Andrew Anglin #wingnut #fundie #racist
[From "Tucker Carlson Goes Full Monarchist, Attacks Freaks Condemning the British Empire"]
Tucker Carlson rode hard on Thursday night following the death of Queen Elizabeth
He straight-up said that colonialism is good, and that Indian civilization would be nothing if it wasn’t for the British
Even I was like, “wow, this dude is hardcore”
It’s at the beginning of the above video. I can recommend it significantly
But it’s just true – this anti-colonialism stuff is retarded and in light of what the US and UN are doing, it is just nonsensical. The UN has gone around the third world and forced people to take the deadly vax, forced them to close their countries down. The US is trying to force everyone in the third world to have gay sex and put women in charge of everything. They also support Islamic terrorists
The British Empire never did any of that. All they did was bring Christianity and try to teach the savages to read and act human
Basically, the Jews are forcing this idea that Queen Elizabeth is a representative of the British Empire, and I think people should just embrace that and say “yeah, she was – and the British Empire was good”
That’s what Tucker did and he did it perfectly. It’s also why these right-wingers whining about the Queen disgust me so throughly. She was just some high-born woman who didn’t really do anything other than look and talk regal. Attacking her as a person is just goofy. She wasn’t a person, she was a symbol. That’s how the left views her, and that’s how we should view her