various TERFs #pratt #transphobia

( hmimperialtortie )
A funeral is not the time for an AGP to express his fetish.

There is no time or place outside his bedroom an AGP should be permitted to do this.

( littleowl12 )
Exactly. Debbie Hayton's school should be allowed to fire him, especially. It's really discouraging that TIMs claimed to suffer the same discrimination as people of color, and the West has bought it.

( crodish )
This is one of the points I still struggle with. I have no issue with men wearing women's clothing, but where is the line drawn? Debbie Hayton's clothes are "sensible" and "non-fetishy", so the only issue is that because we know he's male. But "clothes have no gender" and "anyone should be able to wear whatever they want".

He's one of the ones that "just wants to live their life" but where do we draw the line for "good trans"?

( littleowl12 )
No, he dresses just like his wife. Creepy as hell. "Modest Christian Wife" is every bit as kinky to AGPs as fishnets. That's the whole point of AGP. There's just a range of tastes. From dressing like a grandmothers to school girl skirts.

I don't care that he "just wants to live his life." He can do that at a transvestite pub, not in front of children. He's not materially harmed by having work boundaries that interfere with his sex life. It's not on the kids to help him cope with his cross-dressing compulsion.

Clothes have no gender, technically. But that's not the way TIPs see it, especially AGPs. Like I said, I don't think people have the right to wear whatever they want in every single context. And white men don't need some kind of special care or deference when it comes to the workplace. It's not even the fallacy of being "colorblind,"- it's everything blind.

( hmimperialtortie )
He’s another abuser, isn’t he? Trans widow in the background? I don’t think any man should be allowed to LARP as a woman in public. My “they’re just clothes” or “oh, cool” days of seeing men in dresses are long past. Seeing what AGPs are and what they do killed them stone dead.



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