Pat Robertson #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

Televangelist Pat Robertson claimed on Tuesday that God told him U.S. President Donald Trump will win re-election on November 3rd, which will be followed by mass civil unrest, a war against Israel and “some kind of asteroid strike on the globe.”

“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,’’ Robertson said on the Christian Broadcast Network’s “The 700 Club.’’

“That doesn't mean you sit home and don’t vote,” he added. “That means you get out and do everything you can to work, but he’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.”

The 90-year-old founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, then went on to say that after Trump is re-elected war will break out, listing threats to the U.S. from China, North Korea and Turkey.

Robertson continues, saying civil unrest in the United States following the election “will tear the country apart” and give Erdogan in Turkey and Iran the opportunity to come together to wage war against Israel.

Robertson’s dire predictions go on: “What I think very frankly is the only thing that will fulfill the word of Jesus … is some kind of asteroid strike on the globe,” he continues. “It’s sudden destruction. It’s not going to be some nuclear war. We’re not going to be allowed to blow this earth up.’'

Robertson then the damage from the asteroid and says “then, maybe the end” will come next.

Robertson concludes, “I think it’s time to pray.’’



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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