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[Based] The Salem Witch Trials were Based as Fuck!

The general consensus during the Salem Witch Trials was that :

* Foids are innately much more sinful and susceptible to damnation than men were

* Foids are weak and vulnerable

* Foids must attend to house affairs and not meddle in such things as proper for men, whose minds were stronger

* Witches were those who sought to take an exodus from the patriarchal religion

The Devil(((them))) gives power(((hypergamous enablers like tinder e.t.c))) to Witches (((foids))) so they can harm others (((cucks and bluepillers)))

Most of the executed were foids (no wonder. They are inherently evil). A few men were executed as well (cucks who had been bewitched by foids guile and trickery)

Is disregarding your looksmatch whilst running after chads cock not a form of witchcraft? Is being a filthy disgusting degenerate single mom not a form of witchcraft? Is having an abortion not a form of witchcraft? Is using your sacred love hole as chads public cum dumpster not a form of witchcraft?

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" - (Exodus 22:18) or so says the Bible.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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