fuck_ITcucks #sexist #psycho incels.is
Consent is a made up concept by foids to make sure ugly men, like us, just do our jobs to serve them, provide emotional support when they want, simp for them, and other than that leave them alone and never manifest our sexuality which they find disgusting. They think we're disgusting and that we don't have feelings, but ofc that's rude to say, so they come up with buzzwords like "consent", "unsolicited advances", "rape", "metoo" to bully us into becoming silent slaves and never expressing our feelings.
I mean, first off, the only real difference between an attractive guy and what they call a creep is looks, aside from the fact that the ugly guy has been denied the chance to learn social skills, and isn't as confident due to constant bullying. The ugly guy will naturally want to find love and get sex just like the chad and will try to do so. Women should just learn to deal with that and learn to politely reject people they don't like when they hit on them. They should be able to deal with minimal annoyances like that without whining if they want to consider themselves adults with the same mental maturity as men (which they should since they say we're equal).
Sometimes feminists complain about men lashing out bc they get rejected, and tbf there's some stupid men out there, but in a lot of those cases it's probably not bc of the rejection per se, but bc it's easy to lash out if they look at you like you're a cockroach or talk to you like you're utter shit they just want out of the way. I mean who wouldn't want to beat up someone who treats them that way.
Also, even if they were polite when rejecting incels, that doesn't fix the fact that it's an injustice that we're consistently denied sex and love, which are basic needs (despite soyciety wanting us to just watch porn, play videogames, wagecuck and shut up). So at some point you have to wonder, is rape really so wrong? It's one thing if chad rapes his gf because he can't take a no despite having sex constantly, but if an incel gets tired of NEVER having sex and rapes someone, isn't that kinda understandable? The incel's suffering is a lot greater than that of the raped foid. Not to mention lesser forms of "rape" like groping or having sex with someone who's drunk, tbh I'd say those aren't morally wrong at all (as a suffering incel, just like stealing isn't the same if you're starving vs just greedy).
So basically consent is a scam, if an incel gropes or rapes a woman bc he's 25 and has NEVER been able to have sex with consent, he did nothing wrong. Consent = know your place and leave women alone if you're not chad. Fuck that.
That being said I'm not advocating rape, just saying an incel (vs a chad who can't take a no once) who does it should be empathized with and not go to jail, and at most get mandatory therapy or something if caught. As to lesser forms of "rape" like groping or drunk sex, those are completely ok in my book (again, only if you're incel).
Made a poll to see what you guys think :feelsokman: