The reason foids wear lipstick is because they want to suck Chad's cock.
Think about it : why the hell should they embelish a non sexual part of their body whose function is linked to mouth and so to eating and talking? Because they want to make their lips SEXUAL so that Chad gets aroused and put his 8x6 inch cock in their mouths cumming liters and liters like there's no tomorrow. Remember that they bite their lips when in heat? They crave that Chad's sausage and they long to be on their knees in worship to their god. If all Chads of the world would die the lipstick industry would go bankrupt in a week tops.
Water is..
Wet. And their stinky vaginas too.
" The reason foids <insert any imaginable action> is because they want to suck Chad's cock."
Yeah this is even more accurate lol
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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