Whenever somebody talks to you about millions of years or millions of kilometers, they're lying to you.
Earth is 6000 years old and both the Sun and Moon are about 30000 km above the Earth.
Look at this photograph.
(Crepuscular rays photograph)
I have been successfully arguing for that ball based Earth for ages, when do those shill dollars start rolling in?
I mean, it's supposed to be an easy paycheck, just point out stuff like "Both North and South hemispheres see the moon at the same time, but see different constellations. Something like that can't happen on a flat Earth." So you guys have a contact number? The nefarious "They" who run everything haven't sent me a single check yet.
Even before modern geology and physics (radioactivity), most scholars knew Earth was way older than 6000 years.
As for spatial distances, basic trigonometry is enough to calculate distances with the Moon and the Sun.
Reflectors left on the Moon decades ago which - with lasers - are used to measure the distance between that and Earth to this day. Thorium: it's half-life is 4.5 billion years: the same age as the Earth. Proven scientific facts. Your 'opinions'. Gee.
That one's a toughie, eh OP...?! [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
There were a bunch of estimates on how old the earth was, ranging from around 4200-4300 BCE to much, much older. John Ussher spent years studying the Old Testament, came up with October 4004 BCE, didn’t really explain how he came up with that, and then it just became the official answer from that point on.
The next answer which was commonly accepted for awhile, “Earth has existed forever”, wasn’t much of an improvement.
Oh really?!! Because your book says so… which is something the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese would be very interested to know, as would the most ancient people of all, the Aborigines.
But why don’t you see if that’s true, take a voyage up to the sun.
"Whenever somebody talks to you about millions of years or millions of kilometers, they're lying to you. "
So, if God created a river, and there are 20 MILLION annual layers of silt under it, then God is lying to us?
Gotta say, if THE SUPREME BEING wants me to believe that a river has been in Montana for 20 MILLION Years, it's in my best interests to believe in 20 MILLION years of that river, and act like it's possible, and roger up on the science. Why would i doubt what God wants me to accept as evidence?
“… Oh, the moon is made of Swiss cheese, little elves print out money inside ATMs, little elves have an eclectic band inside radios and wind is caused by trees sneezing.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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