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What if it were not just the Jews?

What if it were not just the Jews? And by extension, the Christians? What if we have the same situation happening elsewhere in humanity? Likely all due to humans being really mentally dense during the Kali Yuga, the 2400 (combined, descending plus ascending) years that we have just left (in 1700 CE).

What if the Jews, the Ashkenazi, are not the only ones to interpret things with a distinct, self-serving, bent toward religion during the Kali Yuga?

The premise is referentially self supporting that the Khazarians, the larger ethno-political group housing the Ashkenazi, a central European people, had no genetic ties to the Judeans of the Torah. The Torah is a manual, written by unknown scribes, that instructs humans how to serve, and interact with, their Space Alien conquerors, the Elohim. This manual instructs humans in the 613 commandments on how to live, including the preparation of human baby fats for rendering into acceptable forms for consumption by the Elohim (Space Aliens); further, this manual, the Torah, provides the formula for the ‘christening’ of humans with exact measures in liters of the specific oils from spices (all with antimicrobial, antibacterial properties). No human could be brought before the Elohim (Space Aliens) without this process of intense cleansing of their body, internally and externally, then the ‘anointing’ with quantities of aromatic, antiseptic oils. At that point, the human visitor to the Elohim had become a ‘christ’, and was acceptable to be allowed into their presence.
The Khazarian rulers took the manual of how to interact with the Elohim, the Torah, along with the rituals, and practices of the Canaanites who were also afflicted with Space Alien conquerors, and created the religion of Judaism. From that, other Khazarian rulers created deliberately bad translations to create the ‘christian’ mythos.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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