Ken Ham #fundie

I’m sure most people, whether Christian or non-Christian are horrified at the thought of child sacrifice. And yet, in reality that is not so. Child sacrifice is carried out in our modern world in numbers that make child sacrifice numbers of past cultures look small. There is a slaughter of children going on daily across the world. Yet it is claimed by many there is no such slaughter.

If people today were found sacrificing children, as the Canaanites and others did in the Old Testament, I’m sure the public and its elected officials would be aghast. Such people would be prosecuted for brutality and murder.

It is my contention that in essence abortion is another form of child sacrifice! And because killing children in the womb has been wholeheartedly supported by many politicians and others, they are condoning murder. Yes, this is the slaughter of the innocents that is a holocaust of immense proportions.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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