beyondRepair&4everBroken , Weebhunter4000 & BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #homophobia #psycho

RE: Your not entitled to sex

Sexual relations with post-pubescent lolis is more natural and healthier than homosexuality and women engaging in Chad sharing.


Sexual relations with post-pubescent lolis is more natural and healthier than homosexuality and women engaging in Chad sharing.

Pedophilia is a predominately homosexual trait.

Perhaps, but then again feminism has turned foids into goofy stupid cunts who spurn men and get a cruel chuckle out of it. Am i i supposed to aspire to be with clownish rodeo whores? How is that actually earning anything?

I get it but if we cant change the system we outta play by the rules.


Pedophilia is a predominately homosexual trait.

The definition of pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescents. Attraction towards reproductively viable lolis is not unnatural, but I get it, women have abused their collective power to shame in order to get peak-aged lolis off the sexual/marriage marketplace. But the wonder is, since women are using the privilege of being "artificially boosted" in this way in order to delay marriage and share Chads in the meantime, it immediately calls into question why they should continue to receive this artificial boost and be protected from intra-sexual competition with angel-faced peak aged lolis. The degenerate behavior of young women -- their gleeful partipication in culturally sanctioned polygyny -- is making women as a collective lose their power to shame.

It's exactly because no one is entitled to anything than one shouldn't feel guilty to insert his ochinchin in every female past their first period as they're not entitled to safety for the same logic. But children shouldn't be abused cause they're gross. A bullet in the head is more than sufficient in Duke Nuk'em.



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