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jews Created MAD Magazine to Rot American Culture
jews have been subverting White Western culture for a very long time now, and one of the many tools they used to do it was MAD magazine.
Jewish “humor” is almost never sophisticated but usually very vulgar and often relies on bodily functions and sight gags. I remember as a kid in the 1960s one issue of MAD had a record that had a song with burps and flatulence. I hadn’t thought about it since until seeing this article and wasn’t sure whether I remembered it correctly as I was only about 5 at the time. Then I found it on Youtube.
Was that MAD or National Lampoon?
Or Dr. Demento? I don’t remember too many recods in MAD Magazine.
I do recall a number of funny songs with bodily content.
Been laughing at them for 60 years.
You know, you can either find farts funny or you can find them offensive. Choosing either one won’t change the number of farts in your life, but one will increase the smiles.
Clutching pearls over farts, and burps, is certainly part of American Culture. The weak, lily-livered, self-important part.
Get over yourself.
We’re still here.
I reckon the OP’s farting & burping over what is just Satire is not only due to its excessive intake of alcohol but because of it, needing to drown its sorrows. As others have taken the piss out of it having no concept of what “MAD” magazine and the similar organ “Private Eye” does, thus it feels Tired and Emotional, and…!
(Contd. P. 94) (He’ll be fired. Ed )
jews have been subverting White Western culture for a very long time now, and one of the many tools they used to do it was MAD magazine.
Well, DUH. Of course they were subverting Western culture: that was literally the point. It’s called “satire,” ever heard of it? Also, I used to read MAD religiously when I was a kid in the 80s/90s, and they most definitely didn’t limit themselves to satirizing white people, they did it to like everything and everyone that was famous.
Then I found it on Youtube
So have I.
A certain company - worth billions - is now so self-aware, they’re now not only hiring others to create that using self -deprecating humour about said company to advertise their product…:
…but when China’s miHoYo are using Satire - and we Brits love those who don’t take themselves too seriously - at such a level that Doug Piranha would be impressed so much that he would download & play “Zenless Zone Zero” what does that say about you, OP…?!
“Jewish “humor” is almost never sophisticated but usually very vulgar and often relies on bodily functions and sight gags.”
Did you ever watch Monty Python? Those guys were classically trained, educated in philosophy, and produced sophisicated humor like the Philosopher Song.
They also produced Mr. Creosote. You should look him up.
Claiming that MAD is "Jewish humor" because an early editor who was of Jewish heritage but apparently didn't want to have a Bar Mitzvah is far fetched. But not surprising from a neo-nazi hate speech propagandist.
I'd recommend The Rabbi's Cat as Jewish humor, that cat does want to have his Bar Mitzvah and certainly proves to have a deeper intellect than you do, even if only a cat in fiction. There's no need to be a Jew to enjoy it (and I'm not). It also parodies everything including Judaism.
I didn’t think about this earlier, but as fan of comedians….hello, how many of the most famous ones are Jewish? The Three Stooges, Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen, the Marx Brothers, Rodney Dangerfield, etc.
If you don’t find Rodney Dangerfield funny, then I have no hope for you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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