of my posts or not, but I have made it plain that I am not in this fools forum we call the atheist forum, to prove or disprove anything. I am here to present Gods truth, not debate it. If you damnable fools wish not to accept that truth, He has given you that right. It is called “free will,” and you have every right to your ignorance if you desire to remain therein, but don’t expect the learned Christian, not all of them anyway, to stand meekly by while you spread your deadly cancerous, vile and putrid seeds of death and eternal damnation.

Okay— Here it comes— I can hear the swine squealing now—
Slipping and sliding in the muck and slime. Climbing atop one another—Who will be first to chime in? I might hage figured as much... Rule violation? Is calling a fool, a fool a violation? Does truth hurt? Yep... Even those who deny truth are hurt by it, because they know it is true, and it pertains to them.

Metacrock #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There are several appauling tricks atheists use to deny logic, but one of the most agregeious (sp?) is the use of strawman argument in relation to questions of origin.

Theist says: Where did the universe come from?

Atheist says: where did God come from?

Theist says: God did not come from anywhere God always was

Atheist says: that is special pleading.

That sounds like logic, but it's not. Its' plyaing with logic terms to get away with their own illogic. The truth is it's a straw man argument on their part.

they are insisting you must accept my straw man! It is so because it's not what we believe! you cant' call theistic belief "special pleading" because that's the belief itself. Now it could be used as special pleading at some point but this is not that point!

kkll4ever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Do you recognize this statement and who made it?

"He who owns the youths, gains the future."

This quote is by Adolph Hitler. And if you read some history, Hitler created a massive army of Jew killer from German youths trained to be his soldiers. Now, how did he do it. By continual exposure to his(Hitler's pholosophy of life and who is worth this or that). We read the history and call it brainwashing and a angered by it and rightly so. But so how this same way of thinking is in the church and in our society when it comes to raising children. Somehow some churches, families, parents feel that raising their children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord is brain washing them. This maybe stretching it quite a bit, but just think and answer, why don't the church teach based on the statistical data the dangers of dating. What the church, family, parents do instead is tell a man or woman that they can take fire in their bosom and not get burned. These are the rules for dating? I, you, us can positively impact the dating stats, one way being the same a Hitler, teach our children when they are young the way they should go. Notice the results directly in the verse. And when they are old, THEY WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT.

No if God inspired this to be put in His word, then God must have a way for it to be done. And my example of Hitler shows that it can be done; although Hitler did evil, but he thought he was doing good.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Evolutionists are obsessed with skulls. In particular they love sticking thier noses down into rotting skulls with tape measures. Then these self-absorbed thinkers very carefully analyze the shape, size and contour of these skulls because they think they can make judgements on how intelligent someone was based on these measurements and observations. Neanderthals, for instance, despite being genecally 99.9% the same as modern humans, have been labled brutes and savages because they had big skulls with thick bones. Not only that, but some evolutionists say they were unable to even speak, and instead, resorted to making high squeaking noises -- I guess like some sort of dolphin or hyena or something. Of course, it was because they were so darn dumb that us "real" humans supposedly overpowered them and drove them into extinction. Afterall, who wants dumb people around? (This is despite the fact that there's absolutely no evidence of widespread killings or savage murders of Neanderthals.)

Seriously....reading the words of these people is just laughable. Listening to them go on and on about the specific dimensions and sizes of skulls, like these things have anything to do with the intelligence of the individual is just insulting. In fact, I truly do feel insulted for the person who's skull they are sifting through. How would you evolutionists like someone in the future digging through your skull and calling you sub-human or incapable of intelligent thought -- or saying you didn't know how to talk?

But my question to you evolutionists is this: What in the world would make you think that because someone has a different shaped skull that they cannot think as good as you can? And what does size have to do with anything? Evolutionists keep searching for "intermediate" skulls -- skulls that lie somewhere in between an apes' and a humans' for years now.

But if skull size meant anything at all, then why aren't gorillas much more intelligent that we are? And elephants? And hippos? A human is a human is a human. The human brain is a human brain no matter what size it is. You can be a tiny person such as a pygmy or you can be a giant. A giant, despite his large brain, is no more intelligent than a small person.

School kids, even the class dunce, could get this logic -- but evolutionists can't.

Royal_Priest #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think I would be a very very effective president, and my policies though radical, would create a better economy, and a better way-of-life both here and abroad for all american citizens. I would not rule to be liked, I would rule to make this a better country. And to the other poster, yes it would be somewhat of a dictatorship. I agree. I would change the constitution to increase the presidential term of office from 4 years to maximum 25 years, arguing that 4 years is not enough nor sufficient in todays global economy and ever-changing world. With increased poverty, increased violence, increased technology, and increased demands for resources, I would argue that 4 years actually undermines any realistic effort a president has to bring about change. Even 8 years is not enough. And my argument would sell. We need some level of dictatorship/imperialism to wake us up (so long as it is the right type of dictatorship), because FREEDOM has put us to sleep and made us weak in understanding what it means to have a NATION and to be a citizen within that nation, abiding by certain National laws.

Neolights #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Re: Are there any Christians here willing to die or kill for their beliefs?]

This may sound funny, but I would do both... I have a bit different take then most though because I was trained to kill... but if it came right down to protecting the faith, my family yeah i would go all the way... If Christianity became illegal and was punishable by death, you better believe when whoever came to break up the church would be in harms way... That is hard truth that not many people are willing to man up to... doing think Jesus would have been down? check out Luke 22:35 or 36 i believe. Jesus tells the disciples to by swords...

Richbee #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Al Gore's film is not about Science, it is about AGENDA!


Al Gore is a refuted liar and a fraud, and James Hansen gives away the roots of his own bias, or ideological bent.

If Al Gore was giving a recipe for making toast - he forgot the bread!

Royal_Priest #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

from a spiritual perspective society would be CLEANSED of it's impurities. Why do you think God ordered Joshua to kill all the men, women, and children of the land. It's not because God is bad, but rather ALL deserve to die, and the land which was given to the israelites had to be PURGED of its spiritual impurities.

You want to know why the war in Iraq is dragging, because we're fighting it according to our MODERN-DAY sensibilities about death, instead of wiping the land clean and purging the land just as they did in ancient times. ..

Bob Carabbio #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I have seen two instances of demonization ("Demon possession" is an unfortunate KJV mistranslation).

One was a mid teens gal who's total personality, and appearence suddenly changed and she became wild and uncontrollable after a meeting until Samuel Thomas (who was the speaker that evening in the Sidney, Ohio FGBMFI meeting) came out in the Holiday inn parking lot and ministered deliverance to her. SInce my AoG youth group was there at the meeting they all watched it too, and afterwards we went to her house and called the blood of Jesus through it since we had the sense of the presence of the demonic there also. I lost my position as Youth leader because of that one - the AOG in '74 chose NOT to believe that there was demonic activity in rural Ohio. One of the gals in the youth group discovered that she could "feel" demonic presence in her hands (they became ice cold and sweaty).

The other one was the sister of one of the folks in the Celina AoG church, about 1976, who was being driven to suicide by a totally dominating spirit of fear. As a last resort, the pastor and the member got her over and ministered deliverance. The church member prayed exclusively in tongues and decribed the "pushing" sensation against the demonic entity, and a great "holy anger" focused on it - AND the lifting of the burden when the thing left. The sister was immediately "O.K." but had a week of so of shadows with nothing to cast 'em, things moving in her house, and her piano playing by itself, which she opposed in Jesus' name - and now as of 3 years ago (2003) she was still "delivered" and without oppression.

caseypowell #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Two things, there are plenty of reasons to believe in God demosntrated within the context of the Bible. Also why do we need a reason to have a reason to believe in self evident truths? Thats the point. They're self evidently true. We don't need a reason to believe in them. But, thats not to say, we don't HAVE reasons to believe in them. This is where your confusion is coming in I believe.

kkll4ever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I was in the doctor's office a day or so ago and was reading a poster with some of today's Society Parenting Tips. You know those parenting tips that completely ignore the Bible and gives you a bunch of evolutionary(monkey) base child psychology. The poster listed 10 points to do in order to improve communication with kids. Ever last one of the points was bending to the child, instead of the child being taught to bend to the adult. Ever one of the points was parents honoring the child instead of the child being taught to honor the parents. Not one of the 10 points(commandments so to speak) even hinted at any form whatsoever of discipline. Not even so much as a No or Stop or that's wrong.

After I got finish reading the ten points, I asked myself, "who is in control here?"

So yes, this applies today. But when parents are reading non-scriptural posters in doctor's offices, applying non-biblical child psychology, in the end the child gets the message, "I'm in control. All I need to do is show(act) how much my parents are ruining my life and they will say uncle. They will give me whatever I want, including non-biblical attire."

kkll4ever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Women Who Dress Non-Biblically]

In Biblical Times, if a man came to town looking for a harlot, she could be easily spotted by her attire.

Go to a department store that has both men and women clothes. Women clothes outnumber men by as much 10 to 1, if not greater.

Go to the mall and you will pass be 10 or more women only clothing stores, before you find men only clothing store.

These are just everyday examples that clothes are more important to women that looking upon a man in the same manner as a man looks upon a woman.

The Britney Spears, J-Lo, Destiny Child... attire is just a prominent in the Church as it is in the world and it is unbiblical, because there is no way anyone can say that it is modest.

We are all called upon to not be stumbling blocks to one another, but women just dress any way they want and feel, think, act as if they have no responsibility.

For a woman to dress immodest and to ignore the responsibility of not being a stumbling block is Christian irresponsibility.

Thus the reason why promiscuity, immorality is no different in the church, than in the world.

Is this legalism or is this Christian love?

Is it only legalism if you feel forced?

It is Christian love when you care that your body will be used by Satan to cause you brother in Christ to stumble/to fall.

FoC #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Marrige is Gods union and until the church starts fighting for our marriages things will only get worse.
it will be a dark day when 2 men are united and seen exactly the same as a christian man and his wife by the godless govt who 'permitted' them to marry.
Sadly tho, we must get a license if we want to protect our spouses in the case of our death...kwim?

lilsweetliza #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

It makes me ill and angry at the Canadian Government to have allowed the gay marriage law to pass. THis act of course was passed before the new Prime Minister came into office. Our current Prime Minister is a Christian, and recently they reopened the vote on gay marriage issue. Majority of course voted to keep the subject closed. What is done is done they said.

I cried when I heard that they passed the bill. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that this world is getting worse.

Royal_Priest #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

If I was President of the United States, I would _____________________

* Carve out a section of northern California (approximately half of the state) and make it a gay Reservation. Current residents would be given assistance to vacate and all professed homosexuals throughout the country would be ordered to relocate. Homosexuals who refuse would be jailed.
* Have war protesters labeled. Each year, they would pay higher taxes, have wages garnished, and their ability to obtain credit, grants, etc would be affected by the label.
* Make it so that foreigners seeking citizenship would have to pass a tough english language examination. If you can't speak proper english, then you can not be an American citizen.
* Impose strict curfew laws on Iraqi citizens. Anyone violating the laws would be shot on the spot. Reason: war!
* Raise taxes on the wealthy
* Make it so that to receive assistance, welfare recipients would be required to take scholastic and technical examinations each month. Upon successfully passing the examination, the recipient would receive his/her assistance. Training for the monthly examination would be provided via volunteer tutors who recieve tax breaks for committing a number of hours per year to teach the poor in their particular field of work. After receiving credit for so many examinations, the poor could then use that credit to apply for jobs. Employers would be forced to hire a certain number of these applicants else pay a higher tax.
* Those who own two or more houses would be encouraged to take in a homeless person for 6 six months out of a year. By doing so, they receive a significant tax break.
* Capital punishment would be required by all states under a new ammendment to the constitution. Due Process would be adjusted. No more long years of waiting on death row. Invisible executions (out of the public eye) would be a thing of the past. Public executions would return. Lethal Injection would be done away with and replaced with swift public crucifixion and electrocution. I would create a channel called the Exocution Channel, so that idiots who glamor in crime can see "why" it doesn't pay.
* Child support laws would be re-adjusted. Women would have to pay taxes on child support. Men can deduct a percentage of child support payed to women who earn over $40,000.
* Blacks, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, etc would no longer be labeled with the terminology "minority". This term was established by racist caucasian and in the last century became part of mainstream speech. However, it's context has no justification nor place in modern society, nor can it be adequately argued why particular races of people are labeled minority, while only a single race is labled majority.

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Societies sanction "marriage." That has been the case for EVERY society from the beginning of time. It would be handy for homosexuals and others to push marriage GOD'S WAY into the churches alone, but that isn't the way traditional marriage has EVER been defined and any Christian who wishes to sit in silence now deserves to be stuffed into the closet that these folks have prepared for him. After all, he won't mind, having voluntarily opted OUT of exercising his GOD-GIVEN right to vote on the matter.

GloryBound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Perhaps you should give that sight to the walking dead, (The atheists and apostates). I’m sure they are headed that way at this very moment They can use any crutch they can find. Theirs is nothing original. And if their foolish comments and what they consider intellect, only parrots their mentors and cronies who’s like, I often scrape off the sole of my shoe, why would you think that I have a need to change my words? They haven’t learned those currently used yet. (Well, perhaps I shouldn't say that, for though it is quite evident there is co comprehension thereof, I have seen them parrot some of my phrases.)

Did you ever hear of learning through repetition? Even a monkey does that. Too bad the mentors previously mentioned, have yet to progress to that level of intelligence. What does this say for their followers herein?

The only problem, is that if the sight you provided has any words with more than one consonant, the atheist or apostate will have to use a word synthesizing program to mimic it, then they must figure how to get it into writing in what looks like an original post.

Glorybound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[I escaped from the christian cult a long time ago.]
You can serve all the gods you wish. We serve The God who sent His Son to pay the penalty we could not pay. If you choose not to accept what He has provided, so be it. You too will, Burn baby, Burn! It is your choice, and you can blame no one other the one who made your decision; you, yourself.

Is truth what you wished to hear, or should I have padded it a bit?

darknights #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

i thought allah was a moon god, hence he is no such thing. something the false prophet muhammid(hell is upon him) just jump on to suit his own evil desires. Man that guy shouldnt of gotten drunk so much. He could of picked another false god that was more believable to challange us. lol

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

phobia is a psychological term denoting irrational fear. Which is exactly why it's being used by homosexual activists in their self-admitted propaganda campaign, as one of the two labels they use to create cognitive dissonance. The other term is "homohatred", which we also see lobbed onto cyber discussion boards and other media with reckless and gleeful abandon.

That's how propaganda works.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since God has to be invisible to be eternal, then in order for him to show his existence, he does this through supernatural miracles. But because of the sin of pride, people who want to reject him have only 2 ways of doing so: either try to explain away the miracles or deny they happened.

Atheists use the first way of denying God by trying to explain away the miracle of life through "natural" explanations. But what they don't realize is that everything that is natural was created by God. But since they deny that, then they end up using God's creation to try to explain away God's creation. And the other ways of trying to explain away God's existence aren't natural such as the claim that monkeys can breed human descendants.

So since man rejected God, God sent more proof if his existence through Christ's miracles. Since they can't explain away Christ's miracles through "natural" means, then they use the second method which is simply denying they happened. This is is no different than a criminal defendant who is surrounded by evidence of his guilt simply saying that "the evidence is not there."

Well that doesn't fool anyone but the defendant. So since denial is not proof of anything, then atheists don't have a case. It's not therefore the lack of evidence which is the reason they don't believe, it's hardened hearts that go to even more irrational extremes to deny God such as claiming that apes can breed human descendants and the evidence for God is well...just not there.

Sorry atheists but denying evidence is actually admitting that there is evidence because one cannot deny something that isn't there to begin with. So all your arguments actually prove our case, not yours.

B.H.Streeter #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

you cannot go toe to toe on the God arguments. You will lose, but you will lnever admit because you can't be honest. You says it's mental illness to sure God exists. that's crazy. you are telling me that 2% of the poplulat know better than 98% of people living now and the vast majority of people who have ever lived. Its' part of our brain stucture to believe in God. That should tell us right here God is a certainty.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

From supersport's Theory of Creation thread (OP worthy of an FSTDT quote itself ==> http://www.christiandiscussionforums.org/v/showpost.php?p=1092385&postcount=1:)

We have this incredibly error-ridden post from supersport, showing his incredible ignorance of simple biology:

[Interesting claim, now support it. No links, no cut and paste, you explain it..]

supersport responds:
I actually can support it although it's a good topic for a new thread....but all you have to do is use your common sense.....cells have tiny parts called genes....those genes have tiny parts called nucleus...the nucleus breaks down into smaller parts...smaller parts break down into atoms...atoms break down into subatomic particals...subatomic particles break down even further. Try dividing a subatomic particle by 1 million.....how big do you think that part will be? Life is not a machine, wataru because all the tiny parts in the body work together as a whole unit.

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Remember the abortuary is not a court.
They are not able to verify crime
They are not in the role of verifying the males's age
It is illegal for them to not report rape.
How can you say these girls are not victims of rape since you are not a judge?

Jesus was killed for who he said he was. He was not killed for what he did. The baby is killed for what it is and not what it did.
45 million killed.

Sounds like you oppose judgment for what the male did. The baby doesn't get off without the death sentence.

To be in favor of abortion is to be in favor of death without fair trial. Without conviction.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

<supersport cunningly refutes the theory of plate tectonics>

I, of course, believe God Created the world in 6 days. One of the greatest questions creationists are faced with is how the animals spread out across the world after Noah's ark came to a rest.

Of course nobody knows what happened...but I think with a little investigation, one can put some pieces together that make a little sense.

Is it possible that the world was created much smaller than it is today? Is it possible that there were no oceans? Is it possible that, instead there were "fountains of the deep?" Is it possible that at some point the earth cracked open and these flood waters came pouring out?

Is it possible that the earth grew much like a balloon expands? Is it possible that when the ark came down that the continents were still one land mass, only to separate later?

<his proof>


B.H.Streeter #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

how do you know your mother loves you?

What's the point of keeping the therad on "How do we know God is not satan" and watching it grow to amaznig proportions?

The question is elementry. The whole point of being a beilever is to know God. you have relationship with God you know he's love and that he's good, how? Read the title again.

Its' as simple as that. We know God is God and that he's good because we know him.

GloryBound #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

the damnable fool couldn't answer any questions the Christian might have. And as for the immature brat— Well, the rod is the only thing that one can respect—

Sorry, I just can't stomach any more of your impetuous childish immaturity. It is apparent that some have no intention of learning anything. Only continuously revealing their blubbering ignorance and rebelliousness battiness.

This just goes to show what the parent who chooses to spare the rod, can expect from the brat they raise. Embarrassment and shame, every time he/she opens the bottomless pit they call a mouth, in public.

Some of those brats even grow up enough physically to be called adults, but mentally, they continuously prove their lack of growth.

piers #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

i am fast becoming a creationist. why? I think I have been lied to. The political interest has ment scientists get funding for evolution. I saw a programme on global warming and it said it was wrong and that scientists were trying to get data to show global warming which were inaccurate figures. Now the question of evolution popped up in my mind. There are many scientists who accept the idea of intelligent design scientifically and no I do not rate dawkins as a reliable scientist cus he has an agenda to argue his immoral life same with bertrand russell. anyway back to evolution a pastor showed me comments from scientists against evolution and proof of the six day creation. Now when I recieve this proof through email I will post it on here. One of the the proofs was to do with the fact that an active volcano a few years back produced rock and when they analysed it it looked like it was millions years old but the scientists knew it was a recent event so the rock looked older than it actually was.

kkll4ever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Dating is not Biblical.

This is why so many relationships fail.

Dating is based on the person supposing to know what is best for them.

Provebs 14 states There is a way that seem right unto a man, but the end are the ways of death.

If Christian parents are allowed to participate in chosing their children's spouses things wouldn't be so messed up.

Dating tends more to promiscuity than purety and we all know it. And though we are Christian, out statistics on chasity is somtimes worse than the world.

If we do it the world's way, we get world's results.

Parents are better at chosing our mates than we are. Dating is a recipe for heart ache.

toadfoot #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I was called by God to homeschool. I fee sick to my stomach just thinking about sending them into that horrible enviorment. You go to public school and hear the "bad" stuff you just get used to it. It's like being seared by a hot iron. After awhile it becomes the "norm". Every single day my children learn about Jesus and theology. Can't get any better than that!!

Mrsflib #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[why are christians so quick to give over the public school system to satan?]

It's already his...

always was. There are two kingdoms at war with each other. Please...know your enemy. Satan is the prince of this world's systems. This world is not our home. The church is of the Kingdom of God. So much of our troubles are due to being decieved...underestimating the influence and his 'haunts' within the world. Be wise.

Secondly....education is about discipleship. Who do you want discipling your children?

Thirdly...they are children...at the most vulnerable, innocent times of their lives. They need protecting!

Another thing about the Enemy of our souls...he also loves our children! He seeks to destroy their innocence, their beauty, their souls. Satan is a baby killer, a child-molester, a murderer of the innocent. Don't ever forget that! He roams around, seeking those he may devour. Parents are their children's 'guardians'. So...guard them. It's your job.

B.H.Streeter #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

atheists astoud me. They have violated every law of logic i can think of in an attempt to undermine and destroy the basic concept of God. But the most amainzing this that they would even deny the basic deftion of God that has been around since before the middle ages; that God is necessary and eteranl.
Most of them don't even know what necessary means but there they plugging away, "God can't be necessary, whatever that is." Most of them think it means "there can't be a world unless "a god" created it. So they don't even understand the basic concept of necessry/contingency you try to expalni it to them and just argue with it as though "you are not trying to expalin anything I know everything I know God can't exist cause I don't like him."

they voilaet the law of non contradiction

violate the law of excluded middle

Occam's razor which they don't understand (totally stupid to think this Presit came up with an argument againt God and they dont' even know what Occams razor says, they think it means "take the simplest idea.")

It's a complete destruction of civilization. Atheism has killed knowelde and destroyed the basis of learnign and litteracy.

Pandora #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

That sounds more consistent to me. If a voice tells me to kill my son, I should do it, whatever the consequences for me or my son, I can trust god. So hearing the voice of god is like a command, overruling whatever I believe is wrong or right.
And if there is a voice in my head, then it might well be the voice of god

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(supersport, high school dropout, and biology and medical expert, explains why horizontal gene transfer is the nail in the coffin for evolution)

[This only applies to single celled organisms that can freely move their genes. If this happened in humans we'd never become sick. Our genes would change fast enough to stop everything from the common cold to cancer.

What do you mean by "suppressed"? I learned this in grade 9 biology.]

You are not only wrong, you are missing the point:

antibiotic resistance -- the so-called "proof" for your theory -- is proof of nothing but fairytales. Listen....let me spell it out real easy for you: bacteria do not develop resistance by way of random mutations or natural selection -- they do it by way of physiological, purposeful response. This is a contradiction to your theory. Not only that but this is a perfect example of lamarckian inheritance on the level of the genome. The genome is flexible and changeable just like the phenotype is.

Sorry....try again.

Aeolin #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Earlier today I recieved a most disturbing telephone call from my great grandson. He recalled to me the start of his public summer school courses. He told me of his science class teaching about evolution and natural selection. Like any good Christian, I was uphauled! How dare they instill the lunatic notions from a man who has been under growing suspicion of being the secret founder of modern Satanism! Some here may know of the damned soul by the name of Anton LaVey who went public with Satanism in the 1960's, however, it all began in secrecy in the 19th Century by Charles Darwin!!! YES! IT'S TRUE!!!!! It quickly and oh so quietly spread throughout the globe from secret encoded Satanic texts that could only be read under the influenc of demons and unclean spirits. Than one man decided to adopt the teachings as his own and went public. One of the primary things LaVey excluded from his wretched Satanic Bible was evolution! He did not want Darwin's most prevalent work of lunacy to be made known as a Satanic teaching, because it would hurt it's public acceptance!

What I am telling you all is true! Please, I beg of you, do not inquire of the source of this information. By me doing so, I will be in great danger!

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