Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 18, 2024 – QUADRUPLE NUCLEAR THREAT: Ukraine threatens to build a nuclear weapon while Iran, Israel and Russia all prepare for nuclear escalation

- There are no Buddhists calling for genocide or the bombing of women and children
- Biblical nations of the USA and Israel are the most violent, pushing genocide and terrorism
- Announcement on voting for Trump vs. Dr. Shiva
- The moral consequences of voting for those who advocate the evil of Zionism
- Ann Vandersteel exposes a new FEMA camp in North Carolina, where massive fallout shelters are being trucked in
- Russia's Avangard weapon system: Hyper Glide Vehicles (HGV) that travel at Mach 27
- Russia and Iran have a mutual defense coordination agreement, meaning Iran could have advanced weapons tech
- Gold hits $2700 and continues to skyrocket
- Special report: Are certain ethnic groups BORN EVIL and defective?
- Interview with Dr. Shiva who UNLOADS on Zionism infiltration of U.S. politics
- Sermon #81 - Entering Heaven is CONDITIONAL, and God says COWARDS are thrown into the lake of fire



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