Kyle Rittenhouse should sue for defamation.
Kevin Sorbo should see a God’s Not Dead - like TV series where God shows up on Earth. In a new form every day.
Day 1: God appears as a lesbian biker, saying “Anti-gay was never of Me, only of people who CLAIMED to speak My Will but who only promoted their own agenda!”
Day 2: God appears as George Floyd, saying “I am not now, nor have I ever been, a God only for people of any particular skin color!”
Day 3: God appears as a homeless person, saying “The Prosperity Gospel is not of Me! It’s just Social Darwinism, which ALSO is not of Me!”
And so on for however many days.
...and after this Tweet, what's stopping TV stations around the world from refusing to show "Hercules" and "Andromeda": thus the residual cheques dry up. What are you gonna do?
Sue them, Kevin Sorearse...?!
@Anon-e-moose #103793
I used to like his shows. Then he went nanners. Luckily, there is some catharsis to be found - if you can find it, the '90's Michael Chiklis cop drama The Commish had an early episode where Sorbs played a stalking douchebag. I find that episode endlessly satisfying.
Rittenhouse’s trial isn’t yet ended, and we might all agree a 17-year-old has no business roaming armed the streets to quell rioters.
@kuyohashi #103808
It is the magic of art, literature, science and other human pursuits that some made works which are better than them, and Sorbo isn’t an exception.
The same dickhole that blanketly says Jews murdered Jesus and believes they have no right to be offended by such a statement thinks the guy who shot three people and killed two wielding a smuggled weapon he was too young to legally own after smuggling said weapon to take part in blatantly illegal vigilante activities and the hostile occupation of an American city with the express hope of getting a chance to shoot someone should sue for people saying that’s what he did.
Of course he thinks that.
You were better off following scripts better people wrote Kevin. Your own drek has the same problem with intellectual dishonesty you do.
Oooooh. Yes. Yes, he should.
He should drag this entire case into court and sue, i guess the prosecutor? It’ll be a civil trial, instead of a criminal one, so he’d open up the floodgates to effectively retry his case. Anyone Kyle bitches at for calling him a murderer would be able to carefully and completely spell out their reasoning for that appellation.
Then let the jury figure if it was a justified term.
That’d be cool. Twenty quatloos that he’d have to dig into all that money donated to his defense to pay the court costs counter-suit when he loses…..
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