various commenters #wingnut #racist

The most effective way to talk about race is not IQ statistics or even race and crime.

The most effective way is to show video of how black people act.

Show video of them randomly punching elderly White people. Show video of them swarming and looting convenience stores. Show video of them twerking on cop cars.

These are things that do more to speak to the differences in race than any hard data because it’s shocking to see these people acting in ways they’ve never seen Whites act and never will.

@Apolitical 100% this.

You will do more to wake White people up by showing them a marathon of niggers acting like niggers (demons) then you will with any amount of statistics.

The truth is that even those Whites who want to believe themselves logical are still more driven by emotion than by logic.

Humans are unreasonable creatures, internalize that.

If you try to treat Whites like an AI that will just take in the data unbiasedly and make a logical determination you're not doing us any favors.

We are human and they will react to the vicious savagery and pure evil of the niggers when submersed in it.


Videos of smaller nigglets being mean to White kids is very effective.


iTs NoT aLl Of ThEm

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical

That's why you've got to highlight both.

Videos of individual acts so they viscerally understand, on a gut level, what the consequences are--that the problem isn't just some abstract number.

Data and statistics so they can see, without having to watch 1000s of hours of video, that these aren't just isolated incidents but a fundamental, categorical difference.

@CharlesPNW @Apolitical true but the point is the animals need to be dealt with like the criminals they are. They torture old white women in prison too. Guards are nogs as well and dont care.

They cry racism and get off. Seattle lets black off crimes at 10X the rate of whites to make their #s not look racist.

@Apolitical I do agree but there’s also…

spoilerI don't argue with people anymore. I just call them a Jew and move on



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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