
AmbiguousSalt #moonbat reddit.com

Social democracy is the “final stop” before full-on fascism. It’s basically a tacit admission by the bourgeoisie that a socialist revolution is drawing near, and they need to appease the workers by whatever means necessary. Social democracy can also exist, feasibly, primarily via imperialism. The reason capitalism is able to provide such a robust welfare state is through the impoverishment and ruin of other countries. As I understand it, it is for these reasons that Stalin (correctly) calls social democracy “objectively the moderate wing of fascism.”

Anonymous #moonbat 8ch.net

>How was it a bourgeois influence when the vast majority of rock and metal fans weren't bourgeois,

The fans may not have been porkies, but the musicians were. Rock music is fascist. It was a CIA PSYOP.

>a lot rock music had major anti-imperialist or anti-capitalist themes(John Lennon

Liberal hippie bullshit, lots of anti-communism mixed in ("You say you need a revolution…").

The USSR did fail to promote new proletarian music to an extent, but shitty boomer noises were not the answer.

>What makes this hypocritical is that at the same time ballet and classical music was kept in high regard, when these arts are to this day just entertainment for decadent and pretentious nobles and the grande bourgeosie

This kind of music is socially organized (in orchestras, practice sessions, etc) and performed by everyone. In comparison, the kind of music that is distinctly stamped with the approval of the bourgeoisie is rock music that focuses on stardom and expropriates musical performance from the masses. Orchestral music was accessible to all in socialism. Would you complain also that the socialists preserved beautiful tzarist architecture and made it accessible to all instead of demolishing it and replacing it with bourgeois skyscrapers?

The Good Men Project #moonbat #sexist goodmenproject.com

If you are a man, you are part of rape culture.

I know … that sounds rough. You’re not a rapist, necessarily. But you do perpetuate the attitudes and behaviors commonly referred to as rape culture.

You may be thinking, “Now, hold up, Zaron! You don’t know me, homey! I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you say I’m some sorta fan of rape. That’s not me, man!”

I totally know how you feel. That was pretty much exactly my response when someone told me I was a part of rape culture. It sounds horrible. But just imagine moving through the world, always afraid you could be raped. That’s even worse! Rape culture sucks for everyone involved. But don’t get hung up on the terminology. Don’t concentrate on the words that offend you and ignore what they’re pointing to — the words “rape culture” aren’t the problem. The reality they describe is the problem.

Men are the primary agents and sustainers of rape culture.
Rape isn’t exclusively committed by men. Women aren’t the only victims — men rape men, women rape men — but what makes rape a men’s problem, our problem, is the fact that men commit 99% of reported rapes.

How are you part of rape culture? Well, I hate to say it, but it’s because you’re a man.

[Click the link for the whole article]

praise you ☭ #moonbat #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

this comment below the article articulates things quite well. Identity politics is a tool of the ruling class to pit workers against each other rather than focus on class struggle, congrats on serving the ruling class.

Trans is a product of capitalism. You are buying an identity. Making the purchase easier isn’t revolutionary. There is zero-evidence that hormones are live-saving. This is the typical hyperbolic nonsense that the trans movement spouts. Gender is a tool of women’s oppression; not an identity playground, not some internal essence or belief that changes material reality. If people who think otherwise were a little smarter they’d realize they’re conservatives. Gender identity is to the left what climate change denial is to the right. If you are Ph.D. level philosophy student and can’t think any better this you should consider a lawsuit against the schools you’ve attended. They owe you a refund.

Iain Macwhirter #transphobia twitter.com

“Cis” is both a term of abuse and a form of linguistic apartheid. It robs women of their unique sexual identity. Intimidates them into accepting the absurd proposition that any man can become a biological female just by announcing it. “Cis” is the most extreme form of misogyny

Anonymous #moonbat 8ch.net

Furrydom is not driven by the commercial aspect of it though, you mong. The furry fandom's commercial aspect happens because it is not created by a centralized, mass-produced source, meaning that the barrier of entry to start getting on the market for furry product (BECAUSE WE LIVE UNDER CAPITALISM, EVERYTHING WILL BE IN THE FORM OF MARKETS ON A BROAD SCALE) is almost nil, meaning that anyone who can get even a semi-regular internet connection is now capable of attempting to start hawking their personally-made wares with nothing in general to drive people out by the creation of productive capital, on the whole, the furry community has been particularly resistant to the development of capital because of the demand for small scale personalized product.

What this means, you absolute moron, is that the furry fandom has been particularly anticapitalist, you even admit that yourself that it does not follow traditional capitalist developmental periods. The reason that commercialization of furrydom has gone further over the last few years is because niggas be poor because neoliberalism has been leeching off the lower and middle classes of the first world and it's been leaking into even their escapist fantasies..