So… as a person who used to be involved in college admissions… there is little to no “discrimination” of white male students. I have never actually seen it myself. We did occasionally get accused of discriminating because someone didn’t meet the requirements but still felt like we should have ignored that and admitted them. However, there absolutely is still discrimination of students of color, trans students, and white women and LGBT people (although not as often as trans students or SOC).
For instance, one year our program only admitted white men. When questioned about this, the faculty in charge of admissions admitted that there were several good applicants of color but they ignored them because they didn’t feel like the students would “fit in” in a largely white community. Which is bullshit. It’s possible that the students might not have chosen to come here but if they’re a good enough candidate, you invite and then let them make the choice, regardless. But many of us felt like this was crap, regardless. There is still a massive problem of white, male, able, straight, cis privilege in academia.
But I know that ol WAR doesn’t really mean “discrimination” when he says it. It’s a code word of sorts - what he means is he thinks white students who don’t meet the requirements should be admitted regardless, and we shouldn’t be admitting SOC instead of those white students. I mean, if we keep admitting highly qualified SOC, we will likely encounter more people like Obama, and Wayne wouldn’t be able to handle that.
Hopefully this makes sense. I think I might’ve gotten heatstroke today. Anyway, TL;DR there’s still plenty of white male straight cis able privilege in academia.