Acion #magick

Servitor creation

I emulated the ritual in this video when creating my servitor gf

Demonstration on How To Create a Servitor

imma be impressed when someone makes a servitor that brings you money
so far magicians only have control over their mental states, not the world around them

that's not true. Sorcerers have been manipulating the physical world for thousands of years.

I made money from a hoodoo petition spell

I've heard of attack servitors

I made an egregore that can touch you. I literally made it to prove the reality of magick to this forum.

I literally made this thing to mail to .is members. Do you want the egregore?

@Ignoredpinaples this thread has all of the information you'll need to create your own servitor gf

this fr? what does your servitor gf do

This is real

looks like youre messing with the spiritual world tho, idk if im too comfortable with opening shit lol

The human mind is powerful enough to create spirits.

how did you do your ritual? was it aided with weed or did you do it without anything ?

It was my first ritual. I used weed to get in the right frame of mind. I also used the pot smoke to purify the area. Most importantly, I blew the smoke on the book I used as a spirit house. I use the pot smoke as "the breath of life"

This is the ritual I emulated

Demonstration on How To Create a Servitor



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