If you truly believe that men and women shouldn't have to be limited by stereotypes, then the concept of gender identity is useless.
I'm not really sure if I understand the argument, but my first impression was: if stereotypes are really that, stereotypes, leave them aside for a moment when recognizing the fluidity of human diversity?
@Croquemitaine #141064
it’s based on the TERF-ideology, which thinks “gender identity” means identifying with the gender stereotypes. So a trans man/trans woman is “really” just a woman/man “identifying” with the gender stereotypes attributed to men/women. Therefore so TERFs believe, if we got rid of gender stereotypes trans people would cease to exist.
@Croquemitaine #141064
For example, they think that if parents find that their boy wants to play with Barbie Dolls, or their girl wants to play with trucks, the parents are inventing a transgender condition. That he wants to be a she, she wants to be a he, because that’s enforcing a stereotype, forcing a sex change on a kid that just wants to play with different toys than they’re ‘supposed’ to.
If we were to say all toys are gender neutral, dresses are for both sexes, all jobs and hobbies are unisex, then there’d just be difference, no transgendered people.
@Taln_Reich #141069
If being a woman means wearing high heels and make-up, then I am not a woman. So what am I, TERF?
Edited to add: I am not calling Taln_Reich a TERF. Just wanted to make that clear.
@Sasha #141086
For that. They just go by what genitals (they think) you were born with. So someone born with a penis/a vagina is, from the TERF-viewpoint, always a man/a woman. The problem with this, is that they entirely ignore gender identity, invalidating trans people.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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