New Chartist Movement #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Today, as the New Chartists – the ‘Chartist’ part now refers to the 1215 Great Charter (Magna Carta)
The truth and the common-sense solutions needed to fully restore the protection of The Great Charter have now been uncovered.
This can only be achieved by the immediate implementation of the Seven Requirements of the Sovereign People’s Charter.

They are

1) The Full Restoration of our ancient and proven Common Law Trial by Jury and Annulment by Jury Constitution that puts us, the people, firmly back in authority over our agenda-driven and self-serving politicians, judges, lawyers and bankers by lawfully removing from them their powers to punish and deceive.
2) The Creation of Prosperity for all by bringing back debt-free and interest-free Treasury money that’s based on the wealth and labour of our nation – exactly as we did in 1914 with the enormously successful 'Bradbury Pound'.
3) The Ending of abuse and harm of all children whilst protecting the Common Law rights of parents so as to strengthen the family unit.
5) The Exposure and Removal of the hidden and alien system of 'legalese' corporate governance that controls our Juries and court system whilst using outright fraud, deception and entrapment to unlawfully impoverish and constrain the ordinary people of our country.
6) The Call for a new and democratic Europe of Sovereign Countries to replace the planned European Union Superstate – a fresh European initiative that’s free from the unelected and unaccountable European Commission and the privately-run, debt-creating European Central Bank. Such a Europe would work in harmony on strategic issues such as trade, transport and the environment.
7) The Guarantee that real honest science is always used for the well-being and advancement of all and not for the profit and greed of the few. This includes the immediate termination of the extremely harmful and dangerous microwave radiation 5G roll-out, Fracking, Geo-engineering and Mandatory Vaccinations.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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