All throughout history Whites have been outnumbered by you shitskins and all throughout history we have kicked your ass and dominated the world. The only reason we are in the trouble we are currently in is because half of our own people are against us. If Whites stood up and unified like every other race does it would all be over. There is no stopping the White race when we have our team together. The only reason african numbers have swelled to the plague like numbers they have today is because Whites feed them, send them medical aid, and technology. The only reason asia has flourished is because the jews have given them our technology and shipped our production over there. The day Whites stand up and say no more is the day all this shit ends. So you just keep going around poking sleeping Whites in the eye and bringing them back to our team.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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