Tinker B. #homophobia #wingnut sitejabber.com
I Posted an Anti-LGBT Journal Entry Discussion
The homosexuals and baby little kids reported me for ONE SINGLE POST.
And next thing I know... the Feminist, SjW, Liberal " DeviantArt Staff" bans me!
Who are you to "indefinitely ban" my DeviantArt account!? My account has been banned for "Hate Speech". I do not want to be the person to remind you that "Hate Speech" is "Free Speech". It is under "The First Amendment of the United States Constitution". You are breaking the LAW of the United States by shutting my mouth! You don't have the right to shut down my account due to any kind of speech!
There was people bullying me and harrasing me in that account, just because they felt offended by my one single post ... yet; I bearly did anything wrong and I got BANNED. Please explain to me how that is possible.
There was an immense amount of spammers who went to my page to solely bully me; and I was the one who got BANNED!
Please change that unbelievable and unfair "faculty rule" of; (not allowing a certain type of speech).
If people do not like what I had to say: they do not have to repot me or blame me of being on the wrong. I did not cause a "real violation" or "a real threat". What the actual stupidity is this??!
I did not harrass anyone, I did not spam whatsoever on anybody's page like how they did to me. I was simply trying to change people's viewpoint through facts, and they all completely misinterpreted what I was trying to express.
And the "LIBERAL DeviantArt Account FAQ"
Being against any act or having a differing opinion is NOT HATE.
I'm so sorry.. but claiming that; insulting anyone for anything is "hate" then you are hugging a whole new ballgame here. You are being unfair. Let people do what they please to do. If people blocking each other is not enough, then I do not know what to tell you. The people who reported me could have just blocked me and everything would have been fine. They could have MOVED ONE. Like how reasonable people do.
I do not understand why you have to go to the extreme, by banning people's accounts for the most insignificant of situations.
Just look at YouTube; they don't block people for expressing their stupid insignificant opinions and for insults. Everything is fine in YouTube. That's why YouTube is so successful!
If people disagree, let them. But don't shut anybody's mouth just because you don't think the same. "Hate Speech" falls under "Free Speech".. whether you like it or not DEVIANTART.
I thought this website was for expression. If you're not gonna allow all forms of expression... they why is it an art site?
I'm starting to think that DeviantArt is RUN by Feminists and SJWs and LGBTQs rstuvwxyz .. and Liberals.. and those weirdos that always say "Trump is not my president" when he literally is.
I give up on DeviantArt at this point.
DeviantArt literally turned into a website for babies in diapers! You can't say a single offensive joke because;
BAM! Your account is banned!
I miss the older DeviantArt.. the 2009 DeviantArt! where you could say , do and be free as a bird!
100% the people who Run DeviantArt are either all LGBTs or fat Feminists sitting behind a computer BANNING whoever they wish to ban.
DeviantArt is definitely the new Tumblr.
The site is truly run by SJWs and Political Correctness.
Oh you said what about the issue with Transgenders?
Oh you said you disagree with the LGBT Community?
Oh you posted a funny meme that 4 people found offensive?
It's not worth it.. Take all your art out.. And run while you still can! :(