ArtAndPoetry #wingnut

Congrats to all the liberal pussies out there who cheated their way to victory. You can’t win anything without cheating. You’re weak, you’re disgusting. You’re the soft under belly of America. The sheep on my side of the isle are ultimately the ones responsible for your faux victory. They bought the COVID crisis hook, line and sinker. You can now rejoice as we watch America take four steps backwards and reconvene the pussification of America that began under Obama. Our kids will be softer, weaker, we’ll apologize to the world for asserting ourselves over the last 4 years, and we’ll bow down to all of our adversaries in defeat. Our country has been overrun by cheaters, by pussies, by cry babies. My kids will not be brought up to subscribe to this agenda. It’s very “woke” of all of you who post things like: I’m less concerned about who you voted for, than how you treat people who voted for someone you didn’t. Here’s the problem with that. That would have worked for the past 40 years, but not now. Now, the people who voted for someone other than you want to defund our police. They don’t support those of us in the military. They support people who cause mayhem in our cities, violently attack those who don’t agree with them, attack, assault, and kill our police officers. Burn businesses to the ground, burn churches that feed, cloth, and house homeless people. The people that opted for someone other than you is no longer just someone who disagrees with you on abortion, gay marriage, foreign affairs. They are people for whatever reason want to ruin our way of living, our way of life. They want us to pay restitution for slavery!? How? How can you simply forgive that? You can’t. Congrats you cheating, lying, disrespectful, disgusting, disgraceful pussies. And congrats to all of you RINO sheep that helped facilitate it. Put on those masks and stand tall.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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