Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

With one notable exception, nothing substantial is going to change when Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November.

And by substantial, I mean policy that affects our country's moral foundation. Policy that literally saves souls.

So let's start with the economy, because for the majority of brain-addled, selfish Americans, that's the only issue that counts.

The economy will improve under Trump. But so what? What can you buy with the extra money Trump is going to put into your pocket that you can't buy now?
Illegal immigration will decrease, but legal immigration, which is just as bad, will increase. The country will continue to be flooded with undesirables.
Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump.

Look at the millions of low-IQ retards who want Trump to lose. They are the most annoying people to ever walk the face of the earth. Homos and pedophiles (the same thing), trannies, BLM, liberal White women . . . They push for pronouns, face diapers, and fake vaccines that cripple and kill. They promote abortion, racism, trannyism, open borders, gun confiscation, the sexual molestation and mutilation of children, the hatred and suppression of White men, the destruction of the Constitution, and more. They're not going to change when Trump resumes office. They're going to turn Trump Derangement Syndrome into the biggest mental health crisis in American history.

Women will continue to murder their own babies. Men will continue to jerk off to pornography. Libtards will continue to molest and sexually mutilate children. Cuckservatives and fake Christians will continue to crawl on their knees and pledge their obedience to Israel. None of those things are going to change.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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