The Emperor Skeksis #transphobia #wingnut

Supporting/mentioning/memeing Harry Potter is considered a red flag by ADULTS who are able to read age-appropriate literature aimed at their age-appropriate reading level.

It's coming back around to being a dog whistle now, since JK decided to die on the hill of women's rights to oppose troons.

One day in the near future, after the Big Book Burning when all wrongthink books have been destroyed by the Great Diversity Council and the public execution-through-girldick of Joanne Rowling, TERFs living in deep cover will signal through their knowledge of Harry Potter. 'Snape was an incel' will be grafittied in the unisex toilets, 'Hermione was black, her skin colour was never explicitly stated', will be etched into a table at uni. And any woman reading will know that there is still hope.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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