DJKTRON , Sonnet & opreroma #transphobia

RE: Follow the money- the strong link with trans ideology and pedophilia

There's a money link and an obvious intellectual link. I've found it glaringly obvious from pretty much the get go that this was a bridge to normalizing and legalizing pedophilia. It's a short walk from "children can consent gender transition" to "children can consent to sex with adults." This is not a coincidence; it's the entire point.

( Sonnet )
“No kids are getting surgeries, that’s transphobic right-wing fear mongering.”

“A tiny number of kids are getting surgeries but they are a rare and life-saving intervention.”

“What right do you have to tell someone else’s child what to do with their bodies? Mind your own business. Teenage girls already get breast reductions and augmentations, so what? These are medically valid surgeries, otherwise doctors wouldn’t do them.”


“You think a child old enough to decide about having her breasts removed is too young to consent to showing her breasts to an adult? Kids know who they are. Clutch your pearls harder. Right-wing purity culture. Sexist shame about women’s bodies. ~Won’t somebody think of the children.~”

( opreroma )
This is such a good point. A while back, I asked someone, "If children can't consent to sexual intercourse, then why can they consent to sexual reassignment surgery?" They danced around the subject, after which I felt very numb. Because I realized that was the point all along.

Yea, they danced around because the reality is they do think children can consent. This is one of the resultant horrors of having a culture that says any sexual activity is acceptable as long as the participants consent. That proposition is obviously not true because that would make necrophilia, statutory rape, adultery, and incest morally acceptable sexual activity. Somehow the idea that there's more to sex than consent is now deemed puritanical religious extremism.

ETA: the specific sophistry/error is that they are confusing a necessary condition for a sufficient condition. Consent is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition. This is why some people intuitively know that incest, etc. is wrong, but they struggle to articulate why it's still wrong if the participants consent.



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