If globe Earth is the truth, why is it promoted by freemasons, occultists, Jesuits and satanists?
No one is promoting globe Earth. It is a scientific fact that has been established by the time of classical Greece at the latest, which models developed from it being fundamental routines to everything even remotely related to geography and/or astronomy, including but not limited to navigation, logistics, surveying, geopolitics, strategy, long-range radio communication, aeronautics, astronautics, metereology, ecology…
Also, did you know that Joe Biden, George Soros, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez and Charles Darwin all write/were writing in English?
And if flat Earth is a lie, why does the Bible describe Earth as flat?
Because the Old Testament is an anthology of myths, laws, annals and religious poems collected, edited and in some cases written with by mortal clerics to further their religio-political agenda of anti-assimilationism during the Babylonian rule/exile and the influence and monopoly of Jerusalem, not the propagation of scientific facts, and as such is based mostly on decidedly pre-scientific folklore and on a poetic, metaphoric and allegorical tradition that in part draws from this folklore and in any case was never meant to be understood in a literal sense, while the New Testament was written by various hellenised schismatics whose agenda was again not to teach facts about nature, but to legitimise their sect, proselytise it and to strengthen their own faction against the other splinters within the religion, and then were selected a few centuries later, when one tradition had achieved not only dominance over the other sects but also gained the support of the Roman empire so they could declare the scriptures that fit into their tradition to always have been what all Christians safe for a few heretics.
Biblical literalism was already untenable in the freaking Fifth Century, as the writings of Augustinus of Hippo on the matter of Genesis attest.