After the MMR scandal back in 1992-1993, when it came out that thousands of children were brain damaged by the vaccine, not only was the MMR banned, but the number of vaccinations per child has been fixed at 12. It never goes up. How many vaccination shots does the CDC recommend for USA children these days? 70+ isn't it? Right now, the HPV vaccines aren't allowed to be recommended by any Japanese doctors because a couple of thousand young women were injured by the vaccines.
ah this prick… as far as I know, I haven’t gotten any vaccines (my ma brought into this bullshit despite being a doctor… of chiropratic) and yet I still developed a form of autism (Aspergers), so the whole notion of kids getting autism (of any kind) from vaccines is horseshit, and when I point this out to my mom that I still got autism regardless of her refusal to get me vaccinated, she outright suggested that it could have been worse if I was… god damn anti-vacciners…
what universe are you claiming to live in?
OnlyTheGhosts: “I live in the universe where:
- thousands of children were brain damaged by the MMR vaccine, so it was banned
- the sun rises in the West and sets in the East
- Billie Eilish didn’t win any Grammys
- there was a The Terminator remake in 2004 where instead of Kyle Reese there was Kyra Reese and Sarah Connor was already pregnant
- JFK arranged his own assassination!”
So Japan withdrew its recommendation for the MMR vaccine in 1995 after some children contracted aseptic meningitis but then after a few years went back to encouraging at least the rubella portion of the vaccine for children because it recognized the dangers of not vaccinating kids, and in 2006 it went back to encouraging the Measles and Rubella vaccines for all children, but that leaves a large gap where people weren’t being vaccinated and so 20 and 30 year olds are coming down with Rubella in Japan as of a few years ago. In 2013 Japan also withdrew its recommendation for the HPV vaccine due to some reports of vaccine-related illness, and has yet to change its mind, presumably because the consequences of that decision have not yet become widespread and obvious.
But neither of them were ever banned, as far as I can tell. Also, the 70+ is an inflated number that counts multi-disease vaccines like Tdap or MMR as individual separate dosages plus adds vaccines recommended during pregnancy. Vaxopedia suggests that the real number for American children is 13 different vaccines given in roughly 54 doses (depends on the brand of vaccines) by age 18 assuming that your kid has been getting yearly flu shots the whole time.
SIGH You know, I don’t want to stoop to their level, but at this point it’s starting to dawn on me that anti-vaxxers (and some other groups) are a truly hopeless cause. I usually believe strongly in the power of words and talking things out with reasonable arguments, but by now maybe we should just wordlessly exile all anti-vaxxers to another planet (preferably one filled with horrible but easily prevented diseases) without wasting anymore precious oxygen on them.
@Bastethotep #29863
We seriously need to start investigating all these screeds on the Internet that clearly come from alternative timelines…
To be fair, “alternate timelines” suggests that their worlds still obey the same laws of physics and reason as ours. Most of these fundies seem to outright come from Bizarro world or something; where even those things tend to be reversed.
…In a reasonable society, such people with a blatant disconnection with reality would be legally classified as “insane” and not be allowed to have a valid opinion on anything (not that I’d dehumanize them or anything). Unfortunatly, in our world the inmates are running the asylum. Case-in-point, Trump.
@Timjer #30015
that does beg the question of rather or not we all are a little insane, hell, perhaps the entire species is just flatout insane and the notion of sanity is what most people have come to regard as sane and what’s not sane
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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