Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name
[From "Afghan Metoo Slut Who LARPed as Police Officer Angry That Taliban Removed Dead Weight from Force"]
The Taliban are really cool guys. It’s so cool how they beat women and force them to do things.
Fatima Ahmadi only stopped screaming when the Taliban held a knife to her child’s throat[…]
I hate to have to tell you this, but women lie about things more or less whenever they talk
The Taliban is family-oriented[…]Even if they were going to kill this woman for being a stupid fat bitch (which they obviously should have done, frankly), they would have the kid sent out of the house, or take the woman out to somewhere else to kill her
Threatening to kill a child is something out of the movies, which could happen in real life (blacks do it). But someone who is going to threaten to kill a kid is someone who is desperate and not in control of the situation. The Taliban are very masculine[…]and would not take such an action
A divorced single mother of two young children, Ahmadi had no idea who gave the Taliban her address
She was forced to marry an abusive, drug-addicted husband when she was just 12, and he beat her so badly she has been left with a permanent limp and memory problems[…]
That’s why you don’t send a woman to work. She gets a taste of power, and that’s that – you’re finished
The Observer did not contact her husband to get his side of the story
Her own family wants her dead, but we’re supposed to believe that everyone in the entire country of Afghanistan was unreasonable, and that she was the only reasonable one
This sounds like something out of Tales of the Holocaust