How much dick do you think the Stacy prime minister of Finland has taken till now?
No offense to any fincel I don't won't to attack or defame any country.
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13 votes
11 votes
5 votes
Less than 25
0 votes
How much dick do you think the Stacy prime minister of Finland has taken till now?
Dunno if tinned sponge pudding with currants by Heinz is popular in Finland, but no doubt Sanna Marin has had that which is favoured in Kuopio: Fish Cock *.
*- Does not contain Cock.
I vote 2-5.
13 people actually think she’s had more than 100 different partners? A very small amount of people have over 100 partners, like 5 percent. Average is around 7, and most people think over 15 is too promiscuous.
Wait, TAKEN? You mean cut off…? Then 100+ seems even more fishy.
"don't won't"
A strange double negative...
As it turns out, the average number of sexual partners varies drastically from state to state.
Louisiana residents reported an average of 15.7 sexual partners, while Utah clocked in at 2.6 — but the difference makes sense. Over 62 percent of Utah’s residents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which promotes abstinence until marriage.
*- Does not contain Cock.
Aww, got my hopes up and everything.
OT, where’s the “none of our g’damned bidness and has nothing to do with her abilities as a national leader whatsofuckingever” option?
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