
dusty55art #fundie phys.org

[On why three massive quasars/supermassive black holes that are much younger than cosmologists predict should be possible, have been observed to exist]

You need to read the Hebrew text of the Bible in Genesis 1:1-31, Proverbs 8:22-31' and John 1:1-5. I have been deep into this since 1987 and what the writers said fits perfectly with your finds. I have it illustrated on my Website so if you are really interested, you will go there and seewhat the writers ofthe Bible said 3500-2000 years ago. They were God inspired. [hyperlink to his website removed]

Tuxford #fundie phys.org

That is why we are stuck with the Huge Bang Fantasy. Irrationally rationale science types are far too gullible, and easily manipulated by the spooks. This site is very likely a counter-intelligence asset. Look it up yourself, and decide.

I don't talk about electro-gravitics, since it is a security concern. But I don't appreciate the destruction of individual reputations by spooks over national security. Govt gone wild, supporting the careers of the spooks instead. Shame.

Tuxford #fundie phys.org

"The group observed the colossal winds of material—or outflows—that originate near the supermassive black hole at the heart of the pair's southern galaxy, and have found the first clear evidence that stars are being born within them."

"These stars are thought to be less than a few tens of millions of years old, and preliminary analysis suggests that they are hotter and brighter than stars formed in less extreme environments such as the galactic disc."

"are travelling at very large velocities away from the galaxy centre"

Just more unexpected observations completely in-line with LaViolette's Continuos Creation model, that is so unpopular with the merger maniacs. No maniac dares mention it. Career-killer. Embarrassing. Long-live the Huge Bang Fantasy, so promoted by the counter-intelligence spooks to the naive science community.

Tuxford #fundie phys.org

"most likely caused by "feedback" activity whereby the AGN injects vast quantities of energy into its host galaxy, creating a powerful wind that sweeps up gas and dust into an expanding super bubble."

Ah, feedback. Another sexy term discovered by ignorant scientists. Still does not explain where all that matter comes from. Instead, they grab on the sexy term in a desperate attempt to explain the unexplainable. Only it is not unexplainable, just not understandable to today's technically uninformed cosmologist, lost in math fantasy models.

Bigbangcon #fundie phys.org

The GRBs including this "mysterious cosmic explosion" arises from chance accumulated large-scale matter-antimatter annihilation reactions. The defuse gamma ray in the halo of all the galaxies also occurs by the same process but at an infinitely small scale. http://redshift.v...2MAL.pdf and http://redshift.v...2MAL.pdf

But "Big Bang" cosmology that does not have any provision for the occurrence of antimatter in the universe will never explain these phenomena, except ascribing these to the act of some mysterious cosmic monsters like "black holes", "dark matter" etc.

FredJose #fundie phys.org

Water, Water, Everywhere! BUT Nary a single sign of life about :-( !
So frustrating for big bang materialists that the expected spontaneous rising of life from the ground/pond scum via random chemical and physical processes all by itself does not seem to be observable anywhere.

Earth overflows with life but the rest of the solar system[and by silly extrapolation, the galaxy] is as barren as can be. How totally frustrating that must be.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

Black holes are lurking only in mind of modern shamans. Nowhere else.

There is no way to exist something in the physical structure of vacuum of space, that violate the physical laws of the Creator tha support the originaly established prderr in the universe in interest of life.
This mantras are reflection of the humanistic cult to lawlessness due to the pride and vanity. Simpel and predictable as usual.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

As can be expected human knowledge is sand tower. Without the help of our Creator our outlook and knowledge will remain extremely limited. It is physically imposible to get more knowledge from the Earth. But humanists must maintain the myth of endless human passiblities of the proud denied their Creator.

Tuxford #conspiracy phys.org

Because the moon is occupied. That is why Apollo was cut short, and why we were not allowed real-time feeds on TV from the Apollo 17 EVA's. I was sitting in the NASA auditorium during that second long EVA. I watched the feed during that rainy Houston evening. I know NASA is hiding what they know about the moon.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

These researchers have observed super massive black holes. This is impassible. Such theoretical objects do not exist in this physical reality. Only in the mind of some professional speculators.
Mathematical apparatus of theory of General relativity operate on the space as geometric object and do not consider the cosmic vacuum which fill the space and is real physical environment with certain properties and limitations. It is a transmission medium that allows movement and controls the behavior of elementary particles and carries electromagnetic waves. In the visible universe there is no such thing like empty space. This is the main reason why GR have noting to do with reality where exist absolutes.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

"[Magic agency 'created'] the universe and all in it."

God is wonderfull person. Not magic agency. Your irony is out of place because you warship (you do not have evidence for self created uneiverse from nothingness) to happy chance qnd the self creation of universe without idea and perpose. So your fate is more close to magic agency. Yes, you can use scientificaly sounding terminology for more authority over the the laymans, as quantum foam, hidden dimensions, multiverse and other ideas of science fiction that may sound logical to them without to have any sense in these ideas.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org


Cosmic evolution in the face of the Big Bang theory is necessary in order to provide sufficient time for biological evolution to look credible to the layman. The main problem facing the Big Bang theory is that it relies on the theory of relativity, but it forbids speeds greater than the speed of light. Indeed, the universe would have collapsed immediately after hypothetical big bang thanks to its own gravity, which is a problem for this theory. And as usualyfor politicaly correctness It should change the reality instead of theory because this theory is sacred cow for some people with influence. If we look at the famous big bang chart which shows the rate of expansion of the universe in relation of time, we will see that in the beginning the curve has a very strange form that shows us that theorists think that the universe was expanding at a speed much higher than the speed of light to prevent gravitational collapse.

I hope that you undrstand why the speed of light restric the theories of evolution and why it proponents have invented the idea of ??expanding space. If you can imagine what would be the organization and management of the world if all people or the majority of them were christians will answer the question why are maintained mythologies in society.
Adopted in astronomy term gravitational lens is not associated with distortion of vacuum of space but with its physical propertais.


"They are identical in chemical composition because stars produce a limited number of molecules during chemosynthesis".

Stars do not produce molecules. Only atoms of chemical elements light than iron including iron. This process release energy and is self sustaining according theory. But this theory have no expalnation how are poduced atoms heavy than iron which can be found on Earth.

"The big bang doesn't explain rotation. Conservation or angular momentum does."

I do not want declarations, but explanation. By which mechanism or physical laws conservation of angular momentum can explain rotation of cosmic objects in different directions?

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

Are you sure that the physical laws allow everything to be possible? I do not thing so.

The Bible theaches as to the truth long ago the acceptanse of scietific methods.
The God created people unlike animals as moral being with a natural sense for write and wrong. The Bible defines God's moral lawsthat are base people to build a just and developed society. There God warns us for the consequences of sin. Not everything in the universe is possible and many dreamers speculators exploit the ideas of quantum mechanics without understand it. Actually there are not scientist that understand it in details?
In this universe there are absolutes and this absolutes defined the border between write and wrong, true and false, and possible and imposible. This is the reason why relativistic theories are so inadequate to reality.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org

@Whydening Gyre
Nobody is going to believe in a religion if he or she have not serious reason for it. The same applies to science. Science excels faith in the Creator only in the mind of a humanist materialist. Among them there are prominent representatives of communism, fascism and any other isms produced serious economic and social follies in the world. It is known that the author or may be the first official spokesperson of your favorite theory of evolution was racist and chauvinist who married for his first cousin to keep his "superior" genes clean from "the inferior" . Unfortunately his children were not shine with physical and mental qualities, which is one of many examples for clasical idiocy in such ideas. Evolutionary theory is the religion of racism and pseudo science eugenics - a symbol of men's vanity, pride and stupidity at all.

jewelblade #fundie phys.org

What the hell is intersubjective, and why did you say Holy Church without "the" and why do you lump in all opposition to the Catholic church as not holy, but sectarian? You apparently, have, from your pointless fancy talk and extreme contempt and arrogance for those who disagree with the false gospel of the Catholic SECT, narcissistic personality disorder. The Cath sect is a cult, it is an idolatrous cult that worships man, prays to the dead, worships angels and Mary and the Pope and turns Jesus into an effeminate white man, similar to how the Mormons make him into a white red neck, that holds tradition higher than God's word. That cult is clearly going to Hell. Salvation cannot be earned, and yes cultists: not everyone can have the Holy Spirit, and THAT DOES ABSOLUTELY INCLUDE YOUR CULT. It's those who realize this and love God, who don't reject his free gift of salvation and don't try and earn credit for their salvation, that have the Spirit.

Stevepidge #fundie phys.org

Understanding cannot come from math. Math does not reflect reality, nor can it be used to understand meaning or effect. This is akin to the modern phraseology " because of science" as if science is some self organizing monolithic entity or god. When in reality it is a method at best performed by frail corruptible opinionated mortals. You seek to retrieve your answers from the wizard behind the curtain.

Bigbangcon #fundie phys.org

"@ RealityCheck: Thanks, you spoke for me as well about official cosmology. The culture and the illusion created by modern official scientists is that they are formally trained "experts" and only they have the right to speak with authority, because other "experts" exactly like them certify their validity! The whole edifice of "New Physics" is built on Einstein's subjective mathematical idealism and are "proved" by subjective experiments that only look for what they want to see! . Please see my comment as "futurehuman" in the Guardian article (and others in the archive under "futurehuman" for the last few years) :http://www.thegua...ollider. Thanks.

reset #fundie phys.org

Mainstream "science facts" :

75% of all the matter in the universe is undetectable

Hydrogen gravitationally collapses itself into a star

We found the Higgs, this room full of blue reporters surrounding this red guy is how it works

the mean free path of a photon exiting the core of the sun is thousands of years (according to the math)but supernovas take a few months from onset to completion (according to the math)...my favorite!

Gravity from a planet helps moons form (according to the math)...until it rips them apart (according to the math) or in the instance of the asteroid belt prevents a planet from forming...except a dwarf planet in the middle of it...

Black holes....if you get enough of something in one spot it dissappears...

collisionless shocks...

Thank you mainstream theoretical science for your math based contributions, and for Stump.

All worthless.

Bob one #fundie phys.org

"New Scientist" published a paper signed by 33 secular cosmologists explaining what is wrong with the Big Bang theory. It was posted on line at cosmologystatement.org and additionally signed by hundreds of secular cosmologists.

Dr Hartnett showed that CMB (cosmic microwave background radiation) actually poses problems for the big bang and supports creationist cosmologies. One problem is that the CMB seems to indicate a preferred frame of reference, contrary to the basic assumption behind the big bang. Another is that the total mass density of the universe inferred observationally does not agree with the mass calculated from big bang theory. And this latest NASA report even said that the stars formed earlier (by their own dating methods) than previously predicted. Then there is the fact that the CMB is very smooth, contrary to big bang predictions. And so on. Creationist cosmology models do not have these problems.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-02-cosmology-late-news-big.html#jCp

bbbbwindows #fundie phys.org

This is approaching the insane. I thought black holes had gravity so intense not even light could escape. I guess this is the consequence of employing a mathematical model that is not observed or confirmed.
Has anyone even seen Donald Scott's presentation to NASA Goddard's astrophysicists in 2009 regarding the "electric sky"?. Has anyone even heard of Halton Arp's work essentially proving that red shift is a function of age, not distance. Good bye Big Bang. Nobel prize winners Alfvens and Langmuir have shown beyond doubt that Biirkeland's findings were right on the money. Any cosmologist that is not fluent in the terms of plasma physics (i.e. "Z Pinch") has no chance of properly interpreting the newest radio telescope data.
Neutron stars either were born at the time of the big bang or accreted. How did the 1st 2 neutrons accrete??? They didn't.
It pains me to say that even Einstein had great doubts about relativity. "Spooky action at a distance" troubled him to his grave.

What this showed was the speed of light was not Vmax. This invalidates the theory of relativity. So 2 generations of astrophysicists and cosmologists have followed a brilliant man down the wrong road. They failed to address his concerns. In 1921 Tesla stated relativity was like a "beggar in a purple robe". Even Einstein was concerned that relativity required the absence of the "ether" proposed by Tesla. He said he "knew it must be there". Today it is known as plasma.
Anthony Peratt's work at Los Alamos in plasma physics will win the Nobel prize, Showing spiral galaxy formation with plasma physics experiments was groundbreaking. That the necessary velocities were present obviated the need for black holes or dark matter. Similar results were obtained to invalidate the concept of neutron stars. All that is needed to interpret the newest radio telescope data is a knowledge of plasma physics.
The electromagnetic forces that formed the universe are now being properly addressed.

viko_mx #fundie phys.org


What is the problem God to create plants before the sun? In God's kingdom there will be no sun because God himself illuminates the reality with his glory.

When you claim that you read the scripture should read it to the end. As usual critics of Scripture have no rest day. Nothing new under the sun.

adave #fundie phys.org

The order of events and the knowledge contained in Genesis one is very unusual. What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order? How many numbers in the big lottery? The order of creation is correct. (Don't equate this with creationism.) You see the first light, Cambrian explosion of life. The size of the creatures in the ocean. The kind of life that came from the ocean to dry land, insects, seeds, pro and eukaryotic life. Early in Genesis there is a mention of creating on the surface of the waters. Something happening on the surface of a fluid is the description of the information contained on the surface of a black hole. Leonard Susskind talks about the very new idea (2008) of the Holographic universe. Stone age man could not know what we know by advanced Scientific study. By Occam's razor there had to be an observer that was 14.5 billion years old to tell them. No one was to have proof until the age of knowledge. Brrr Ky draft!

danieljknight #fundie phys.org

Why do these atheists keep talking about the big bang as if it is fact when repeated studies show that it could not have happened and any search for evidence has only shown evidence against it? Atheists you are really annoying, shut up with your magic bomb creator theory already.

kentbeaner #fundie phys.org

Dinosaurs are born in hell, whereas apemen are changed people.
Apemen and elephantmen are cursed masons from tower of Babel. Read Book of Jasher, Chapter 9, verse 35. And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and He punished them according to their works and designs; those who said, We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants...
According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are rescued from hell. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov said that first dinosaur will come out of Volga River.
Animals on the ark ate minimal to survive. Only animals that knelt before Noah went inside the ark. Other animals and 700 000 people drowned.

freethinking #fundie phys.org

The big question one needs to ask Atheists is to ask them, What proof would it take for you to believe that there is a God?

Fundamentally, truthful atheists will admit to you that there is NO proof that they will accept. They are closed minded.

If someone would ask me, what would it take for me to reject Christianity, my answer would simply be, show that Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead, show me the body or come up with an explanation of where his body is. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the new testament is nothing but lies. If Jesus rose from the dead, then the bible is true and needs to be taken literally.

So for all the atheists on this board, answer me this one question, where is the body of Jesus?

Ren82 #fundie phys.org


Without going into details of the scientific facts, creation by intelligent and powerful Creator, who is created being with the idea is much more meaningful than just self creating and self organization of the universe by unknown singularity, which model is in conflicts with existing laws of physics. Big Bang model has so weaknesses and pure philosophical approach that is simply not worth to commenting.

With regard to the Bible ignorance is not an argument. You can not comment on the content and authenticity while you read it carefully. This is only so old multi tome book preserved to this day in its original form. Of course some people with impure intentions have tried to bring light sly changes altering the meaning of some important verses, but unsuccessfully. God take care for authenticity of Scripture. Apart from that all prophecies recorded in Scripture are came true.

bbbbwindows #fundie phys.org

Isn't it amusing that black holes have never been observed, never confirmed experimentally and defy confirmation? When did science become based on unproven theories? One wrong theory piled on top of another and the world just gets weirder and weirder. Same with neutron stars, dark energy, dark matter and nuclear fusion.
Truth is all of these inventions were created to mathematically justify gravity as the driving force in planet and star formation. It is not.
Plasma physicists have had it right all along . Electricity is the driving force for planet, star and galaxy formation. It is 10 to the 39th times more powerful than gravity. None of the above mentioned unprovable inventions are necessary with an "electric universe" model. Their theories can be supported in the lab and their observation agree with observed data.
The world becomes explainable and understandable. Until this model is accepted by the "establishment", science will continue to be mysterious fantasy.

Tuxford #conspiracy phys.org

LaViolette's model has passed a number of cosmological tests, but does not lend itself to standard physics tests. Other test methods are needed. So cosmologists must fall in line or be ridiculed. Look at the ridicule I have suffered here.

LaViolette used to the model to predict the Pioneer anomaly, for example. And he used terms which are considered taboo, such as etheric. So the ridicule keeps science from looking at it, similar in effect to the UFO propaganda propagated by our government to help keep science blinded by relativist nonsense.

The electro-gravitic research started by Brown, etc. in the 50's and by the aerospace industry of the time has gone black since then. And science has since bowed to the black hole, big bang nonsense. Instead, we have wasted billions on the NASA PR stunts. This has kept the electro-gravitic physics hidden from dangerous rouge nations, and confined largely to Area 51, etc. So the strategy has been effective, with no rogue nation threat.

bradley_rogers_engineer #fundie phys.org

I cannot believe anyone would say the following: The fact that none of these asteroid impacts shown in the video was detected in advance is proof that the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a 'city-killer' sized asteroid is blind luck.

Read more at: http://phys.org/n...html#jCp

To say "is proof that..." is totally idiotic. The only reason it was written that way was to deny the God of the bible. It was a way to say hey everyone, I want you to think there is no God and no hope. Headline news like this around Easter time, its not science, at all. Its a religious, or actually an anti-bible or anti-Jesus message and nothing more.

Having the other extreme try to control science and say you can think this but not that? is perhaps as bad; but then those pretending to be PRO or FOR science saying such anti-religion nonsense, doing so in the name OF science is disgusting and fights the very foundation of science and freedom.

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