Jack Chick #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger boolean-union.com
(From the retracted 1986 Chick Tract “Satan’s Master”. The character is a “White Witch” infiltrating a Sunday school run by a former member of the coven who converted to Christianity,)
imageHannah the Witch: “You see, Jesus was a great teacher and was called a prophet of God. We are all children of God, we all have access to this power.”
Student 1, thinking: “You’re hanging yourself, lady.”
Student 2: “But, Hannah, where does this power come from?”
Hannah: “The use of the candle with the words of the prayers triggers the release of power from what we call the positive material plane… This is the very essence of the power that holds this universe together.*”
Footnote: “*Paraphrased from the Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Master’s Guide by Gygax, published by TSR Inc., page 40 | See Colossians 1:12-19″