Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Polaris is the north pole star that never flickers
Because it is an artificial machine
That is shooting out oscillating projections above us

On its bottom is a shiny crystal sheet
On its top is the cutout of the stars above us
The stars are just fake presentations

The Kaaba in Mecca
Is the top of the pyramid of Giza

It is technology hidden in a black box
Which symbolizes the north polar vortex of Saturn

It is said that if you have the correct DNA you can activate it
If you could navigate it back to the Giza pyramid
And get the Ark of the Covenant returned to the Kings Chamber
The pyramid would come alive again

A streak of plasma would shoot upwards
And the dome of the sky would open

CERN is a quantum computer
But just one of many that are not known
Which are mostly in Antarctica

They are frequency machines running on crystalline technology
They create an underground frequency and are responsible for the mud flood

These quantum computers are also manipulating Venus
Which is put on high electrical charge for a reset or restart

Venus produced the flower of life
Which was sacred geometry of overlapping circles that formed an intricate pattern

It had unique energetic properties
And was a bridge to the spirit world
The flower of life was the reflecting medium in windows of Tartarian energy centers

Quantum computers at the north pole manipulate the plasma stream at the polar axis
Which causes mountain building and rock formation
That are explained as natural processes over many millions of years

Profound truths remain intentionally concealed
And enshrouded by those who fear the dawning of a consciousness empowered populace

The biggest secret is that no matter how complicated the rhythm
That is beat against the drums of karmic laws
Light will come to the shadows
And echo the chorus of the universal perennial symphony
When the true magic unfurls
Concealed mysteries will be unearthed
And the Universe will sing songs with a crescendo



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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