Various Commenters #sexist

I hate women

Good afternoon.

I hate women and jews.

Making a woman cower in fear is an experience on the same curve as fucking them.

(Dr. Autist)
Me too. I miss the old days with women hate threads on R9K. We should have them here.

I work in a university in Europe as a reserrcher, and let me tell you this: the women professors are so stupid you wouldnt belive me guys. They are completely unable to produce original knowledge, and instead wastes our time interfering and having a lot of opinion about real research. And the attitude of these dumb women. I wish academia was a gentlemans club with autists persuing higher goals like in the 1800s. Were ruining everything with promoting women just cause of theyr pussies.

Maybe i will quit and become a daytrader instead.

Give a woman free speech and rights and all she’s gonna do it’s destroy what took thousands of years to develop and progress. Is it a coincidence that the whole world is on flames after the biggest cuck in human story gave them rights in the 20th century ?

Woman must be submissive and under man’s command.


(Dr. Autist)
Imagine these dumb women with social anthropology, social work and education degrees, in all seriousness interfering in our work. Telling us how to treat them. We must give them priviledge because they have pussies etc.



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