You assert you have the right to do whatever you please and it’s everybody else that needs to get out of your way if they’re so afraid of dying, abandoning civilization to you without the right to so much as raise their voices in complaint. No recognition of lawful authority, no rights of private business to set restrictions, not one whit of respect for public consensus, and should anyone exercise the right to self defense as if they viewed you as a direct threat to their life you are of course the only victim despite being quick to threaten to do so to them.
The group you represent wields essentially all the political power in multiple countries despite being a minority that quite vocally doesn’t give a damn about anyone but yourselves and considers the prosperity of their own countrymen not merely secondary to your interests but an actual threat and detriment to them.
You openly praise and fund violent, economically damaging demonstrations by thugs who freely drift in between borders whose only goals are to make the lives of others miserable for reasons of pure ego.
Your political peers make it an actual crime with hefty punishment to ever publicly discuss that anyone else is or ever was persecuted in any way, with enforced veneration of the state and swift calls to question the loyalties and fitness to exist of anyone that doesn’t toe the line.
“Poisoning the well” forcing public institutions and community resources with heavy public contact to assume the risk of individuals who will refuse basic sanitary measures, deliberately circumvent quarantine when they know they’re sick, and directly endanger and cause the deaths of others, all while holding the very people they’re pointedly rebelling against accountable to the loss of life and financial impacts that are a direct result of their own stupid actions.
The ONLY way you can compare yourselves to Jews is if you’re taking the stance that Nazi propaganda wasn’t just propaganda, something you’re not far off from insisting is the case on an average day so I don’t know maybe that’s intentional on your part. Because all the shit that fascists make up or imply about their victims? You are being that unironically and unapologetically including and seemingly with a special emphasis on the claims most rational people would assume out of hand were false because the direct results are so horrifically self-harming but here we are, trying our damnedest to keep you from metaphorically pulling a toaster into the bath. You just insist that it’s your right to do so while anyone else you want to accuse of anything approaching the same, regardless and quite often in direct opposition to the plainly visible facts of the matter, is a horrible monster that should concede to your every whim as a show of “good faith” you would never reciprocate.
You just think that you’re special, legitimately above the law pointedly including those that have nothing to do with the pandemic and existed long before it hit. Not only are you not restricted in any meaningful way your very lawless disregard for consequence actually has allowed you to get away with more than most on an absolutely daily basis, which is disgusting to me. I’m more likely to face consequences for reminding someone else to put on a mask to comply with private store policies - a policy that would be enforced by law even without a pandemic if you remember those old “no shoes, no shirt, no service” signs that went up as a middle finger to “hippies” and got a full throated legal defense that codified a business’ right to refuse service - than they are for threatening to burn the fucking store down around my ears because “I don’t recognize your laws” and “you can believe what you want” let alone if I actually attempted to physically eject them or god forbid hurt their delicate feelings or thick skulls if they struggled violently to resist removal.