Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist
[From "Congratulations, America: You’re Finally Getting a Black Female Supreme Court Justice!"]
Justice Breyer has resigned from the Supreme Court, presumably to focus on making the smart carbs in his low carb ice cream even smarter than they already are
Channeling Steve Jobs, Breyer said he was planning to go “fucking supernova” on competitor Häagen-Dazs, who he claims without evidence has violated the patents on his smart carb system
Although the potential for smarter carbs in Breyer’s ice cream are by far the most interesting part of the story, it should also be noted that Joe Biden has vowed to replace Breyer with a ni… with a nice black lady
BREAKING: "I've made no decision except one: The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications…That person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court," Pres. Biden announces
January 27, 2022
As Tucker Carslson pointed out, CNN is just recommending random black females, some of whom have only been working in the court system for a few months. He noted that Biden might as well just appoint George Floyd’s sister
She is, after all, a very important black woman
And she’s the the style – the pizazz, if you will – to really give the court some much needed flair
And I mean, CNN said it – any old black bitch will do
I think Lil Kim has done her time and proved to be a very important person
Her face is really, really messed up from all that surgery, but she could just wear a mask like Michael Jackson after he had that bad plastic surgery
In fact, they could make a rule that everyone on the court has to wear a Michael Jackson mask so she doesn’t feel out of place
In fact, they already have that rule anyway