various commenters #wingnut #racist
Most Whites are perfectly willing to use violence to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.
The problem, however, is that the anti-White system won't let them.
The anti-White system has made it illegal for White people to do what is necessary to make society safe and peaceful. And that is the real problem - the powers-that-be, not White people.
Yes. Many Arab countries, alongside China have blacks living in them. But blacks never behave as violently there as they do in White countries. That's because the Arabs and Chinese are very harsh in their punishment towards blacks. Obviously though, deporting all Blacks back to Africa would be the best solution.
@Nature_and_Race -- I agree. White people who lived in the past prove this to be correct. White societies will never be free again until The Judeo, anti-White system is completely destroyed by White people.
@Nature_and_Race Until we make the police afraid to stop us. The persecution will continue.
@Ovenkeeper2025 @Nature_and_Race jury nullification, whites need to understand it and use it
@Nature_and_Race That's the only way it can even appear to function. Separate and unequal. We're in charge, you're along for the ride to enjoy the fruits of what we do. You're welcome. Mind your p's and q's, or you will feel the pain.
Then at some point the question is, why are they here in the first place? They bring nothing to the table and just amount to a population you have to constantly keep your eye on. We're better off by ourselves, not babysitting every other humanoid just so they can suckle the teat.
@Nature_and_Race they threw the White guy in jail for burning a cross in his own fucking yard to deal w nigger neighbors. much less, violence. fucking anti White system.
@Nature_and_Race The problem is the Matrix is still intact.
Intact but cracks are starting to appear.
If this winter is as bad as its currently being predicted, and people can't afford food or fuel.
Watch how quick that domestic White man turns into a beast.
@Nature_and_Race Niggers are well behaved when they have something to fear. They only understand violence.